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Rebecca Parker edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 44 revisions

Welcome to the Backyard!

The MUDDLE Backyard in Summer/EarlyFall. Illustrated by Taylor Brown

Letter from the Editor

First, we want to thank you for your interest in the MUDDLE project! MUDDLE's mission is to celebrate the messiness of composition by bringing the many versions and iterations before the final to light. When I started my master's program at Loyola University Chicago I knew my relationship with technology was going to change from that of a naive, small town, undergraduate English major that had never written a single line of code, and I was fortunate that in studying Digital Humanities my exposure to the deeply technological was increased gradually, usually in a classroom setting or working alongside Becca, MUDDLE's Technical Editor. I couldn't help but think that, despite all our efforts to make our digital resources accessible and visible to broader audiences, so many particularly creative and humanities minded individuals are not communicating with their computers to the highest degree possible. From a textual studies perspective, this seriously complicates the transmission history of a digitally created work because, while your computer has the ability to track all of your files, many individuals are not composing creative works at that level of collaboration with their devices; yet, as manuscripts become increasingly outdated technologies, we turn to our computing devices to compose our work. The MUDDLE project strives to increase humanities participation with Git's version-control software to put the power of developers in the hands of artists. By following the workflow we've established you can MUDDLE with full assurance that your versions will never be lost and the arc of change can always be revisited. If you're ready to start MUDDLING, head over to THE MUDDLE WORKFLOW page for instructions on how to get going. Be sure to check back often for progress updates!

Sincerely, Tay Brown


November 2nd, 2018 - MUDDLE CALL FOR PLAY
All participants who begin MUDDLING in the fall of 2018 will be considered for publication in the MAY 2019 issue.

November 10th, 2018: 10:00-11:00 AM - DHCS COLLOQUIUM MORNING WORKSHOP
"MUDDLE with Me: Celebrating the Mess Before the Magic," presented by Taylor Brown and Rebecca Parker.
Check out the conference program here:

December 12th, 2018: 2:00-4:00 PM - CS END OF THE YEAR PRESENTATIONS
"Git-ing Control: Versioning Textual and Visual Cultures in the 'Techtual' Age," presented by Taylor Brown and Rebecca Parker.

January 3rd, 2019: 10:15 AM-12:15 PM - DORK SHORTS LIGHTNING ROUND & #mlaaha19 THATcamp SESSION
"An Invite to Play" & "Git and GitHub 101," presented by Rebecca Parker.
Check out the THATcamp schedule here:

March 29th, 2019: 1:30-3:00 PM - CTSDH FELLOW WORKSHOP
"MUDDLE with Me: Using a Digital-Periodical Framework to Facilitate Meaningful Connections," presented by Taylor Brown.

July 4th, 2019 - @muddle_mag F{irst][inal][orever Issue

Travel Guide

Muddle Workflowscontribute today!
Our "Techtual" Condition
Why Muddle?a poetic plea

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