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Updated project to produce a combined js from required components
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hugoduncan committed Nov 29, 2010
1 parent 856532b commit 5be4c69
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Showing 2 changed files with 233 additions and 36 deletions.
264 changes: 228 additions & 36 deletions src/clj_coffeescript/project.clj
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
[clj-coffeescript.compiler :as compiler]
[clj-coffeescript.rhino :as rhino]
[ :as zip]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]))

(defn project
Expand All @@ -16,55 +18,245 @@
(defmacro coffeescript [name & options]
`(hash-map :name '~name ~@options))

(defn file-with-extension [path & extensions]

(defn in-result
"Check to see if the candidate tree is already in the "
[result candidate]

(defn reduce-dependency-trees
"Take the per file trees and reduce them as much as possible."
#(if (in-result %1 %2) %1 (conj %1 %2))

;;; Define a javascript require function that will load the project files
(defn- memoize-require
"Returns a memoized version of the function. The memoized version of the
function keeps a cache of the mapping from all arguments but the last to
results and, when calls with the same arguments are repeated often, has higher
performance at the expense of higher memory use."
{:added "1.0"} [f]
(let [mem (atom {})]
(fn [& args]
(let [discriminator (butlast args)
e (find @mem discriminator)
l (last args)]
(if (and e (= (second (val e)) l))
(first (val e))
(let [ret (apply f args)]
(swap! mem assoc discriminator [ret l])

(def ^{:private true :doc "Load a required file."}
(fn load-require*
[scope ns js]
(let [scope (rhino/build-scope scope)]
(.put scope "exports" scope nil)
(rhino/evaluate-string "exports={};" ns scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string js ns scope)
{:exports (.get scope "exports" scope)
:js js}))))

(defn- file-with-extension
"Return the first existing file that matches a base path and a list of
#(let [file (io/file (str path %))]
(and (.isFile file) [file %]))

(defn js-evaluate
[compiler scope ns js]
(let [scope (rhino/build-scope scope)]
(.put scope "exports" scope nil)
(rhino/evaluate-string "exports={};" ns scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string js ns scope)
(.get scope "exports" scope)))
#(let [file (io/file (first %))]
(and (.isFile file) %))

(defn- find-file
"Find a js or coffee file in the project's paths"
[project ns]
[[(io/file (:coffee-path project) (str ns ".coffee")) :coffee]
[(io/file (:javascript-path project) (str ns ".js")) :js]])
(throw ( ns))))

;; TODO multimethod
(defn js-require*
[project compiler scope ns]
(let [[file extension] (file-with-extension
(io/file (:coffee-path project) ns)
".js" ".coffee")]
(case extension
".js" (js-evaluate compiler scope ns (slurp file))
".coffee" (js-evaluate
compiler scope ns
(compiler/compile-string compiler (slurp file)))
(throw ( ns)))))
[project scope ns file extension]
(case extension
:js (load-require scope ns (slurp file))
:coffee (load-require
scope ns
(compiler/compile-string (:compiler project) (slurp file)))))

;; because we build the dependencies through a javascript call
;; we provide context using sepecial variables.
(def *project*)
(def *compiler*)
(def *scope*)
(def *require-stack*)

(defn js-require [ns]
(js-require* *project* *compiler* *scope* ns))
(defn js-require
"The impl of the js require function."
(let [[file extension] (find-file *project* ns)]
(if-let [namespace (-> *project* :namespaces (get file))]
(:exports namespace))
(let [namespace (js-require*
*project* *scope* ns file extension)]
(set! *project* (assoc-in *project* [:namespaces file] namespace))
(:exports namespace)))))

(defn js-tracking-require
"The impl of the js require function."
(let [[file extension] (find-file *project* ns)]
(if-let [namespace (-> *project* :namespaces (get file))]
(when-let [deps (some
(fn find-root-dependency [tree]
(and (= file (first tree)) tree))
(:dependencies *project*))]
;; the dependency is a root in the dependencies list,
;; so wee clobber the root and add it here
(set! *project*
(update-in *project* [:dependencies]
(fn [deps] (remove #(= file (first %)) deps))))
(zip/append-child *require-stack* deps)))
(:exports namespace))
(-> *require-stack*
(zip/append-child file)
(let [namespace (js-require*
*project* *scope* ns file extension)]
(set! *project* (assoc-in *project* [:namespaces file] namespace))
(:exports namespace))
(set! *require-stack* (zip/up *require-stack*)))))))

