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Getting Started

In this section we will take a high-level look at the basic things you can do with bitmath. We'll include the following topics:

The following legend describes the two operands used in the tables below.

Operand Description
bm A bitmath object is required
num An integer or decimal value is required

Math works mostly like you expect it to, except for a few edge-cases:

  • Mixing bitmath types with Number types (the result varies per-operation)
  • Operations where two bitmath types would cancel out (such as dividing two bitmath types)
  • Multiplying two bitmath instances together is supported, but the results may not make much sense.
.. seealso::

   :ref:`Appendix: Rules for Math <appendix_math>`
      For a discussion of the behavior of bitmath and number types.

Operation Parameters Result Type Example
Addition bm1 + bm2 type(bm1) KiB(1) + MiB(2) = 2049.0KiB
Addition bm + num type(num) KiB(1) + 1 = 2.0
Addition num + bm type(num) 1 + KiB(1) = 2.0
Subtraction bm1 - bm2 type(bm1) KiB(1) - Byte(2048) = -1.0KiB
Subtraction bm - num type(num) KiB(4) - 1 = 3.0
Subtraction num - bm type(num) 10 - KiB(1) = 9.0
Multiplication bm1 * bm2 type(bm1) KiB(1) * KiB(2) = 2048.0KiB
Multiplication bm * num type(bm) KiB(2) * 3 = 6.0KiB
Multiplication num * bm type(bm) 2 * KiB(3) = 6.0KiB
Division bm1 / bm2 type(num) KiB(1) / KiB(2) = 0.5
Division bm / num type(bm) KiB(1) / 3 = 0.3330078125KiB
Division num / bm type(num) 3 / KiB(2) = 1.5
.. seealso::

   `Bitwise Calculator <>`_
      A free online calculator for checking your math

Bitwise operations are also supported. Bitwise operations work directly on the bits attribute of a bitmath instance, not the number you see in an instances printed representation (value), to maintain accuracy.

Operation Parameters Result Type Example1
Left Shift bm << num type(bm) MiB(1) << 2 = MiB(4.0)
Right Shift bm >> num type(bm) MiB(1) >> 2 = MiB(0.25)
AND bm & num type(bm) MiB(13.37) & 1337 = MiB(0.000126...)
OR bm | num type(bm) MiB(13.37) | 1337 = MiB(13.3700...)
XOR bm ^ num type(bm) MiB(13.37) ^ 1337 = MiB(13.369...)
  1. Give me a break here, it's not easy coming up with compelling examples for bitwise operations...

bitmath supports all arithmetic operations

>>> eighty_four_mib = fourty_two_mib + fourty_two_mib_in_kib
>>> eighty_four_mib
>>> eighty_four_mib == fourty_two_mib * 2
>>> from bitmath import *
>>> fourty_two_mib = MiB(42)
>>> fourty_two_mib_in_kib = fourty_two_mib.to_KiB()
>>> fourty_two_mib_in_kib

>>> fourty_two_mib

>>> fourty_two_mib.KiB

Rich Comparison (as per the Python Basic Customization magic methods): <, <=, ==, !=, >, >= is fully supported:

>>> GB(1) < GiB(1)
>>> GB(1.073741824) == GiB(1)
>>> GB(1.073741824) <= GiB(1)
>>> Bit(1) == TiB(bits=1)
>>> kB(100) > EiB(bytes=1024)
>>> kB(100) >= EiB.from_other(kB(100))
>>> kB(100) >= EiB.from_other(kB(99))
>>> kB(100) >= EiB.from_other(kB(9999))
>>> KiB(100) != Byte(1)

bitmath natively supports sorting.

Let's make a list of the size (in bytes) of all the files in the present working directory (lines 7 and 8) and then print them out sorted by increasing magnitude (lines 13 and 14, and 18 and 19):

>>> from bitmath import *
>>> import os
>>> sizes = []
>>> for f in os.listdir('./tests/'):
...     sizes.append(KiB(os.path.getsize('./tests/' + f)))

>>> print sizes
[KiB(7337.0), KiB(1441.0), KiB(2126.0), KiB(2178.0), KiB(2326.0), KiB(4003.0), KiB(48.0), KiB(1770.0), KiB(7892.0), KiB(4190.0)]

>>> print sorted(sizes)
[KiB(48.0), KiB(1441.0), KiB(1770.0), KiB(2126.0), KiB(2178.0), KiB(2326.0), KiB(4003.0), KiB(4190.0), KiB(7337.0), KiB(7892.0)]

>>> human_sizes = [s.best_prefix() for s in sizes]
>>> print sorted(human_sizes)
[KiB(48.0), MiB(1.4072265625), MiB(1.728515625), MiB(2.076171875), MiB(2.126953125), MiB(2.271484375), MiB(3.9091796875), MiB(4.091796875), MiB(7.1650390625), MiB(7.70703125)]

Now print them out in descending magnitude

>>> print sorted(human_sizes, reverse=True)
[KiB(7892.0), KiB(7337.0), KiB(4190.0), KiB(4003.0), KiB(2326.0), KiB(2178.0), KiB(2126.0), KiB(1770.0), KiB(1441.0), KiB(48.0)]