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783 lines (510 loc) · 40.3 KB

Unsafe[Mutable][Raw][Buffer]Pointer: add missing methods, adjust existing labels for clarity, and remove deallocation size


Swift’s pointer types are an important interface for low-level memory manipulation, but the current API design is not very consistent, complete, or convenient. Many memory methods demand a capacity: or count: argument, forcing the user to manually track the size of the memory block, even though most of the time this is either unnecessary, or redundant as buffer pointers track this information natively. In some places, poor naming choices and overengineered function signatures compromise memory safety by leading users to believe that they have allocated or freed memory when in fact, they have not.

This proposal seeks to improve the Swift pointer API by ironing out naming inconsistencies, adding missing methods, and reducing excessive verbosity, offering a more convenient, more sensible, and less bug-prone API. We also attempt to introduce a buffer pointer API that supports partial initialization without excessively compromising memory state safety.

Swift-evolution thread: Pitch: Improved Swift pointers, Pitch: More Improved Swift pointers

Implementation branch: PR 11464


There are four binary memorystate operations: initialization, move-initialization, assignment, and move-assignment. They can be grouped according to how they affect the source buffer and the destination buffer. Copy operations only read from the source buffer, leaving it unchanged. Move operations deinitialize the source memory, decrementing the reference count by 1 if the memory type is not a trivial type. Retaining operations initialize the destination memory, incrementing the reference count by 1 if applicable. Releasing operations deinitialize the destination memory before reinitializing it with the new values, resulting in a net change in the reference count of 0, if applicable.

Copy (+0) Move (−1)
Retaining (+1) initialize move-initialize
Releasing (+0) assign move-assign

Note: deinitialization by itself is a unary operation; it decrements the reference count of the buffer by 1.

The four main types of Swift pointers we have currently support different subsets of this toolbox.


Copy Move
Retaining initialize(to:count:), initialize(from:count:) moveInitialize(from:count:)
Releasing assign(from:count:) moveAssign(from:count:)


Copy Move
Retaining initializeMemory<T>(as:at:count:to:), initializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:) moveInitializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:)


Copy Move
Retaining initialize<S>(from:)


Copy Move
Retaining initializeMemory<S>(as:from:)

There are unary memorystate operations such as deinitialization and type rebinding, which are not listed in the tables, but are still covered by this proposal. Raw pointers also have a unique operation, bytewise-copying, which we will lump together with the memorystate functions, but does not actually change a pointer’s memory state.


Right now, UnsafeMutableBufferPointer is kind of a black box when it comes to producing and modifying instances of it. Much of the API present on UnsafeMutablePointer is absent on its buffer variant. To create, bind, allocate, initialize, deinitialize, and deallocate them, you have to extract baseAddresses and counts. This is unfortunate because UnsafeMutableBufferPointer provides a handy container for tracking the size of a memory buffer, but to actually make use of this information, the buffer pointer must be disassembled. In practice, this means the use of memory buffers requires frequent (and annoying) conversion back and forth between buffer pointers and base address–count pairs. For example, to move-initialize memory between two buffer pointers, you have to write this:

buffer1.baseAddress?.moveInitialize(from: buffer2.baseAddress!, count: buffer1.count)

The ? is sometimes exchanged with an ! depending on the personality of the author, as normally, neither operator is meaningful here — the baseAddress is never nil if the buffer pointer was created around an instance of UnsafeMutablePointer.

Memory buffer allocation is especially painful, since it requires the creation of a temporary UnsafeMutablePointer instance. This means that the following “idiom” is very common in Swift code:

let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: byteCount), count: byteCount)

Aside from being extremely long and unwieldy, and requiring the creation of a temporary, byteCount must appear twice.

You can’t even cast buffer pointer types to their mutable or immutable forms without creating a temporary.

var mutableBuffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: immutableBuffer.baseAddress!), count: immutableBuffer.count)

Currently, memory is deallocated by an instance method on UnsafeMutablePointer, deallocate(count:). Like much of the Swift pointer API, performing this operation on a buffer pointer requires extracting baseAddress! and count. It is very common for the allocation code above to be immediately followed by:

    buffer.baseAddress?.deallocate(capacity: buffer.count)

This method is extremely problematic because nearly all users, on first seeing the signature of deallocate(capacity:), will naturally conclude from the capacity label that deallocate(capacity:) is equivalent to some kind of realloc() that can only shrink the buffer. However this is not the actual behavior — deallocate(capacity:) actually ignores the capacity argument and just calls free() on self. The current API is not only awkward and suboptimal, it is misleading. You can write perfectly legal Swift code that shouldn’t segfault, but still can, for example

var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 1000000)
ptr.initialize(to: 13, count: 1000000)
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 500000) // deallocate the second half of the memory block
ptr[0] // segmentation fault

where the first 500000 addresses should still be valid if the documentation is to be read literally.

