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Issues and Triaging

Denny George edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 3 revisions


Adding new Issues

Uli’s repository presently allows you to add issues under 4 broad categories:

  1. Bug Report
  2. Feature Request
  3. QA Test Checklist
  4. Reporting a Security Vulnerability

Issue Hygeine

When adding new issues to the repository:

  • Give it a short, self-explanatory title.
  • Follow the template in the description, and include all relevant details.
  • Add relevant labels, assign members, and link it to the relevant project board.

In case the issue you’d like to add does not fall under any of these categories, open a blank issue.

Blank Issues:

If you're opening a blank issue, please ensure it has a self-explanatory title. Include relevant details in the description:

  • Add a short description about the issue.
  • Provide screenshots/links/other relevant resources for reference.
  • Breakdown the issue into smaller steps that need to be taken to resolve it.
  • Assign members, add relevant labels, link it to project boards.


Limit comments to the resolution of the issue at hand. If you would like to engage in broader discussions, please use the Discussion section.

Assigning Members to Issues:

Assign members to issues if: you have the authority to do so, or have had a prior discussion with the team/a member with the authority to assign members. If there is no specific member to assign, leave it unassigned so any other member who's interested can undertake the task. If you will be working on resolving the issue, do assign yourself to it, and add the relevant milestone to it.


We have bi-monthly milestones for completion of tasks. Our next set of milestones are:

  • 0.3.0: Due by October 31, 2023
  • 1.0.0: Due by December 31, 2023

Add the relevant milestone to the new issue; if you are unsure which timeline to allocate to it, do reach out and discuss which milestone is appropriate with other members of the team.


Labels help organise and understand the background of an issue. They provide information about an issue so you can navigate to the issue that is most relevant to your role and needs to be tackled. We’ve explained the labels we’ve introduced for the Uli repository below, do take a look to ensure you use the most appropriate ones for your work!

  • Documentation: Where you need to improve or add to current internal documentation, the wiki, the ReadME or other files on the repository.
  • Enhancement: Where you’re suggesting a new feature or posing a new request.
  • Level: Feature: This is an issue that describes a feature.
  • Level: Initiative: This issue describes an overall initiative.
  • Level: Ticket: This issue describes a ticket
  • Level: Ticket: Bug:
  • Level: Ticket: Code:
  • Level: Ticket: Spike:
  • Abuse: Abuse of platform or infrastructure.
  • Bug: Something isn’t working.
  • Good first issue: This issue is a good starting point for new onboarders.
  • Size:
  • Hacktoberfest: This issue is relevant to hacktoberfest.
  • Help wanted: You need help completing this issue
  • Invalid: That doesn’t seem right.
  • Role: The relevant team/member that should be working on the issue.
  • Priority: how much importance should be given to the completion of this task; choose between low, medium and high priority.
  • Question: More information is required to complete this issue.
  • Track: Is it a user-facing tool or a tool for abuse collection?
  • Website: If the task relates the Uli site.
  • Wontfix: This issue will not be worked on
  • Spike:


If you see any open issues, you can help us by adding missing information on the issue. This could include

  1. Adding labels
  2. Recreating the problem mentioned in the issue and share more details about it - stack trace, platforms tested etc Your goal here would be to provide all information that will help us understand the issue more so we can fix it quicker.
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