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Python implementation of the Jeeves programming language.


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Jeeves 1.0

Jeeves is a programming language for automatically enforcing privacy policies. We have implemented it as an embedded domain-specific language in Python.

Jeeves helps programmers enforce information flow policies describing where values may flow through a program. An information flow policy can talk about not just whether Alice can see a sensitive value, but whether Alice can see a value computed from a sensitive value. For instance, a Jeeves policy may describe who can see a user's location in a social network. This policy is enforced not just when a viewer tries to access the location directly, but also when the viewer accesses values computed from the location, for instance the result of a search over all locations. Jeeves policies talk about whether a viewer may see a value. Policies are functions that take an argument corresponding to the output channel and produce a Boolean result.

Jeeves makes it easier for the programmer to enforce privacy policies by making the runtime responsible for producing the appropriate outputs. Jeeves has a policy-agnostic programming model: the programmer implements information flow policies separately from the other functionality. The runtime system becomes responsible for enforcing the policies. To allow for policy-agnostic programming, Jeeves asks the programmer to provide multiple views of sensitive values: a high-confidentiality value corresponding to the secret view and a low-confidentiality value corresponding to the public view. For instance, the high-confidentiality view of a user location could be the GPS location and the low-confidentiality view could be the corresponding country. The programmer provides policies about when the high-confidentiality view may be shown. The runtime then executes simultaneously on both views, yielding results that are appropriately guarded by policies. The Jeeves runtime guarantees that a value may only flow to a viewer if the policies allow.

This separation of policy and core functionality relieves programmer burden in keeping track of which policies need to be enforced where. The programmer can separately update policy and core functionality and rely on the runtime to handle the interaction of policies with each other and with the program.

Go ahead, try it out! Feel free to write to the Jeeves user group with questions.

Installing Jeeves.

Python libraries

For core Jeeves, we use the following packages:

  • MacroPy Python library for data types and pattern matching and to implement our @jeeves macro.
  • For unit testing, we use unittest and nose. Install with easy_install or pip.

The Jeeves web framework uses the the following Python packages:

  • We implement our web framework by extending Django. Install with easy_install or pip.
  • For the frontend we use Jinja on top of Django. You can install the django-jinja package using pip.
  • Mock for mocking and testing. You will need this to run the database-related tests. Install with easy_install or pip.
  • We also use logging from the django-timelog package.


We also use the Z3 SMT Solver for helping resolve label values. You will need to build from source so that our code can use the Python Z3 library for interfacing with Z3.

Running Tests.

Once you have installed everything, you should run the tests to make sure everything is working together. To use nose, first make sure your PYTHONPATH environment variable is set to your current working directory. One easy way to do that is with:

export PYTHONPATH='.'

You should be able to run the general tests with the following command:


You can also use nose to run specific tests. For instance:

nosetests tests/gallery/authentication

Using Jeeves

There is documentation for the JeevesLib API here. There is more documentation on our Wiki. We have a Quick Introduction to Jeeves. (Happy to take suggestions on how to make it more useful!)

You may also find it helpful to read our tests in test and test/gallery.


Python implementation of the Jeeves programming language.







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