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Tarantool Cartridge WebUI GraphQL IDE module

GraphQL IDE module is used to add GraphQL IDE functionality into Tarantool Cartridge WebUI or pure Tarantool (without Tarantool Cartridge). Module it self and Cartridge role are hot-reloadable.

Based on:

GraphQL IDE interface:


Main menu

GraphQL IDE main menu contains the following items:

GraphQL IDE main menu with Copy opened

GraphQL IDE main menu with Save opened

Items description:

  • Play - execute request. Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-Enter;
  • Explorer - toggle Explorer window. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-E, MacOS: Option-Shift-E;
  • History - toggle History window. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-H, MacOS: Option-Shift-H;
  • Prettify - prettify request. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-P, MacOS: Option-Shift-P;
  • Merge - merge request fragments. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-M, MacOS: Option-Shift-M;
  • Copy - group of copy to clipboard items:
    • Query - copy query to clipboard. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-C, MacOS: Option-Shift-C;
    • Response - copy response to clipboard. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-X, MacOS: Option-Shift-X;
  • Save
    • Query - save query to *.graphql file. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-Q, MacOS: Option-Shift-Q;
    • Response - save response to *.json file. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-R, MacOS: Option-Shift-R;
  • Doc - toggle Documentation Explorer. Keyboard shortcut Windows/Linux: Alt-Shift-D, MacOS: Option-Shift-D.

Install pre-built rock

Simply run from the root of Tarantool Cartridge App root the following:

    cd <tarantool-cartridge-application-dir>
    tarantoolctl rocks install graphqlide


Note: This module is still under heavy development. API may be changed in further versions without notice and may be not backward compatible. Use in production environments at your own risk.


init() - used to initialize graphqlide module for non-Cartridge Tarantool Applications.


stop() - used to deinitialize graphqlide module for non-Cartridge Tarantool Applications.

Set endpoint

set_endpoint(endpoint) - used to set GraphQL Web UI schema endpoint in runtime.


  • endpoint (table) - mandatory, endpoint of GraphQL API description with the following options:
    • name (string) - mandatory, schema display name;
    • path (string) - mandatory, URI-path to graphql endpoint;
    • default (boolean) - optional, flag to indicate that this endpoint is default, false - if not;
    • options (table) - optional, set of flags to enable or disable extended graphql schema fields, where:
      • descriptions (boolean) - optional, option to request or not for input fields descriptions, default is true;
      • specifiedByUrl - optional, option to request or not for specifiedByUrl field for Scalars, default is true;
      • directiveIsRepeatable - optional, option to request or not for directiveIsRepeatable field of Directives, default is true;
      • schemaDescription - optional, option to request or not for schemaDescription field for schema, default is false;
      • inputValueDeprecation - optional, option to deprecate or not for deprecated input fields, default is false;


    graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Spaces', path = '/admin/graphql', default = true })
        name = 'Admin',
        path = '/admin/api',
        options = {
            specifiedByUrl = false,
            directiveIsRepeatable = false,

Note: Since Tarantool Cartridge WebUI doesn't support sending notifications to WebUI front after any changes feel free to reload page in browser

Get endpoints

get_endpoints() - method is used to get schemas endpoints.

Method returns endpoints (table) with the following structure:

        ["<endpoint_name>"] = { 
            default = true/false,
            path = "<endpoint_path>", 
            options = {
                descriptions = true/false,
                specifiedByUrl = true/false,
                directiveIsRepeatable = true/false,
                schemaDescription = true/false,
                inputValueDeprecation = true/false,

Remove endpoints

remove_endpoint(name) - method is used to remove schema endpoint,


  • name (string) - mandatory, schema display name.


    graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Spaces', path = '/admin/graphql', default = true })



Front init

front_init(httpd, opts) - method to init frontend core. This method must be used only for non-Cartridge Tarantool Applications since Tarantool Cartridge do this job for you under the hood,


  • httpd (table) - instance of a Tarantool HTTP server (only 1.x versions is supported).
  • opts (table) - optional, additional front-end initialization options:
    • enforce_root_redirect (boolean) - optional key which controls redirection to frontend core app from '/' path, default true;
    • prefix (string) - optional, adds path prefix to frontend core app;
    • force_init (boolean) - optional, flag to force frontend module initialization. By default front_init() checks whether frontend core module initialized or not, but if force_init == true front_init() will skip checks and init frontend core module anyways.

Set default schema

set_default(name) - method to set default schema,


  • name (string) - mandatory, schema display name to be set as default.

