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Redux reducer focused on productivity


A Redux reducer usually is a function (function(Object state, Object action)) that updates the state and returns it. Usually the main body of that function is an ugly switch statement or even worse a series of an un-maintainable if...else statements.

const reducer = (state = {}, { type, payload, ...other }) => {
    // An ugly switch
    switch(type) {
        case 'some_type':
            return { ...state, myProperty: payload.someProperty };
        case 'some_other_type':
            return { ...state, myProperty: payload.someProperty };
        case 'some_other_type^N':
            return { ...state, myProperty: payload.someProperty };

    return state;

So when reducers have many actions can easily become unmaintainable and confusing, this can be error prone, since developers must rely on es-linter to detect the mess.

Instead of a switch, a ReducerFactory class, maps the action.type with a class method, while it handles the state mutation using the returned object by the method.


Installation is no different than any other `npm` package. Just execute the command bellow in a terminal, under the root directory of your project

npm install --save focus-redux-reducer

Basic Usage

Create a new class that extends the ReducerFactory class and add your methods.

Methods can be mapped with a specific action.type by overriding the ReducerFactory.mapActionToMethod method or the method name could exact match an action.type. That method should return an object, containing all the properties that should be updated. Return empty object if there the state shouldn't be updated. Another way to map an action.typewith a method is the of the the forType decorator

Also a special default method can be defined and will be called when the action.type matches none of the methods or the mapped methods of the class.



import {ReducerFactory, State, Action } from 'focus-redux-reducer';

class MyReducer extends ReducerFactory {
    // Mapping action types with instance methods
    mapActionToMethod() {
        return {
            SOME_ACTION_NAME: this.mappedMethod

    // Enter tour methods here
    mappedMethod(payload) {
        return this.updateStateProp('whatever', true);

    fooMethod(payload, stuff) {
        // It's not necessary to manualy update the state or make a copy of it.
        // Whaterver the method return it will update the state.
        return { foo: payload, ...stuff };

    // The default function acts excactly as the `default` case of a `switch` block.
    default(payload, { error }) {
        // if no  type matched and there is an error add return the error/
        if (error !== undefined) {
            return { error };

        // Otherwise mutate nothing
        return {};

const initialState = {
    foo: null;
    whatever: false

export default MyReducer.Create(initialState);


import { createStore } from 'react-redux';
import MyReducer from './path-to/MyReducer';

const store = createStore(MyReducer);

    type: 'SOME_ACTION_NAME',
    payload: true

    type: 'fooMethod',
    payload: 'Hello World!'
    stuff: {...}

Decorator reference [Experimental]

@actionType(...type: string[])

Binds an action type with the a method.

NOTE: This requires decorators support so the compiler option experimentalDecorators in the tsconfig.json.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "experimentalDecorators": true
argument type description
...type string[] one or more type to bound with the method


import {ReducerFactory, State, Action, action } from 'focus-redux-reducer';

class MyReducer extends ReducerFactory {

    someMethod({foo, bar}) {
        return {
            someStateParam: foo+bar

Method reference


Creates a redux reducer.

argument type default description
initialState object {} The initial state object
Reducer<S = object, A = Action> A redux reducer function


Returns an object that properties are action names/types, while the value is a callable. **Override** to map actions with reducer methods.

object<Action:callable(payload, ...args)> An object with the mapped actions


A helper method that returns a new state

argument type default description
property string A property name
value mixed The value of that property
object The new state


Merges the current state with the given props and returns a fresh state object

argument type default description
newProps object An object with new properties name
object The new state


Returns a copy of the current state

object A copy of the state


Removes a property from the current state and return a new state.

argument type default description
property string A property name to be removed
object The new state