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Tauris Expression Engine

Build Status Coverage status Maven Central

Boolean evaluation and digital calculation expression engine for Java

Boolean Evaluation:

$country in ['cn', 'us', 'jp'] && $length > 100
$host == '' && 'Webkit' not in $ua

Digital calculation:

( 1 ^ 5) + (2 << 3)
4 | 3 + 3


Java 1.8+


    <version>{ LATEST_VERSION }</version>


First import class

import io.tauris.expression.TExpression;

Boolean Evaluation

String expr = "$status == '200' && $request_uri =~ /\\/.*/";
TExpression expression = TExpression.compile(expr);

MapContext ctx = new MapContext();
ctx.set("$status", "200");
ctx.set("$request_uri", "/hello/world");

if (expression.check(ctx)) {
	// print true

Digital calculation:

String expr = "1000 / $rnd";
TExpression expression = TExpression.compile(expr);

MapContext ctx = new MapContext();
ctx.set("$rnd", 200");

System.out.println(expression.calc(ctx).intValue()); //print 5


Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example
+ addition 1+1=2
- subtraction 2-1=1
* multiplication 2*2=4
/ division 2/2=1
% modulus 5/2=1
^ pow 2^4=16


Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
== equal $A==$B
!= not equal $A!=$B
> greater than $A>$B
< less than $A<$B
>= greater than or equal to $A>=$B
<= less than or equal to) $A<=$B

notice the type of left value MUST same with right value

Logical Operators

Operator Description Example
&& and $A && $B
|| or $A || $B
not not not($A && $B)

Contain Operator

Operator Description Example
in true, if the left value in the right value $c in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

Regular Expression Match

Operator Description Example
=~ true, the right expressio is matched to left value 'world' =~ /.+orl.+/


Operator Description Example
is left value IS the right type $v is empty
is not left vlaue IS NOT the right type $v is not null

below is right types:

name Description Example
string $v is string
integer $v is integer
float $v is float
boolean $v is boolean && not $v
host hostname $v is host
ip4 ipv4 address $v is ip4
empty null、empty string or empty array $v is not empty
null null $v is not null



Evaluated an expression


// $exp = "$remote_addr is ip4"