Users who are aware of this behavior may also choose to disregard the capacity argument and write things like this:

    buffer.baseAddress?.deallocate(capacity: 42)

which is functionally equivalent. However this will lead to disastrous source breakage if the implementation of deallocate(capacity:) is ever “corrected”. Since the API would not change, such code would still compile, but suddenly start failing at runtime. Thus, the current API, combined with incorrect documentation, is serving as a vector for introducing memory bugs into Swift code.

The Swift pointer API is incomplete in other ways too. For example, the initialize(from:count:) method on UnsafeMutablePointer has a repeated-value copy variant, initialize(to:count:), but assign(from:count:) has no such variant, even though it would make just as much sense for it to have one.

Finally, some of the naming choices in the current API deserve a second look. While the original API intended to introduce a naming convention where bytes refers to uninitialized memory, capacity to uninitialized elements, and count to initialized elements, the actual usage of the three words does not always agree. In copyBytes(from:count:), count refers to the number of bytes, which may or may not be initialized. Similarly, the UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer allocate(count:) type method includes a count argument which actually refers to uninitialized bytes. The argument label to: is also excessively overloaded; sometimes it refers to a type T.Type, and sometimes it refers to a repeated value parameter. This becomes problematic when both parameters appear in the same method, as in initializeMemory<T>(as:at:count:to).

Proposed solution

The goal of the API redesign is to bring all of the functionality in UnsafeMutablePointer and UnsafeMutableRawPointer to their buffer types, UnsafeMutableBufferPointer and UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer. UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer already contains some of this functionality, providing a useful blueprint for the proposed UnsafeMutableBufferPointer API.

The full toolbox of methods that we could possibly support includes:

  • allocation

  • deallocation

  • initialization

  • move-initialization

  • assignment

  • move-assignment

  • deinitialization

  • type rebinding

  • bytewise copying

Because copy operations (initialization and assignment) don’t mutate the source argument, they can also come in a form which takes a repeated-value source instead of a buffer source.

  • initialization (repeated-value)
  • assignment (repeated-value)

UnsafeMutablePointer and UnsafeMutableRawPointer already contain repeated-value methods for initialization in the form of initialize(to:count:) and initializeMemory<T>(as:at:count:to:). This proposal will add the assignment analogues. For reasons explained later, the argument label for the repeated-value parameter will be referred to as repeating:, not to:.

In their most general form, these functions are written like this:

func allocate(as:count:) -> PointerType
func deallocate()

func initialize(at:as:repeating:count:)
func initialize(at:as:from:count:)
func moveInitialize(at:as:from:count:)

func assign(at:as:repeating:count:)
func assign(at:as:from:count:)
func moveAssign(at:as:from:count:)

func deinitialize(at:as:count:)
func rebindMemory(as:count:)

func copyBytes(at:from:count:)


  • as: refers to the element type
  • at: refers to an offset from self, in strides of the element type, if any
  • repeating: refers to a repeating value
  • from: refers to a second pointer which serves as the source
  • count: refers the number of elements the operation operates on

On actual pointer types, most of these parameters are unnecessary, and some of the methods themselves either don’t make sense to support, or are not practically useful.

  • it only makes sense for immutable pointer types to support deallocation and type rebinding. Note that Swift’s memory model does not require memory to be mutable for deallocation.

  • raw (untyped) pointers should not support any operations which involve deinitialization on self. This rules out deinitialization itself, as well as any releasing operations (assignment, move-assignment).

  • typed pointers don’t need an as: parameter (except for type rebinding) — they already have a type. It also doesn’t make sense for them to support byte-wise copying.

  • pointers for which it is syntactically easy to offset in strides, or in the case of raw pointers, bytes (for example, by pointer arithmetic with +), don’t need to take an at: argument.