(def js-require-def
"function require(ns) {
var rt_var=Packages.clojure.lang.RT['var'];
return rt_var('clj-coffeescript.project','js-require').invoke(ns);

(def js-tracking-require-def
"function require(ns) {
var rt_var=Packages.clojure.lang.RT['var'];
return rt_var('clj-coffeescript.project','js-tracking-require').invoke(ns);

(defn to-root
"zips all the way up and returns the root node."
(if (= :end (loc 1))
(let [p (zip/up loc)]
(if p
(recur p)

(defn remove-requires
"Remove the dependency mechanism from the source"
(string/replace js #"\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*=\s*exports.*" ""))

(defn js-dependencies
"Calcuate js dependencies for given file."
[project f js]
(let [scope (rhino/build-scope)]
;; put our state into bindings, and set up some state for js evaluation
(binding [*project* project
*scope* scope
*require-stack* (zip/vector-zip [f])]
(rhino/evaluate-string js-tracking-require-def "require" scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string "exports={};" "def exports" scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string js (.getPath f) scope)
;; recover state from bindings
(update-in [:dependencies] conj (zip/root *require-stack*))
(assoc-in [:namespaces f :js] js)))))

(defn js-run
"Run js file."
[project f js]
(let [scope (rhino/build-scope)]
;; put our state into bindings, and set up some state for js evaluation
(binding [*project* project
*scope* scope]
(rhino/evaluate-string js-require-def "require" scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string js (.getPath f) scope)
(assoc-in *project* [:namespaces f :js] js))))

(defn coffee->js
"Compile to js"
[compiler f]
(compiler/compile-string compiler (slurp f)))

(defn postwalk-tree-seq
[branch? children root]
(let [walk (fn walk [node]
(if (branch? node)
(mapcat walk (reverse (children node)))
(cons node nil))
(cons node nil))))]
(walk root)))

;;; Testing
(defn test-all
(when-let [coffee-test-path (:coffee-test-path project)]
(let [compiler (compiler/build-compiler)]
(doseq [f (file-seq ( coffee-test-path))]
(when (.isFile f)
(let [js (compiler/compile-string compiler (slurp f))
scope (rhino/build-scope)]
(binding [*project* project
*compiler* compiler
*scope* scope]
(rhino/evaluate-string js-require-def "require" scope)
(rhino/evaluate-string js (.getPath f) scope))))))))
(when-let [path (:coffee-test-path project)]
(let [compiler (compiler/build-compiler)
project (assoc project :compiler compiler)]
(fn test-all-run-test [project f]
(let [js (compiler/compile-string compiler (slurp f))
scope (rhino/build-scope)]
(js-run project f js)))
(filter #(.isFile %) (file-seq ( path)))))))

(defn combine-all
"Build a single javascript that is suitable for serving over a web
(when-let [coffee-path (:coffee-path project)]
(let [project (reduce
#(if (-> %1 :namespaces (get %2))
(coffee->js (-> %1 :compiler) %2)
(js-dependencies %1 %2)))
(assoc project
:namespaces nil
:compiler (compiler/build-compiler))
#(.isFile %)
(file-seq ( coffee-path))))]
(fn source-for [f] (-> project :namespaces (get f) :js))
(filter (complement vector?) (postwalk-tree-seq vector? seq %2)))))
(:dependencies project))))))
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/clj_coffeescript/project_test.clj
Expand Up @@ -10,3 +10,8 @@

(deftest test-all-test
(test-all p1))

(deftest combine-all-test
(let [js (combine-all p1)]
(is (re-find #"(?s)a.f = function.*b.f = function" js))
(is (not (re-find #"= exports" js)))))

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