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  • Keep in mind the project is still very rough, especially the design. Focusing on functionality and code quality first.


Bubblegum UI docs 🚧:


Building a design library of reusable, flexible, and accessible React form and UI components. The form components will be largely unstyled out of the box and intended to be easily adapted on the fly using customizable variations.

Useful Links:


This project uses the Tailwind CSS (v3.0) with NextJs configuration. It follows the steps outlined in the official Tailwind docs.

How to use

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Install dependencies npm install

  3. Run the development server npm run dev

  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser

Turbo structure

Using turbo to manage the monorepo. Basic structure:

  • apps holds projects
  • packages holds anything reusable across apps such as ui for components as well as extendable configurations for estlint and tsconfig.

Internal packages

  • Each workspace gets its own package.json.[ Vercel recommends](You can use an npm organization or user scope to avoid collisions with existing packages on npm. For instance, you could use @mycompany/shared-utils) prepending the org name to avoid npm namespace conflicts. For example: @organizationname/packagename.
  • Instructions on importing internal packages.
    • In the importing project add this to the package.json: "@monorepo/name": "workspace:*" to import dependencies based on the name of the internal package's name in its package.json
  • Troubleshooting: In a monorepo, mismatched dependency versions can cause problems. Added a postinstall script to the root package.json that runs @manypkg/cli after pnpm install as suggested by Vercel. Can also run pnpm manypkg fix to attempt to fix errors.

Turbo configuration

  • In the monorepo root: turbo.json handles pipeline scripts for the whole repo such as build or linting scripts. dependsOn can be used to only run these pipeline scripts after project specific scripts have run.
  • config-eslint and config-typescript in packages are used to have a consistent base for the whole monorepo. These can be extended or overridden in the individual apps via their own eslintrc.json and tsconfig.json.
  • Each project as well as the root gets their own package.json. Root handles monorepo-wide dependencies like prettier. Each workspace needs to have a unique title in package.json.
  • pnpm-workspaces.yaml defines the monorepo's workspaces like packages and apps.

Bug fixes

  • Add { "eslint.workingDirectories": [ { "pattern": "apps/*/" }, { "pattern": "packages/*/" } ] } to .vscode > settings.json to fix error finding next/babel. Appears to be a known turborepo issue.


React UI + controlled form components






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