This proposal moves the at: parameter to the front of the parameter list. (Where this parameter used to appear in UnsafeMutableRawPointer, it came after the as: parameter.) The rationale for this is that this proposal redefines the at: parameter in terms of pointer arithmetic offsets, and pointer arithmetic is written “first” from left to right. Since some of our pointer types will use at: and others won’t, we want the offset value to occur roughly in the same reading order across all our pointer types.

note: some of these conceptual argument labels have different names in the real API. as: is written as to: in the type-rebinding methods because it sounds better. count: is sometimes written as capacity: or bytes: to express the assumptions about the stride and initialization state of the memory in question.

  • bytes refers to, well, a byte quantity that is not assumed to be initialized.
  • capacity refers to a strided quantity that is not assumed to be initialized.
  • count refers to a strided quantity that is assumed to be initialized.

note: we don’t bother supporting an at: offset in type rebinding operations since we don’t anticipate much use for such a feature.


func deallocate()
func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:capacity:_:) -> Result

UnsafePointer does not get an allocator static method, since you almost always want a mutable pointer to newly allocated memory. Its type rebinding method is also written as a decorator, taking a trailing closure, for memory safety. UnsafePointer does not take at: arguments since + provides pointer arithmetic for it.


func allocate<Pointee>(capacity:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>
func deallocate()

func initialize(repeating:count:)
func initializePointee(to:)
func initialize(from:count:)
func moveInitialize(from:count:)

func assign(repeating:count:)
func assign(from:count:)
func moveAssign(from:count:)

func deinitialize(count:)
func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:capacity:_:) -> Result

Like UnsafePointer, UnsafeMutablePointer’s type rebinding method is written as a decorator, and its methods do not need at: arguments.

Unlike earlier versions of this proposal, we propose adding a method initializePointee(to:) to UnsafeMutablePointer. Previously, the single-element initialization case was supported by a default argument of 1 on initialize(repeating:count:)’s count: parameter, but it was decided this was too confusing in terms of API readability. For example, calls to initialize(repeating:count:) and its corresponding method on UnsafeMutableBufferPointer were prone to look the same.

plainPointer.initialize(repeating: pointee) 
bufferPointer.initialize(repeating: repeatedValue)

Increasing API surface by adding this method is justified by the large number of calls to initialize(to:count:) in the standard library (and likely other code) which rely on the default argument of 1. We do not need to add a corresponding assignPointee(to:) method since this can be done with the assignment operator.

ptr.pointee = newValue 


func deallocate()

func bindMemory<T>(to:capacity:) -> UnsafePointer<T>


func allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer
func deallocate()

func initializeMemory<T>(as:repeating:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
func initializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
func moveInitializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

func bindMemory<T>(to:capacity:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

func copyMemory(from:bytes:)

The as: argument in allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) is represented by an alignment parameter which takes an integer. This is more useful since we often need a computed alignment (like when aligning a structure) instead of a preset type alignment.

Currently, UnsafeMutableRawPointer’s methods take an at: offset argument that is interpreted in strides. This argument is not currently in use in the entire Swift standard library, and we believe that it is not useful in practice. This proposal replaces it with a atByteOffset: argument which takes a byte offset, a much more useful parameter. Since a byte offset off of a UnsafeMutableRawPointer can easily be obtained through pointer arithmetic, we do not actually need such an argument here.

Unlike UnsafeMutablePointer, we do not add a single-instance initialize method to UnsafeMutableRawPointer, as such a method would probably not be useful. However, we still remove the default argument of 1 from the count: argument in initializeMemory<T>(as:repeating:count:) to prevent confusion with calls to its buffer variant.

Buffer pointers are conceptually similar to plain pointers, except the count: argument is often unnecessary since they track their own length internally. This means you would call

ptr1.initialize(repeating: value, count: count)

on an UnsafeMutablePointer, but

buffer1.initialize(repeating: value)

on an UnsafeMutableBufferPointer.

Implementing unary operations like repeated-value initialization, repeated-value assignment, and type rebinding is straightforward. However, with binary operations like move-initialization, which involves both a source buffer and a destination buffer, the question of whose count to use becomes important.

