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Building Mobius


JDK should be downloaded manually, and the following environment variables should be set properly in the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio:



  • In the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio where JAVA_HOME is set properly, navigate to Mobius\build directory:

  • Optional:

    • Under Mobius\scala directory, run the following command to clean spark-clr*.jar built above:

       mvn clean
    • Under Mobius\csharp directory, run the following command to clean the .NET binaries built above:


Build.cmd downloads necessary build tools; after the build is done, it prepares the folowing directories under Mobius\build\runtime:

  • lib ( spark-clr*.jar )
  • bin ( Microsoft.Spark.CSharp.Adapter.dll, CSharpWorker.exe)
  • samples ( The contents of Mobius\csharp\Samples\Microsoft.Spark.CSharp\bin\Release\*, including Microsoft.Spark.CSharp.Adapter.dll, CSharpWorker.exe, SparkCLRSamples.exe, SparkCLRSamples.exe.Config etc. )
  • scripts ( sparkclr-submit.cmd )
  • data ( Mobius\csharp\Samples\Microsoft.Spark.CSharp\data\* )

Running Samples


JDK should be downloaded manually, and the following environment variables should be set properly in the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio:


Running in Local mode

In the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio where JAVA_HOME is set properly, navigate to Mobius\build directory:


It is required to run Build.cmd prior to running RunSamples.cmd.

RunSamples.cmd downloads Apache Spark 1.6.0, sets up SPARK_HOME environment variable, points SPARKCLR_HOME to Mobius\build\runtime directory created by Build.cmd, and invokes sparkclr-submit.cmd, with spark.local.dir set to Mobius\build\runtime\Temp.

A few more RunSamples.cmd examples:

  • To display all options supported by RunSamples.cmd:

    RunSamples.cmd  --help
  • To run PiSample only:

    RunSamples.cmd  --torun pi*
  • To run PiSample in verbose mode, with all logs displayed at console:

    RunSamples.cmd  --torun pi* --verbose

Running in Standalone mode

sparkclr-submit.cmd --verbose --master spark://host:port --exe SparkCLRSamples.exe  %SPARKCLR_HOME%\samples sparkclr.sampledata.loc hdfs://path/to/mobius/sampledata
  • When option --deploy-mode is specified with cluster, option --remote-sparkclr-jar is required and needs to be specified with a valid file path of spark-clr*.jar on HDFS.

Running in YARN mode

sparkclr-submit.cmd --verbose --master yarn-cluster --exe SparkCLRSamples.exe %SPARKCLR_HOME%\samples sparkclr.sampledata.loc hdfs://path/to/mobius/sampledata

Running Unit Tests

  • In Visual Studio: Install NUnit3 Test Adapter. Run the tests through "Test" -> "Run" -> "All Tests"

  • Install NUnit Runner 3.0 or above using NuGet (see In Developer Command Prompt for VS, set NUNITCONSOLE to the path to nunit console, and navigate to Mobius\csharp and run the following command:


Debugging Tips

CSharpBackend and C# driver are separately launched for debugging Mobius Adapter or driver.

For example, to debug Mobius samples:

  • Launch CSharpBackend.exe using sparkclr-submit.cmd debug and get the port number displayed in the console.
  • Navigate to csharp/Samples/Microsoft.Spark.CSharp and edit App.Config to use the port number from the previous step for CSharpBackendPortNumber config and also set CSharpWorkerPath config values.
  • Run SparkCLRSamples.exe in Visual Studio.