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tbranyen committed Jul 30, 2016
1 parent eaf888c commit 797d269
Showing 1 changed file with 180 additions and 35 deletions.
215 changes: 180 additions & 35 deletions lib/index.js
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,122 @@ import createTransaction from './node/transaction';
import { states as transitionStates } from './util/transitions';
import { MiddlewareCache } from './util/cache';

// Export the HTML tagged template helper util.
* Parses HTML strings into Virtual Tree elements. This can be a single static
* string, like that produced by a template engine, or a complex tagged
* template string.
* @example
* import { html } from 'diffhtml'
* // Parses HTML directly from a string, useful for consuming template
* // engine output and inlining markup.
* const fromString = html('<center>Markup</center>')
* // Parses a tagged template string. This can contain interpolated
* // values in between the `${...}` symbols. The values are typically
* // going to be strings, but you can pass any value to any property or
* // attribute.
* const fromTaggedTemplate = html`<center>${'Markup'}</center>`
* // You can pass functions to event handlers and basically any value to
* // property or attribute. If diffHTML encounters a value that is not a
* // string it will still create an attribute, but the value will be an
* // empty string. This is necessary for tracking changes.
* const dynamicValues = html`<center onclick=${
* ev => console.log('Clicked the center tag')
* }>Markup</center>`
* @param {String} markup - A string or tagged template string containing HTML
* @return {Object|Array} - A single instance or array of Virtual Tree elements
export { html } from './util/tagged-template';

// Export the DOM Node release method.
* Recycles internal memory, removes state, and cancels all scheduled render
* transactions. This is mainly going to be used in unit tests and not
* typically in production. The reason for this is that components are usually
* going to live the lifetime of the page, with a refresh cleaning slate.
* @example
* import { innerHTML, release } from 'diffhtml'
* // Associate state and reuse pre-allocated memory.
* innerHTML(document.body, 'Hello world')
* // Free all association to `document.body`.
* release(document.body)
* @param {Object} node - A DOM Node that is being tracked by diffHTML
export { default as release } from './node/release';

// Export the Virtual Tree Element/Attribute helpers.
export { createElement, createAttribute } from './tree/helpers';
* A convenient helper to create Virtual Tree elements. This can be used in
* place of HTML parsing and is what the Babel transform compiles down to.
* @example
* import { createElement } from 'diffhtml'
* // Creates a div with the test class and a nested text node.
* const vTree = createElement('div', { 'class': 'test' }, 'Hello world')
* // Creates an empty div.
* const vTree = createElement('div')
* @param {String} nodeName - The tagName passed to `document.createElement`
* @param {Array =} attributes - List of key/val attributes
* @param {Array|Object =} childNodes - A single Virtual Tree element or a list
* of elements, all remaining arguments are concatenated together.
* @return {Object} A pooled object representing the virtual element
export { createElement } from './tree/helpers';

* Recycles internal memory, removes state, and cancels all scheduled render
* transactions. This is mainly going to be used in unit tests and not
* typically in production. The reason for this is that components are usually
* going to live the lifetime of the page, with a refresh cleaning slate.
* @example
* import { innerHTML, release } from 'diffhtml'
* // Associate state and reuse pre-allocated memory.
* innerHTML(document.body, 'Hello world')
* // Free all association to `document.body`.
* release(document.body)
* @param {Object} node - A DOM Node that is being tracked by diffHTML
* @return {Object} A pooled object representing the virtual attribute
export { createAttribute } from './tree/helpers';

* Used to diff the outerHTML contents of the passed element with the markup
* contents. Very useful for applying a global diff on the
* contents. Very useful for applying a global diff on the
* `document.documentElement`.
* @param element
* @param markup=''
* @param options={}
* @example
* import { outerHTML } from 'diffhtml'
* // Remove all attributes and set the children to be a single text node
* // containing the text 'Hello world',
* outerHTML(document.body, '<body>Hello world</body>')
* @param {Object} element - A DOM Node to render into
* @param {String|Object} markup='' - A string of markup or virtual tree
* @param {Object =} options={} - An object containing configuration options
export function outerHTML(element, markup='', options={}) {
options.inner = false;
Expand All @@ -27,50 +126,75 @@ export function outerHTML(element, markup='', options={}) {