One option is to use the destination’s count, and set the precondition that source.count >= destination.count. The benefit to this is that the destination is always guaranteed to be fully initialized, so that a sizeless deinitialize() can be safely called on it. However, in the case of move-initialization and move-assignment, it can leave the source buffer partially deinitialized which is just as big a problem. It is also not very useful in practice, since real collections tend to grow monotonically, periodically moving their contents into larger and larger buffers.

A better option is to use the source’s count, combined with an at: offset, and set the precondition that offset + source.count <= destination.count. This at:from: system inspired by existing UnsafeMutableRawPointer APIs is an extremely useful system for supporting partially initialized buffer pointers by allowing us to initialize, assign, and move buffers in segments. For example, it would now be easy to concatenate multiple buffers into one.

let pixels:Int ={ $0.count }.reduce(0, +)
var image = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Pixel>.allocate(capacity: pixels)

var filled:Int = 0
for scanline:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Pixel> in scanlines 
    image.moveInitialize(at: filled, from: scanline)
    filled += scanline.count

image.deinitialize(at: 0, count: filled)

Under this system, it will be impossible to leave part of a source buffer deinitialized, and every segment of a destination buffer will be accessible (instead of only segments starting at index 0.)

For now, calling deallocate() on a buffer pointer is only defined behavior if the buffer pointer references a complete heap memory block. This operation may become supported in a wider variety of cases in the future if Swift gets a more sophisticated heap allocation backend.

note: we use at: instead of + because pointer arithmetic does not play well with the nillable buffer pointer baseAddress.

note: while deinitialization can be performed on a buffer pointer using its own count property, we have decided it’s better to explicitly ask for the at:count: pair to be consistent with real use patterns and the rest of the proposed API which operates on segments of self.


func deallocate()
func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:_:) -> Result

The buffer type rebind method dynamically computes the new count by performing multiplication and integer division, since the target type may have a different stride than the original type. This is in line with existing precedent in the generic buffer method initializeMemory<S>(as:from:) on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.


func allocate<Element>(capacity:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>
func deallocate()

func initialize(repeating:)
func initialize(at:from:)
func moveInitialize(at:from:)

func assign(repeating:)
func assign(at:from:)
func moveAssign(at:from:)

func deinitialize(at:count)
func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:_:) -> Result

The buffer type rebind method works the same way as in UnsafeBufferPointer. (Type rebinding never cares about mutability.)

note: the at: arguments in UnsafeMutableBufferPointer and UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer should not receive default values, as they are an integral part of the buffer pointer memory state safety system, and so it is important they appear at the call site.


func deallocate()

func bindMemory<T>(to:) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>


func allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
func deallocate()

func initializeMemory<T>(as:repeating:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
func initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
func moveInitializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func bindMemory<T>(to:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func copyMemory(at:from:)

note: initializeMemory(as:repeating:) performs integer division on self.count (just like bindMemory(to:))

note: the return values of initializeMemory(as:repeating:), initializeMemory(as:at:from:), and moveInitializeMemory(as:at:from:) should all be marked as @discardableResult.

note: even though the at: argument in copyMemory(at:from:) is in terms of bytes, it is not written as atByteOffset since there is no type object parameter in the function signature that could suggest that the offset is in typed strides.

Detailed changes

The proposed new API attempts to build on the existing API wherever possible. With the exception of deallocate() (which has good justification to replace deallocate(capacity:) and deallocate(bytes:alignedTo:)), all changes are either pure additive changes, or renames which are trivial to automigrate. This reduces the amount of source breakage.

  • fix the ordering of the arguments in initializeMemory<Element>(as:at:count:to:) and rename the argument to: to repeating: in all repeated-value copy functions

The ordering of the to: and count: argument labels in the initializeMemory<Element>(as:at:count:to:) method on UnsafeMutableRawPointer contradicts the rest of the Swift pointer API, where to: precedes count:.

Because the ordering initializeMemory<Element>(as:at:to:count:) conflicts with the use of to: as the argument label for a target type, this argument should be renamed to repeating:. The word repeating: is much more clear in terms of describing the methods’ behavior, and is consistent with the use of the word in the Array API.

  • add the repeated-value copy assignment method assign(repeating:count:)

This addresses the missing assignment analogue to the initialize(to:count:) method.

  • rename copyBytes(from:count:) and copyBytes(from:) to copyMemory(from:bytes:) and copyMemory(at:from:)

This brings the method names in line with the rest of the raw pointer API.

note: we do not change the copyBytes<C>(from:) collection method.

