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Intro to Kubernetes

Some Helpful Links

This might be the most important thing of all!

Please read through this article prior to the workshop:

Verifying Your AWS Workspace Setup

Please perform the following steps to ensure your AWS workspace is ready for the workshop. If any of these steps do not work for you please contact the instructor prior to the workshop.

Open VS Code

To open VS Code to Applications -> Programming -> Visual Studio Code.

open vscode

Install VS Code Kubernetes Extension

After opening VS Code you will need to install the Kubernetes extension.
To do this, open the Extensions window and search for Kubernetes. Then click install.

install ext

After the extension is installed you will see it on the left hand toolbar.


Setup AWS Credentials

We will be connecting to an EKS cluster for workshop. The credential for connecting have already been setup for you, but will require you to copy them to your user folders. To setup the credentials open a Terminal in VS Code and run the following commands:

$ mkdir -p ~/.aws ~/.kube
$ /setup/

Verify Kubernetes Connectivity

After setting up your credentials, open the Kubernetes extension in VS Code and hit the Refresh button. You should see the tccodes cluster in the list.


What is Kubernetes?

An Operating System for the Cloud

Why do we need an operating system for the cloud? And what does that mean? Condsider the old days of computers, when Microsoft was putting out an operating system and hardware manufacturers were building CPUs, Memory, and Hard Drives so make the things work. In order to allow developers to write software that worked with any of the vendors hardware, they used a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) which was part of the Operating System. The operating system was taking on the responsibility of figuring out how to talk to the hardware for the developer.

Fast forward a few years and you can see this same technique used by virtualization systems such as Hyper-V and VMWare. All they had to do was build a virtual layer that spoke to the operating system the same way the hardware did, and then swap it out. Once you did that, the operating system had no idea it was running in a virtual environment, and it really didn't care.

Pre-dating the rise of virtualization was the need for high-availaiblity. Applications were becoming more critical to businesses, and they needed a way to ensure the continual delivery of the application without inturuption. This head to clustering techniques and technologies. Simply put, one server was not enough, because it was a single point of failure, so the answer was to have multiple servers fulfilling the same role. This was often in the form of replication. These topics are beyond the scope of this course, but just remember it took multiple redundant servers to fulfill this need.

Managing clusters of servers was very difficult. There were many problems that needed to be solved. For example, if I have three web servers running, how do I make sure users are always hitting one that is healthy (i.e. load balancing). Another problem is service discovery, if SQL is running on multiple servers, how do I know what one to talk to?

With the rise of DevOps, the lines between developers and IT were blurred, and the need for a new type of operating system arose, a cloud operating system. Looking back to the Microsoft example, the role of the operating system was to allow the developer to work with things like CPU, Memory, and Disk without having to know the low level details of how to manage them. A cloud operating system does this, but also adds in abstractions around networking, service discovery, and load balancing. This is precesiely why Mesos created DCOS which is an alternative to Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is winning the race

For the past few years their have been a few technologies trying to solve this problem, such as DCOS, Kubernetes, and docker-swarm. The diagram below is from the Weave article I linked at the top of this page. It leads us to believe Kubernetes is winning this race by a long shot.

Desired State Management

In order to understand how Kubernetes works you have to understand Desired State Management (DSM). DSM is the process where we describe how we want our system to look, then a system (like Kubernetes) is responsible for making sure the system actually looks like that. We are separate the What we want from the How it is going to be fulfilled. Our responsibility is to define the What and Kubernetes responsibiilty is to provide the How and to always make sure our actual state matches our desired state.

The diagram below shows how this works. The Developer defines the desired state using Kubernetes language, and Kubernetes is responsible for making sure the actual state matches it. Initially the actual state won't have anything in it, so Kubernetes will start creating the resources to satisify it. For example, we need a load balancer, so Kubernetes will make sure we have one and that it is running. Notice I didn't say Kubernetes would create one and make sure it is running. This brings up the idea of a [Kuberentes] engine, which I discuss below.

Kubernetes Engines

[Kuberentes] does not know how to create any of the hardware components that it uses to satisfy the needs of the developer. This is what makes it so powerful. Just like Microsoft put a hardware abstraction layer inbetween the developer and the hardware manufacture, Kubernetes but a hardware abstraction layer inbetween the developer and the cluster provider. All Kubernetes does is definet he contract of how to describe what you want it to do, so it can relay that to the Kubernetes engine. All major cloud vendors have fully supported Kubernetes engines. Here is a list of some of them:

When Kubernetes needs to create a load balancer, it will delegate that to the engine. In AWS you will get an Elastic Load Balance, in Azure you will get an Azure Load Balancer etc... This is true for all hardware items, such as persistent disks, CPU's, Memory, and networking.

Working with Kubernetes (kubectl)

Kubernetes is 100% RESTful API-based, however they provide a command line tool called kubectl which is used for all management tasks. The Kubernetes extension that is loaded in VS Code uses this command line tool under the hood.

kubectl is configured using a local file you will find on your workspace. Let's open the file and take a look at how it works. The file is located at ~/.kube/config.

Common kubectl commands

For most of the session we will use the VS Code extension for interacting with Kubernetes but I wanted to show a couple of common kubectl commands.

Gets a list of nodes in the cluster

$ kubectl get nodes

Gets a list of pods

$ kubectl get pods


Kubernetes provides a concept of namespaces, which allows users to isolate resources from each other. A namespace is a container of resources that belong together. It can also be used to provided isolated development areas on the same cluster.

Speaking Kuberentes Language

Kubernetes is based on API's works with Resource Defitions which are stored internally as JSON objects. However, the main format of working with Resource Definition files is yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: demo-web
    app: demo-service
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80
      nane: TCP
    - name: workdir
      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
  - name: workdir
    emptyDir: {}

Here is an example of a simple service (which will default as a load balancer)


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: demo-service
    app: demo-web
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 9376

Configuration is also stored as a resource definition. Here is an example logging config.

apiVersion: v1
  config.yml: |
      level: INFO
kind: ConfigMap
  name: logging-config


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