Add Tarantool Cartridge GraphQL API schema endpoint

add_cartridge_api_endpoint(name, default) - method to add Tarantool Cartridge GraphQL API schema endpoint,


  • name (string) - mandatory, Tarantool Cartridge GraphQL API schema name to be displayed in UI;
  • default (boolean) - optional, flag to set this schema to be default in list of GraphQL schemas in UI.

Note: This method will not be available if executed in non-Cartridge Tarantool Application.

Remove Tarantool Cartridge GraphQL API schema endpoint

remove_cartridge_api_endpoint() - method to remove Tarantool Cartridge GraphQL API schema endpoint from list of schemas in GraphQL IDE UI.

Note: This method will not be available if executed in non-Cartridge Tarantool Application.


VERSION - is a constant to determine which version of GraphQL IDE is installed.


    local graphqlide = require('graphqlide')
    local log = require('log')'GraphQL IDE version: %s', graphqlide.VERSION)

Adding GraphQL IDE to your Tarantool Cartridge App

There are 3 ways to add GraphQL IDE to Tarantool Cartridge application:

  1. Add GraphQL IDE initialization code to Tarantool Cartridge application init.lua:

    local ok, err = cartridge.cfg({
        roles = {

    assert(ok, tostring(err))

    -- Init GraphQL IDE
    local endpoint = '/admin/graphql'
    graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Spaces', path = '/admin/graphql', default = true })

Note: graphqlide.init() must be called after cartridge.cfg()

  1. Add GraphQL IDE initialization code into desired Tarantool Cartridge role init() function:
    local graphqlide = require('graphqlide')

    local function init(opts) -- luacheck: no unused args
        if opts.is_master then

        -- Init GraphQL IDE
        -- Set GraphQL endpoint
        graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Spaces', path = '/admin/graphql', default = true })
        return true

    local function stop()
        -- Deinit GraphQL IDE


    return {
        role_name = 'app.roles.custom',
        init = init,
        stop = stop,
        dependencies = {
  1. Add GraphQL IDE Tarantool Cartridge role as dependency of desired Tarantool Cartridge role:
    local function init(opts) -- luacheck: no unused args
        if opts.is_master then

        -- Init GraphQL IDE
        graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Spaces', path = '/admin/graphql', default = true })
        return true

    local function stop()
        -- Deinit GraphQL IDE
    return {
        role_name = 'app.roles.custom',
        init = init,
        stop = stop,
        dependencies = {

In this case may need to set endpoint of GraphQL API. The best way to it simply call set_endpoint() method from init() of Tarantool Cartridge role:

    local graphqlide = require('graphqlide')
    local function init(opts)
        if opts.is_master then

Use GraphQL IDE with pure Tarantool (without Tarantool Cartridge)

This module can be used with pure Tarantool (without Tarantool Cartridge).

Caution: GraphQL IDE module is compatible only with 1.x branch of http module http


    local http = require('http.server')
    local graphqlide = require('graphqlide')

    local HOST = ''
    local PORT = 8081
    local ENDPOINT = '/graphqlide'

    local httpd =, PORT,{ log_requests = false })

    -- Init frontend-core module if it was not initialized before

    -- Init graphqlide module if it was not initialized before

    -- set default "Default" GraphQL endpoint 
    graphqlide.set_endpoint({ name = 'Default', path = ENDPOINT, default = true })

    box.cfg({work_dir = './tmp'})

Build from sources


To build rock you will need the following to be installed:

Clone repo and install nodejs modules

    git clone graphqlide
    cd graphqlide
    npm i

Build rock

    tarantoolctl rocks make
    tarantoolctl rocks pack graphqlide <desired_version>

Also you can use npm run build-rock to build the rock.

After build completion you will get:

  • packed graphqlide rock: graphqlide/graphqlide-scm-1.all.rock
  • graphqlide rock installed to: graphqlide/.rocks/tarantool

Install built rock

Simply run from the root of Tarantool Cartridge App root the following:

    cd <Tarantool Cartridge application dir>
    tarantoolctl rocks install <path_to_rock_file>/graphqlide-scm-1.all.rock


For debug & development purposes VSCode may be used. Use F5 to run app or Shift-Crtl-B to run production build task.

Useful commands:

  • npm run build - to build production module
  • npm run start - run application without need to integrate it into Tarantool Cartridge App. Useful for development purposes
  • npm run build-rock - builds production module and bundles it into the rock