  • rename count in UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count:) to bytes and add an alignedTo parameter to make it UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(bytes:alignedTo:)

This brings it in line with the UnsafeMutableRawPointer allocator, and avoids the contradictory and inconsistent use of count to represent a byte quantity. Currently UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count:) aligns to the size of UInt, an assumption not shared by its plain variant.

  • add an init(mutating:) initializer to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer

This makes it much easier to make a mutable copy of an immutable buffer pointer. Such an initializer already exists on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer, so adding one to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer is also necessary for consistency. The reverse initializer, from UnsafeMutableBufferPointer to UnsafeBufferPointer should also be added for completeness.

  • add a mutable overload to the copyMemory(at:from:) method on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer, the initialize(at:from:) and assign(at:from:) methods on UnsafeMutableBufferPointer, and the initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) method on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer

Currently, for plain pointers, there is a compiler subtyping relationship between UnsafePointer and UnsafeMutablePointer. No such relationship exists between UnsafeBufferPointer and UnsafeMutableBufferPointer or their raw counterparts, so it is necessary to provide mutable overloads for these functions.

  • add deallocate() to all pointer types, replacing any existing deallocation methods

Removing capacity from deallocate(capacity:) will end the confusion over what deallocate() does, making it obvious that deallocate() will free the entire memory block at self, just as if free() were called on it.

The old deallocate(capacity:) method should be marked as deprecated and eventually removed since it currently encourages dangerously incorrect code. This avoids misleading future users, encourages current users to address this potentially catastrophic memory bug, and leaves the possibility open for us to add a deallocate(capacity:) method in the future, or perhaps even a reallocate(toCapacity:) method.

Along similar lines, the bytes and alignedTo parameters should be removed from the deallocate(bytes:alignedTo:) method on UnsafeMutableRawPointer and UnsafeRawPointer.

An unsized deallocate() method should be added to all pointer types, even immutable ones, as Swift’s memory model does not require memory to be mutable for deallocation. This fixes SR-3309. Note, immutable raw buffer pointers already support this API.

note: the deallocation size parameters were originally included in early versions of Swift in order to support a more sophisticated hypothetical heap allocator backend that we wanted to have in the future. (Swift currently calls malloc(_:) and free().) While such a backend would theoretically run more efficiently than the C backend, overengineering Swift to support it in the future has proven to be a detriment to users right now. By removing the size parameters now, we make it easier and safer to reintroduce such an API in the future without inadvertently causing silent source breakage.

note: changes to deallocation methods are not listed in the type-by-type overview below. All items in the following list are either non-source breaking, or trivially automigratable.


Existing methods

func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:capacity:_:) -> Result


Existing methods

func allocate<Pointee>(capacity:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>

func initialize(from:count:)
func moveInitialize(from:count:)

func assign(from:count:)
func moveAssign(from:count:)

func deinitialize(count:)
func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:capacity:_:) -> Result

Renamed methods

--- func initialize(to:count:)
+++ func initialize(repeating:count:)

New methods

+++ func initializePointee(to:)
+++ func assign(repeating:count:)


Existing methods

func bindMemory<T>(to:capacity:) -> UnsafePointer<T>


Existing methods

func allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer

func initializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
func moveInitializeMemory<T>(as:from:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

func bindMemory<T>(to:capacity:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

Renamed methods and dropped arguments

--- func initializeMemory<T>(as:at:count:to:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
+++ func initializeMemory<T>(as:repeating:count:) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

--- func copyBytes(from:count:) 
+++ func copyMemory(from:bytes:)

note: We are adding a new default argument of MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment for the alignment parameter in allocate(bytes:alignedTo:). The rationale is that Swift is introducing a language-level default guarantee of word-aligned storage, so the default argument reflects Swift’s memory model. Higher alignments (such as 16-byte alignment) should be specified explicitly by the user.


