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Correct DurationFormat test
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The expectation values for the formatToParts are incorrect.

A. The listFormat is consturcted with
  6. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(lfOpts, "type", "unit").
  so it should not have " and " in the string. Comparing with
  (new Intl.ListFormat("en", {type: "unit"})).formatToParts(["a", "b",
  "c"]) and
  value in the format d and the expected values in the
  DurationFormat/prototype/format directory
B. The localized unit values for "short" (and therefore default)
   are incorrect. Comparing with the expected values in the
  DurationFormat/prototype/format directory
  • Loading branch information
FrankYFTang authored and ptomato committed Jul 14, 2023
1 parent 550c111 commit 9d7eb80
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Expand Up @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ const expected = [
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "123", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "msec", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "ms", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "456", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "μsec", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " and " },
{ type: "unit", value: "μs", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "789", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "nsec", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "ns", unit: "nanosecond" },

let df = new Intl.DurationFormat('en');
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const expected = [
{ type: "integer", value: "456", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "microseconds", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " and " },
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "789", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "nanoseconds", unit: "nanosecond" },
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ const expected = [
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "123", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "msec", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "ms", unit: "millisecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "456", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "μsec", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " and " },
{ type: "unit", value: "μs", unit: "microsecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: ", " },
{ type: "integer", value: "789", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "literal", value: " ", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "nsec", unit: "nanosecond" },
{ type: "unit", value: "ns", unit: "nanosecond" },

let df = new Intl.DurationFormat('en', { style });
Expand Down

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