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dev meeting 20220412

Nathan Rebours edited this page Apr 13, 2022 · 1 revision

Present at the meeting:

  • Marek Kubica (@Leonidas-from-XIV)
  • Thibaut Mattio (@tmattio)
  • Etienne Millon (@emillon)
  • Nathan Rebours (@NathanReb)

Current plan

  • Marek and Nathan finish and release 0.3.0
  • Marek finishes stdcompat dune port
  • Thibaut releases hacl-star and hacl-star-raw dune ports
  • Etienne finishes porting ctypes to dune upstream
  • Nathan investigates the jsoo failure on tezos + opam-monorepo

Meeting notes

Opam-monorepo for tezos has been our focus and will be for the next few weeks.

Marek was off for a week but before that, he finished the hybrid mode which has now been merged! Besides that, he mostly did review.

Thibaut has been helping with the tezos work. He helped move forward on the ometrics issue: the Merlin's PR that makes the libraries public has been merged. Once this is released, ometrics will be able to use them and to unvendor merlin. This is not strictly required to get tezos to build with opam-monorepo for now though. The maintainers have removed the apparently unneeded dot-merlin-reader dependency following our issue on the matter. That is enough to build tezos with a duniverse for now. He also ported ocp-ocamlres and opened a PR upstream. Finally he looked into fixing pyml for opam-monorepo. We hoped we could simply drop its dependency on stdcompat but doing so would require adding compat layers for the stdlib in the project sources. This is unlikely to get merged so we'll move on to port stdcompat to dune properly. Marek will resume working on this as he attempted to port it initially. That's something we'll need to upstream as well as the port is non trivial.

Nathan has opened an issue to track on the tezos work progress. He then moved on to help with the 0.3.0 release, updating our lockfile and dependencies such as cmdliner and getting the compiler beta and --require-cross-compile PRs merged.

Etienne is working on porting ctypes to dune upstream. There was an open PR that he revived. At the moment port (upstream). years old port, only the test suite missing. Issues with Lwt. we should be able to get this merged soon, fix everything else and then get back to it.

Tezos being the next big thing, we're all focusing on getting it out of the way. Tezos will need a new release of opam-monorepo, including the hybrid mode and some of the changes we already merged, including the vendor marking in the generated lockfile. We had more changes planned for 0.3.0 but they can be delayed to a later patch release so we'll focus on what is strictly necessary and that is trying to fix the issue reported by patrick on the vendor marking (#257). Once this is fixed we can go ahead with the release. We'll have to check that the ocaml-ci, opam-monorepo path works with the latest lockfiles and tool.

We also need to finish cleaning up the ports that were on Craig's tezos overlays repositories. Some have been been fixed already (zarith, ocp-ocamlres), we'll focus on finishing the remaining ones:

  • pyml already builds with dune, we need to port stdcompat. Craig's fix was to drop the dependency but that won't work for us in the long run.
  • ctypes. Etienne is working on the upstream dunification. It's hard to tell for now but there is still hope this can be merged and released soon. We'll focus on the rest of the work until it becomes the blocker and when it does, we'll see where we are at. Worst case scenario: we'll rebase the old 0.18.0 port.

Once all of this is done the last remaining blocker is JSOO failure. Nathan we'll debug this and reach out to Hugo for guidance.