New methods

+++ func deallocate()

+++ withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:_:) -> Result


New methods

+++ static 
+++ func allocate<Element>(capacity:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>
+++ func deallocate()

+++ func initialize(repeating:)
+++ func initialize(at:from:)
+++ func moveInitialize(at:from:)

+++ func assign(repeating:)
+++ func assign(at:from:)
+++ func moveAssign(at:from:)

+++ func deinitialize(at:count:)
+++ func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:_:) -> Result


Existing methods


New methods

+++ func bindMemory<T>(to:) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>


Existing methods


Renamed methods and new/renamed arguments

--- static 
--- func allocate(count:) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
+++ static 
+++ func allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer

--- func copyBytes(from:) 
+++ func copyMemory(at:from:)

New methods

+++ func initializeMemory<T>(as:repeating:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
+++ func initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
+++ func moveInitializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

+++ func bindMemory<T>(to:) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

note: for backwards compatibility, the alignedTo: argument in allocate(bytes:alignedTo:) should take a default value of MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment. This requires SR-5664 to be fixed before it will work properly.

note: The new at: argument in copyMemory(at:from:) has a backwards-compatible default argument of 0. This poses no risk to memory state safety, since this method can only perform a bytewise copy anyways.

What this proposal does not do

  • attempt to fully support partial initialization

This proposal attempts to design a buffer interface that provides some semblance of memory state safety. However, it does not fully address issues relating to ergonomics such as

  • overloading + for buffer pointers, allowing “pointer arithmetic” to be performed on buffer pointers
  • easier buffer pointer slicing, which does not produce wasteful MutableRandomAccessSlice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>> structures

nor does it attempt to design a higher level buffer type which would be able to provide stronger memory state guarantees.

We expect possible solutions to these problems to purely additive, and would not require modifying the methods this proposal will introduce.

  • address problems relating to the generic Sequence buffer API

Buffer pointers are currently missing generic assign<S>(from:S) and initializeMemory<S>(as:S.Element.Type, from:S) methods. The existing protocol oriented API also lacks polish and is inconvenient to use. (For example, it returns tuples.) This is an issue that can be tackled separately from the lower-level buffer-pointer-to-buffer-pointer API.

Detailed design

struct UnsafePointer<Pointee>
+++ func deallocate()

    func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:T.Type, capacity:Int, _ body:(UnsafePointer<T>) -> Result) 
         -> Result

struct UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>
    static func allocate<Pointee>(capacity:Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>

--- func deallocate(capacity:Int)
+++ func deallocate()

--- func initialize(to:Pointee, count:Int = 1)
+++ func initialize(repeating:Pointee, count:Int)
+++ func initializePointee(to:Pointee)
    func initialize(from:UnsafePointer<Pointee>, count:Int)
    moveInitialize(from:UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>, count:Int)

+++ func assign(repeating:Pointee, count:Int)
    func assign(from:UnsafePointer<Pointee>, count:Int)
    func moveAssign(from:UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>, count:Int)

    func deinitialize(count:Int)

    func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to:T.Type, capacity:Int, _ body:(UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) -> Result) 
         -> Result

struct UnsafeRawPointer
--- func deallocate(bytes:Int, alignedTo:Int)
+++ func deallocate()

    func bindMemory<T>(to:T.Type, count:Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

struct UnsafeMutableRawPointer
--- static 
--- func allocate(bytes:Int, alignedTo:Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer
+++ static
+++ func allocate(bytes:Int, alignedTo:Int = MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment) 
+++      -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer
--- func deallocate(bytes:Int, alignedTo:Int)
+++ func deallocate()

--- func initializeMemory<T>(as:T.Type, at:Int = 0, count:Int = 1, to:T) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
+++ func initializeMemory<T>(as:T.Type, repeating:T, count:Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

    func initializeMemory<T>(as:T.Type, from:UnsafePointer<T>, count:Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
    func moveInitializeMemory<T>(as:T.Type, from:UnsafeMutablePointer<T>, count:Int) 
         -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

    func bindMemory<T>(to:T.Type, count:Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

--- func copyBytes(from:UnsafeRawPointer, count:Int)
+++ func copyMemory(from:UnsafeRawPointer, bytes:Int)

struct UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>
+++ init(_:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>)

+++ func deallocate()

+++ func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>
+++ (to:T.Type, _ body:(UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) -> Result)

struct UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element> 
+++ init(mutating:UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>)

+++ static 
+++ func allocate<Element>(capacity:Int) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>

+++ func initialize(repeating:Element)
+++ func initialize(at:Int, from:UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>)
+++ func initialize(at:Int, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>)
+++ func moveInitialize(at:Int, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>)

+++ func assign(repeating:Element)
+++ func assign(at:Int, from:UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>)
+++ func assign(at:Int, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>)
+++ func moveAssign(at:Int, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>)