* Used to diff the innerHTML contents of the passed element with the markup
* contents. This is useful with libraries like Backbone that render Views
* contents. This is useful with libraries like Backbone that render Views
* into element container.
* @param element
* @param markup=''
* @param options={}
* @example
* import { innerHTML } from 'diffhtml'
* // Sets the body children to be a single text node containing the text
* // 'Hello world'.
* innerHTML(document.body, 'Hello world')
* @param {Object} element - A DOM Node to render into
* @param {String|Object} markup='' - A string of markup or virtual tree
* @param {Object =} options={} - An object containing configuration options
export function innerHTML(element, markup='', options={}) {
options.inner = true;
createTransaction(element, markup, options);

* Used to diff two elements. The `inner` Boolean property can be specified in
* the options to set innerHTML\outerHTML behavior. By default it is
* Used to diff two elements. The `inner` Boolean property can be specified in
* the options to set innerHTML\outerHTML behavior. By default it is
* outerHTML.
* @param element
* @param newElement
* @param options={}
* @example
* // It is usually better to rename this method to something descriptive.
* import { element as diffElement } from 'diffhtml'
* // Create a new body tag.
* const newBody = $(`<body>
* <strong>Hello world!</strong>
* </body>`).get();
* diffElement(document.body, newBody);
* @param {Object} element - A DOM Node to render into
* @param {Object} newElement - A string of markup or virtual tree
* @param {Object =} options={} - An object containing configuration options
export function element(element, newElement, options={}) {
createTransaction(element, newElement, options);

* Adds a global transition listener. With many elements this could be an
* Adds a global transition listener. With many elements this could be an
* expensive operation, so try to limit the amount of listeners added if you're
* concerned about performance.
* Since the callback triggers with various elements, most of which you
* probably don't care about, you'll want to filter. A good way of filtering
* is to use the DOM `matches` method. It's fairly well supported
* ( and may suit many projects. If
* probably don't care about, you'll want to filter. A good way of filtering
* is to use the DOM `matches` method. It's fairly well supported
* ( and may suit many projects. If
* you need backwards compatibility, consider using jQuery's `is`.
* You can do fun, highly specific, filters:
* @example
* import { addTransitionState } from 'diffhtml'
* // Fade in all elements as they are added to the DOM.
* addTransitionState('attached', el => $(el).fadeIn().promise())
* // Fade out all elements as they leave the DOM.
* addTransitionState('detached', el => $(el).fadeOut().promise())
* addTransitionState('attached', function(element) {
* // Fade in the main container after it's added.
* if (element.matches('body main.container')) {
* $(element).stop(true, true).fadeIn();
* }
* });
* @param state - String name that matches what's available in the
* documentation above.
Expand All @@ -97,12 +221,22 @@ export function addTransitionState(state, callback) {
* Removes a global transition listener.
* When invoked with no arguments, this method will remove all transition
* callbacks. When invoked with the name argument it will remove all
* transition state callbacks matching the name, and so on for the callback.
* callbacks. When invoked with the name argument it will remove all transition
* state callbacks matching the name, and so on for the callback.
* @param state - String name that matches what's available in the
* documentation above.
* @param callback - Function to receive the matching elements.
* @example
* import { removeTransitionState } from 'diffhtml'
* // Remove all transition state handlers.
* removeTransitionState()
* // Remove all `attached` state handlers.
* removeTransitionState('attached')
* @param {String =} state - Name that matches what's available in the
* documentation above
* @param {Function =} callback - Callback to receive the matching elements
export function removeTransitionState(state, callback) {
if (!callback && state) {
Expand All @@ -125,10 +259,21 @@ export function removeTransitionState(state, callback) {

* Registers middleware to be consumed lightly.
* Registers middleware functions which are called during the render
* transaction flow. These should be very fast and ideally asynchronous to
* avoid blocking the render.
* @example
* import { use } from 'diffhtml'
* import logger from 'diffhtml-logger'
* // Add the diffHTML logger middleware, to console out render information.
* use(logger)
* @param {Function} middleware - A function that gets passed internals
* @return {Function} - That when invoked removes the middleware
* @return {Function} - When invoked removes and deactivates the middleware
export function use(middleware) {
if (typeof middleware !== 'function') {
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