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How to Integrate TapForTap on iOS

  • Create an iOS project

  • Add the following libraries:

    • TapForTap.framework
    • SystemConfiguration.framework
    • libsqlite3.dylib
    • libxml2.dylib
    • Social.framework
    • MediaPlayer.framework
    • Accounts.framework
    • StoreKit.framework
    • EventKit.framework
    • EventKitUI.framework
    • CoreTelephony.framework
    • AVFoundation.framework
    • AudioToolbox.framework
    • iOS_Tutela_SDK.framework (Not required in final release)
    • libz.dylib
    • AdSupport.framework
    • MobileCoreServices.framework
    • CoreMotion.framework
    • KiipSDK.framework (Not required in final release)
    • PassKit.framework
    • CoreMedia.framework
  • Add in the following resources:

    • TapForTapResources.bundle
    • MediaBrix.bundle
    • KiipSDKResources.bundle
  • Set "Bundle display name" in your apps Info.plist

  • Set mediabrixAppID in your Info.plist to the MediaBrix app ID that was provided to you

  • Set mediabrixProperty in your Info.plist to the MediaBrix property that was provided to you

  • Set NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription to an explanation for permission dialogs asking for location information.

  • In the file where you want to show an ad:

#import "TapForTap.framework/Headers/TFTTapForTap.h"
  • Initialize TapforTap when your app launches:
[TFTTapForTap initializeWithAPIKey: @"3d323e6d58c83e06dba2547ec54f8afc"];
  • Show a Break interstitial:
[TFTInterstitial loadBreakInterstitialWithCallbackOnReceivedAd:^(TFTInterstitial *interstitial) {
    [interstitial showWithViewController:self];
} onAdDidFail:^(TFTInterstitial *interstitial, NSString *reason) {
    NSLog(@"Ad failed: %@", reason);
} onAdDidShow:nil onAdWasTapped:nil onAdWasDismissed:nil];
  • Show a Achievement interstitial:
[TFTInterstitial loadAchievementInterstitialWithDescription:@"You achieved!"
                                          rewardDescription:@"a really shiny nickel"
                                                 rewardIcon:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]
                                               onReceivedAd:^(TFTInterstitial *interstitial) {
                                                   [interstitial showWithViewController:self];
                                               } onAdDidFail:nil onAdDidShow:nil onAdWasTapped:nil onAdWasDismissed:nil];
  • Show a Rescue interstitial:
[TFTInterstitial loadRescueInterstitialWithTitle:@"Rescue Title"
                                    brandingText: @"Our Brand"
                                  enticementText:@"we'll give you a pony"
                               rewardDescription:@"It's a really nice pony"
                                      rewardIcon:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]
                                 optInButtonText:@"Opt In Please"
                                    onReceivedAd:^(TFTInterstitial *interstitial) {
                                        [interstitial showWithViewController:self];
                                    } onAdDidFail:nil onAdDidShow:nil onAdWasTapped:nil onAdWasDismissed:nil];
  • Show a Banner:
// Position a banner ad at the bottom of the screen
TFTBanner *bannerAd = [TFTBanner bannerWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, (self.view.frame.size.height - 50), self.view.frame.size.width, 50) delegate:nil];
[self.view addSubview:bannerAd];


Sample iOS app for Tap for Tap SDK 4.0.0






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