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Task-scheduling with A* and IDA*

Implementation of an informed search algorithm A* and IDA* for solving a scheduling problem, aiming to optimize the use of several cores for completing interdependent tasks.

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If you want use our algorithm, you have to create a config file in scripts/ where you can specify the number of cores and the task graph of your problem. A template is available at scripts/

Then put the task graph json file in at the path corresponding to the config. The json file should be of the form (for a very simple graph):

    "nodes": {
      "1": {
        "Data": "00:47:23.6552354",
        "Dependencies": []
      "2": {
        "Data": "01:00:56.0712509",
        "Dependencies": [
      "3": {
        "Data": "00:45:41.9822376",
        "Dependencies": [

The number represents tasks, the Data value their duration and the Dependencies the tasks necessary to start being computed.

Please then run :

python scripts/

It will plot an optimized schedule and save the solution at the same path. The solution is a json file of the form:

{"1": [0, 2843, 0], "3": [2843, 5584, 0], "2": [2843, 6499, 1]}

The number represents tasks and each list [start, end, core] represents the starting time of the computation of a task, the ending time and finally the core on which it should be computed according to the optimal solution.


Task scheduling with A*/IDA*






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