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📰 Articles Store

A webapp where users can post articles on the go.

🚀 Live Version - Deployed on Heroku

✨ Features

  1. Authentication and Authorization using PassportJS and JSON Web Tokens.
  2. Personal My Articles page to show your articles. You can also add and delete articles.
  3. User Profile Page - Displays username, name and updatable intro.
  4. A Home page where articles from all users are shown.
  5. Articles can be searched on home page via tags.
  6. Additional An Admin page accessible to only admins. Shows all registered users and their details.

👣 Steps for Running the App Locally.

  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Install dependences in root and client directory. npm install.
  3. Create a file in config/localkeys.js and client/src/config/localkeys.js and the following code.
const MONGODB_URI = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; // If using mongo shell locally. (This creates a DB named test)
// OR -> "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"

module.exports = {
  1. Install nodemon as a dev-dependency. npm i --save-dev nodemon.
  2. Start the App from the root directory by npm run dev.
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000.

❔ How to Use.

  1. Go to Register Tab to register as a new user. The role tab is prefilled with user. You can change it to admin, and can be an admin as well.
  2. Once registered, you will be redirected to Login page. Login with your username and password.
  3. Add new Articles under My-Articles tab.
  4. If an Admin, go to Admin tab to see list of registered users and their details. Note: You cannot see other admins in the list. Functionality to remove a user is not implemented.

📁 Folder Structure.

The root is the server, with app.js as the entry point. The client folder contains the React frontend built using create-react-app.

API Reference.

The server has following API endpoints.

  • /user

    • [POST] /register: Registers the User and returns the User Object or error message.
    • [POST] /login: Logs in the User and returns the User Object (along with cookie with access_token) or error message.
    • [GET] /logout: Clears the cookie and User Object.
    • [POST] /todo: Adds the New article to Database.
    • [DELETE] /todo/:id: Deletes the Article from DB and filters out the Object ID from owners articles array.
    • [GET] /todo: Returns all articles of the User.
    • [GET] /all: Returns list of all users in DB with the role 'user'.
    • [GET] /authenticated: Returns the isAuthenticated boolean as well as the User Object.
    • [POST] /updateIntro: Updates User Intro.
  • /todo

    • [GET] /all: Returns all articles from DB as an Object (in reverse sorted chronology)
    • [POST] /search: Returns set of Articles mathcing with the queried tags.

Thanks! ⭐