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FileManagement Report

This is a report containing all the achieved functionalities as written in the requirements SRS along with the used design patterns. Each section contains the description of each feature, and what was done in order to achieve that.

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1.Design Patterns

The strategy Pattern

We use it in the User class as instead of inheriting behaviour we compose it that the class contains objects of each operation interface(IReadingBehaviour, IDeletionBehaviour, IExportBehaviour, IClassificationCreationBehaviour, IImportBehaviour, IRollbackBehaviour).

Singleton Pattern

We use it in the SqlDatabase as the connection is done once at the starter of the application then all the operations will execute with the same connection and when the user logs out the connection will close.

Factory Pattern

We used it to create objects in the User class of the allowed operation according to the user type.

2.Functional Requirements:


We start our program such that the reader will sign up if they don't have an account. Where the user enters a unique username and a password then if there is no conflict the user will be added to our system as a new record in the user table successfully then the reader home page will appear.


Each user needs to login before entering the system, and we display a menu according to the user type so that it contains his/her allowed operations. So that if the user is Admin or Staff they need to enter their key, as for the readers, they need to enter username and password.


The user enters the file path then we check if there is a previous version of it in our system if not the file with its size, content, name, type, version and versionType will be stored in the DB. If there is a previous version we will check if the user is admin or staff, if admin he/she choose the version control type so that the default version will add the new version as a new record and take the lastVersion value and the overwrite version control will save the previous file in backup table then overwrite the exist record with the new inputs. And if the user is a staff the file will be controlled as the default version.


The admin or the staff can rollback the files as the previous version becomes the last version instead of the newest one. So if the file is has a single version the file will be deleted, if the file version type is default the newest version will be deleted and the previous will become the lastVersion, and if the version type is overwrite the newest version will be deleted and the previous version will be added from the backup table to file table as the lastVersion.


Admin can delete files and all its versions from the file table if it exists. According to name, size, type , and customer category.


The admin or staff can export file/files from the file table in our system to their device in their chosen folder name if it exists. According to name, size, type , and customer category.

Create classification

Admin and staff can create classification that use in (read , delete , export ). They enter a unique classification name then choose according to what they want to make the category (Name , size , type or mix ).


All users can read files, by file name, file type, size or custom category, based on the user's choice the files’ name and content will display in the screen if it exists.

2.Non-Functional Requirements:

User Authentication

Each user needs to login before entering the system so that admin and staff need to enter the correct key and readers need to enter their username and password to get access to the system and request queries.


According to the login user type, we create objects in OperationFactory and then display a menu of the allowed operations to that type of user so if he chooses a not allowed operation an error message will appear and it won’t be executed.


Before inserting the file to the file table in the database we encrypt the file name ( Java -> Java_ ), also in the signup processes before inserting the password in the user table we hash the password first.


We handled the exceptions with user-defined ones, so that if the user enters a string instead of integer, an incorrect path when importing a file, or choose to export a file in specific folder and there is already a file with the same name and path in it or chooses an unallowed operation or there is a failure in the query the system won’t shutdown and only an error message will appear. But if the connection to the database fails, the system will shut down because all the system depends on it. Our exceptions : NotIntegerException, SqlQueryException, NotAllowedOperationException, IncorrectFilePathException, FileSizeException, FileIsAlreadyExist, ConnectionMySqlException


We give each component a single, clearly defined purpose, so we route the incoming requests to different components according to its type. This makes sure that no single component becomes the point of all the traffic and so the workload is distributed uniformly.


We used log4j to create debug and info logger in all classes for each action and store the logs in logger.log file.


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