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This is JBelt application ported to Java EE 6 infused with Seam 3 portable extensions. It's also been given a fresh new look. See features.txt for a list of features that are demonstrated by this example.

Running on JBoss AS

You'll need JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final or better to run this application on JBoss AS.

Extract the zip and set the JBOSS_HOME environment variable.

Now you can start JBoss AS:


You deploy the application using this command:

mvn package jboss:hard-deploy

That command will deploy two files, jbelt-postgresql-ds.xml and belt.war.

Now visit this URL in the browser:


You can undeploy using this command:

 mvn jboss:hard-undeploy

Running on GlassFish

You'll need GlassFish 3.1 or better to run this application on GlassFish.

The simplest way to run the application on GlassFish is to:

  1. Start NetBeans 6.8 or later
  2. Open the project folder (it will autodetect the Maven project)
  3. Enable "glassfish" maven profile
  4. Right click on the project
  5. Select the Run option

If you are not using NetBeans, you can start GlassFish and JavaDB using these commands:

$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin start-database
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1

Then you can package the project (mvn package -Pglassfish) and deploy the WAR using the admin console. Alternatively, you can deploy the application using asadmin:

mvn package -Pglassfish
$GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy target/jbelt.war

Known issues (QA, please read)

Something changed in Mojarra 2.1 (since 2.0) that causes input elements within composite components to not be able to locate their parent form, resulting in this message:

The form component needs to have a UIForm in its ancestry. Suggestion: enclose the necessary components within <h:form>

It hasn't been determined whether or not this is a bug in booking or in Mojarra 2.1.

A note about JavaDB

You'll need to start JavaDB to make the application run on GlassFish. Unlike JBoss AS, the default data source is a client/server instance.

There are options provided by both the GlassFish server plugin in NetBeans and Eclipse to automatically start JavaDB when GlassFish starts.

Eclipse: Window > Preferences > GlassFish Preferences > Start the JavaDB database process when starting GlassFish Server

NetBeans: Services (View) > Services (Node) > GlassFish (Entry) > Properties (Context menu item) > Start Registered Derby Server

Recommended GlassFish settings

  • Disable preserving sessions across server restarts

Viewing data in JavaDB

Create a database connection to the following database

  • URL: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sun-appserv-samples
  • Username: APP
  • Password: APP

Installing Hibernate 3.5 (JPA 2) on GlassFish 3

We recommend that you switch from EclipseLink to Hibernate. If you want to run the application on GlassFish 3.0.1, you'll need to use Hibernate to work around several bugs in that version of EclipseLink.

Running integration tests

The integration tests are based on Arquillian (

With JBoss AS started, you can run the tests using the following command:

mvn test -Pitest-jbossas-remote

With GlassFish 3.1 started, you can run the tests using the following command:

mvn test -Pitest-glassfish-remote

Functional tests

To run functional tests for the booking example, follow these steps:

1.) Build and deploy the application to a prefered server following instructions above 2.) run "mvn verify -Pftest"

Running functional tests from Eclipse

You can run the functional tests directly from Eclipse. Firstly,start the selenium server.

java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/seleniumhq/selenium/server/selenium-server/1.0.3/selenium-server-1.0.3-standalone.jar -port 14444

Then, run the test using Eclipse TestNG plugin. It will fail at the first run. Modify the run configuration of the test Test -> Run As -> Run Configurations and add the following VM arguments in the arguments tab:

-Dmethod=* -Dbrowser=*firefoxproxy -Dcontext.root=http://localhost:8080/ -Dcontext.path=/seam-javaee-booking/ -Dselenium.port=14444 -Dselenium.debug=false -Dselenium.maximize=false -Dselenium.timeout.default=30000 -Dselenium.timeout.gui=5000 -Dselenium.timeout.ajax=15000 -Dselenium.timeout.model=30000 -Dselenium.speed=0 -Dselenium.timeout=3000 -Dbasedir=.