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GraphQLAPI Tarantool Cartridge-based application simple example

This Example shows simple and quite easy way of howto use set of modules in application:

Quick start

To build application, start it and setup topology:

# build application
cartridge build

# start all instances including stateboard
cartridge start -d

# configure replicasets and bootstrap vshard
cartridge replicasets setup --bootstrap-vshard

# configure failover
cartridge failover setup --file failover.yml

or use bash-scripts:

# install dependencies

# build and start application

# bootstrap cluster and failover

Now you can visit http://localhost:8081 and see your application's Admin Web UI.

Note, that application stateboard is always started by default. See .cartridge.yml file to change this behavior.


Application entry point is init.lua file. It configures Cartridge, initializes admin functions and exposes metrics endpoints. Before requiring cartridge module package_compat.cfg() is called. It configures package search path to correctly start application on production (e.g. using systemd).


Application has two simple roles:

Both api and storage roles exposes /metrics endpoints:

curl localhost:8081/metrics

api role

Custom user api role uses the following Cartridge roles:

  • cartridge.roles.vshard-router
  • cartridge.roles.crud-router
  • cartridge.roles.graphqlide
  • cartridge.roles.graphqlapi

storage role

Custom user storage role uses the following roles:

  • cartridge.roles.vshard-storage
  • cartridge.roles.crud-storage


After starting application on router - http://localhost:8081 instance GraphQL IDE will be available:


The following schemes are available in this demo application:

  • Data - CRUD GraphQL API generated based on the current cluster data schema;
  • Spaces - a set of queries and mutations to manipulate spaces.