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This is a webhook listener written in Go. It listens to GitHub registry_package published -events, which happen when for example an image is pushed to GitHub Container Registry. If image tag matches defined set of allowed tags, a bash script is run.

Few environment variables need to be set for this to function:

  1. WEBHOOK_SECRET contains the secret which will be used to verify webhook payload
  2. WEBHOOK_ACCEPTED_TAGS contains comma-separated (,) list of RegExp matching accepted tags. For example, WEBHOOK_ACCEPTED_TAGS=^dev-,v[0-9].[0-9].[0.9] would match tags starting with dev and all semantic versioning tags (v1.0.2 etc). This has been moved to a separate env file as systemd script file did not like some characters.
  3. WEBHOOK_TLS_KEY path to TLS-key (to support https)
  4. WEBHOOK_TLS_CERT path to TLS-cert (for https also)
  5. WEBHOOK_PORT define port on which to listen for connections.
  6. WEBHOOK_PATH path where to listen for the webhooks <hostname/ip>:<WEBHOOK_PORT>/<WEBHOOK_PATH>