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Remote Client Options

Stefan Tapper edited this page May 31, 2019 · 12 revisions

  • Job name: A name for your reference. Must not contain spaces or special characters. Will automatically be filled with a generic name if left empty.

  • Scene path: Network path to the scene file.

  • Output path: Network path were results will be saved. Sub directory render_output/scene_timestring will be created in this path.

    Output and Scene paths must be available to the server!

  • Maya Delete Hidden Objects

    This will delete all invisible objects in the scene. Drastically speeds up render time and layer creation process. If you encounter a lot of blinn_xx objects(which are objects without a shading group) consider turning this off. Otherwise leave this on.

  • CSB Ignore Hidden Objects

    This will tell the CSB importer to ignore hidden objects(not switches) on import. If you encounter missing content, because of nested instancing, consider to turn this off. Otherwise leave this on.

  • Use scene settings

    This will use the scene setting of the maya binary scene if enabled. Use this for eg. arnold if you setup the cryptomatte AOV yourself. Otherwise leave this off!

    ---- Warning ----

    If you disable "delete hidden objects" or "ignore hidden objects" to avoid lost shading groups due to deeply nested instancing, make sure to manually delete unnecessary objects from your scene prior to submitting it. Otherwise you will end up with thousands of layers and days of render time!. This warning does not apply to the arnold render options because it does not create render layers but uses a single cryptomatte AOV instead.


  • arnold

    • very robust and reliable ++
    • very good anti-aliasing ++
    • will use cryptomatte instead of render layers(greatly reduces render time) ++
    • matte creation will be done with a single cryptomatte crypto_material AOV
    • should be the most reliable and quickest option
  • mayaSoftware

    • very robust and reliable ++
    • very good anti-aliasing ++
    • re-loads the entire scene for every frame --
    • very, very slow --
  • mayaHardware2

    • very, very fast +++
    • good anti-aliasing +
    • keeps the entire scene in memory +
    • reliability and results vary depending on hardware and drivers --

Context Menu

  • Cancel Job

    Cancel the currently selected job. If the Job status is at Layer Creation or Rendering these Maya processes will be killed.

  • Force PSD Creation

    Force the Job currently in status Image Detection to immediately create a PSD File from already rendered frames and finish the job. Running Maya processes will not be killed and finish their tasks. Canceling a arnold rendering will not create any PSD at all.

  • Open Output directory

    Open an explorer window pointing to the output directory of the currently selected Job.

  • Delete Maya Rendering Scene

    Delete the rendering scene scene-name_render.mb that is created next to your scene file.

  • Move to top/at the end of the queue

    Move the currently selected Job to the top or the end of the queue. You can not move a Job above an already running Job.

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