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Important note

If you are working on angular app automation then don't forget to remove browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false); e2e\page-objects\pages\base-page.js Line-10

Popular issue on docker

In case if any of you come across, chrome getting 'no session' or 'chrome not reachable' on docker It's due to low shared memory /dev/shm Please increase shared memory to around 1G as default is only 64MB and might cause issues even with single instance

Code organization

For integration tests the folder structure should be similar to this as our spec files are going to utilize multiple page objects for completing a test

    │   jsconfig.e2e.json
    │   │
    │   ├───html
    │   │       (type)-helper.js
    │   │
    │   ├───misc-utils
    │   │       common-label.js
    │   │       constants.js
    │   │       html-helper.js   
    │   ├───contracts
    │   │       page.js
    │   │
    │   └───pages
    │       │   base-page.js
    │       │
    │       └───(page-name)
    │               (page-name)-page.constants.js
    │               (page-name)-page.helper.js
    │               (page-name)-page.validations.js
    │               (page-name).po.js
        │   └───(testrail-root-after-suite)

If you guys are following these things then great otherwise if you have a better approach then please suggest

For Api Urls and Data They are supposed to be organized like

End point  

Directory structure
----ApiObjects (Similar to Page Objects) - Where you keep all the Derived data and data constructions
----Constant file and so on

Framework components


e2e\modules\Contracts are basically a kind of interface, like those things which are compulsory to be implemented by every page object file. Right now we have it for Page, so whatever is declared in it is a unified requirement for all the components that should be put in here. So this Page contract has to be inherited by all the page objects

Spec files

We must post fix .e2e-spec.js for all the test files

Api Instructions

  • Use strongly typed models for assertions and posting the data eg. swagger-ts-generator
  • Structure all the endpoints properly in separate them in each file
  • All the session related repetitive code must be controlled from api invoker
  • Use ObjectBuilder for setting up specific properties

General instructions

  • Create the item - POST
  • Retrieve the created item (Step 1) with the same attributes which we sent in post- GET
  • Update the same item (Step 2) - PUT (To make it strong, Do GET again and assert it)
  • Delete newly created item (Step 1) - DELETE (To make it strong, Do GET again and assert not found)

Reporting component

Allure reporting is integrated. For configuration please visit

On Team city we have to use Native TeamCity plugin or Third part TeamCity plugin

on local machine it can be generated via command line

npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev

allure serve , example

allure serve allure-results

Running parallel tests execution

Following keys are defined in default-config-setup.js

multiCapabilities.maxInstances: 5 Default max instances for selenium grid

bsMultiCapabilities.maxInstances: 5 Default max instances for browser stack

3 Ways to pass the max instances

  1. Using environment variable MAX_INSTANCES

  2. Using command line param --params.maxInstances

  3. Default is 5

Running end-to-end tests

Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Customization switches

Almost all the switches are configurable using Environment variable, Check the respective section for more details

Passing parameters to NPM

NPM scripts can have parameters passed by command line. E.g.:

// Notice extra -- with cmd line args
npm run e2e -- --baseUrl=<URL>


protractor <conf-file> --baseUrl=<URL>

Following sections defines which parameters are accepted by Protractor and TestRail.

Test rail switches

We have following various command line options available which can be specified as follows with protractor command All of them are optional

--params.testrail.projectId = [N] : Testrail project id, it should not be passed via command line and can be specified in params section so all the info is unified

--params.testrail.milestoneName = [Milestone name] : This milestone will be used to create a milestone with a postfix as current week number or it's already created it will not be created

--params.testrail.versionName = [Version name] : This version name is basically a field in test rail test case result field, we might want to specify that which version it should be tagged to then we can specify = [e.g] This would be common across all the projects but still we have made it configurable

--params.testrail.user = [login id] - It is recommended to always pass it using continuous integration tool so it's secure

--params.testrail.password = [XXXX] - It is recommended to always pass it using continuous integration tool so it's secure it can be either a password or access key

  • Test writing instructions - Please make sure that suite name in test rail and in *-specs.js is same and test case has an id append to name with bracket, Here suite name is defined in describe and test id is defined as [1]. Example
describe("This should be the suite name", function() {
  it("Mind the id at the end of this with bracket - [1]", function() {

Defect linking in testrail for the ignored tests

If we want to associate bug id with test case in a run then we must append the bug id in test name like [BUG:XXX-00000], Please note that it must be ignored then only it will be associated with test case, This test case will be marked as skipped in test rail


describe("This should be the suite name", function() {
  xit("Mind the id at the end of this with bracket - [1] [BUG:SNSGCID-19909]", function() {

Environment variables configuration for test rail-

projectId - process.env.TESTRAIL_PROJECT_ID

milestoneName - process.env.TESTRAIL_MILESTONE_NAME

versionName - process.env.VERSION

host - process.env.TESTRAIL_HOST

user - process.env.TESTRAIL_USER

password - process.env.TESTRAIL_PASSWORD

Misc. Switches

You might want to have some misc info to be passed from command line that can be specified using an object under param section of object in config For example we have 2 switches right now like --params.login.user = [XXXX] --params.login.password = [XXXX]

Product version switch

--params.testrail.versionName Or process.env.VERSION

Default - as Required

Selenium hub switch

--params.selenium.hub Or process.env.SELENIUM_URL

Default - as Required

Protractor switches

Browser stack related configuration can be passed command line and following options are available




Default is true

--params.browserstack.browser=browserName Default is Chrome

Default browser names are available Chrome, Firefox, IE, IE10, Edge, Safari, Safari9

We can also have them using environment variables, Following keys are used for their respective values

'browserstack.user' - process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME

'browserstack.key' - process.env.BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY

'browserstack.local' - process.env.BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL

'browserstack.localIdentifier' - process.env.BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER

'build' - process.env.BROWSERSTACK_BUILD

Thumb rules to be followed for organizing the code -

  • *.constant.js, can have field/objects/properties but not methods
  • *.po.js can have objects/properties but not methods
  • *.validation.js can have everything
  • *.helper.js can only have methods

Test rail package

Training references

-Javascript tutorials

-Protractor Foundation & Api


No description, website, or topics provided.






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