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Repository files navigation

e-commerce platform backend, can serve as a base for projects which consumes mongodb documents and advanced filters. As well as GridFS for uploading and retrieving files.

Initial Setup Backend

  1. Install miniconda latest version(This will install conda, a package and environment manager)
  2. Update conda just in case,
    • conda update conda
  3. Create the environment using the file macmod-environment.yml file using the following command,
    • conda env create -f macmod-environment.yml
  4. Activate the environment,
    • conda activate "env name"

Installing new Packages

  1. Install the new package in your environment using
    • conda install "packagename"
    • pip install "packagename"
  2. Add the package name and the version in the macmod-environment.yml file
    (put the package under respective package manager)
  3. Push the updated environment file to git.

Updating packages

  1. git pull the environment file.

  2. update your current environment using
    • conda env update -f macmod-environment.yml

    This will automatically check the differences in your current file and install the new ones.

Database Setup

  1. install mongodb from the following source:
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install mongodb-org
  2. Check the installation:
    • mongod --version
  3. Connect to the db with the command:
    • mongo mongodb://localhost:27017
  4. Use the admin database:
    • use admin
  5. create a new user for use in the backend with the following command:
    • db.createUser(

      user:"useradmin", pwd:"<password>", roles: [{

      role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db:"admin"




  6. Enable database security in the file mongod.conf:
    • security:
      authorization: "enabled"
  7. Create database replace the [] values with the names for database and collection:
    • use [new-database-name]
    • and insert a value in a custom collection: db.[collection-name].insert({ Name : "" })
  8. List the existing databases:
    • show dbs;
  9. for finish set the database environment variables with this structure:

    export DATABASE_HOST="localhost" export DATABASE_PORT=27017 export DATABASE_NAME=[database-name] export DATABASE_USERNAME=[database-username] export DATABASE_PASSWORD=[database-password]

  10. command to import json array to database from command line: mongoimport --host --ssl --username <username> --password <password> --authentication <clustername-uri> admin --db <DATABASE> --collection <COLLECTION> --jsonArray <PATH TO FILE>

NOTES: applications pdfs are stored in fs.files and contain 'brand' metadata key:

example: { _id: asdf, filename: "somefile", metadata: {filename: "somefile", brand: "ace"}}
all other content is stored in fs.files and will contain 'content' metadata key:
example1: { _id: asdf, filename: "someotherfile", metadata: {filename: "someotherfile", content: "Whitepaper"}}, example2: { _id: asdf, filename: "randomfile", metadata: {filename: "randomfile", content: "Lab notes"}}


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