+++ func deinitialize(at:Int, count:Int)

+++ func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>
+++ (to:T.Type, _ body:(UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) -> Result)

struct UnsafeRawBufferPointer
    func deallocate()
+++ func bindMemory<T>(to:T.Type) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>

struct UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer 
--- static func allocate(count:Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
+++ static func allocate(bytes:Int, alignedTo:Int = MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment) 
+++      -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
    func deallocate()

+++ func initializeMemory<T>(as:T.Type, repeating:T) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
+++ func initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:Int, as:T.Type, from:UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) 
+++      -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
+++ func initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:Int, as:T.Type, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) 
+++      -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
+++ func moveInitializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:Int, as:T.Type, from:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) 
+++      -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

+++ func bindMemory<T>(to:T.Type) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

--- func copyBytes(from:UnsafeRawBufferPointer)
+++ func copyMemory(at:Int = 0, from:UnsafeRawBufferPointer)
+++ func copyMemory(at:Int = 0, from:UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer)

Source compatibility

  • fix the ordering of the arguments in initializeMemory<Element>(as:at:count:to:) and rename the argument to: to repeating: in all repeated-value copy functions

This change is source breaking but can be trivially automigrated.

  • add the repeated-value copy assignment method assign(repeating:count:)

This change is purely additive.

  • rename copyBytes(from:count:) and copyBytes(from:) to copyMemory(from:bytes:) and copyMemory(at:from:)

This change is source breaking but can be trivially automigrated.

  • rename count in UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count:) to bytes and add an alignedTo parameter to make it UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(bytes:alignedTo:)

This change is source breaking but can be trivially automigrated. The alignedTo: parameter can be filled in with MemoryLayout<UInt>.stride. If SR-5664 is fixed, MemoryLayout<UInt>.stride can even be provided as a default argument.

  • add an init(mutating:) initializer to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer

This change is purely additive.

  • add a mutable overload to the copyMemory(at:from:) method on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer, the initialize(at:from:) and assign(at:from:) methods on UnsafeMutableBufferPointer, and the initializeMemory<T>(atByteOffset:as:from:) method on UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer

This change is purely additive.

  • add deallocate() to all pointer types, replacing any existing deallocation methods

This change is source-breaking, but this is a Good Thing™. The current API encourages incorrect code to be written, and sets us up for potentially catastrophic source breakage down the road should the implementations of deallocate(capacity:) and deallocate(bytes:alignedTo:) ever be “fixed”, so users should be forced to stop using them as soon as possible.

Effect on ABI stability

Removing sized deallocators changes the existing ABI, as will renaming some of the methods and their argument labels.

Effect on API resilience

Some proposed changes in this proposal change the public API.

Removing sized deallocators right now will break ABI, but offers increased ABI and API stability in the future as reallocator methods can be added in the future without having to rename deallocate(capacity:) which currently occupies a “reallocator” name, but has “free()” behavior.

This proposal seeks to tackle all the breaking changes required for such an overhaul of Swift pointers, and leaves unanswered only additive changes that still need to be made in the future, reducing the need for future breakage.

Alternatives considered

  • keeping sized deallocators and fixing the stdlib implementation instead

Instead of dropping the capacity parameter from deallocate(capacity:), we could fix the underlying implementation so that the function actually deallocates capacity’s worth of memory. However this would be catastrophically, and silently, source-breaking as existing code would continue compiling, but suddenly start leaking or segfaulting at runtime. deallocate(capacity:) can always be added back at a later date without breaking ABI or API, once users have been forced to address this potential bug.

  • adding an initializer UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>.init(allocatingCount:) instead of a type method to UnsafeMutableBufferPointer

The allocator could be expressed as an initializer instead of a type method. However since allocation involves acquisition of an external resource, perhaps it is better to keep with the existing convention that allocation is performed differently than regular buffer pointer construction.

  • using the argument label value: instead of repeating: in methods such as initialize(repeating:count:) (originally initialize(to:count:))

The label value: or toValue: doesn’t fully capture the repeating nature of the argument, and is inconsistent with Array.init(repeating:count:). While value: sounds less strange when count == 1, on consistency and technical correctness, repeating: is the better term. Furthermore, value is a common variable name, meaning that function calls with value: as the label would be prone to looking like this:

ptr.initialize(value: value)