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A library for masking field values in JSON. Useful when there is a need to log JSON which potentially contains sensitive data such as PII.


$ npm install json-masker


const masker = require('json-masker');
const maskerOptions = {/*...*/};
const mask = masker(maskerOptions);
const maskedJson = mask({ /* ... */ });

Logging incoming HTTP requests:

// ...'/customers', (req, res) => {
  // ...


json-masker can be configured via options object passed into factory function. Possible parameters are:

  • whitelist - a field whitelist. The values of whitelisted fields will not be masked. See Whitelist section for whitelist format documentation. Default: empty
  • whitelists - a collection of field whitelists. Used if whitelist option is not present, otherwise is ignored. Allows to define multiple logicaly-split whitelists. Is only for user convenience. Internally, the collection of whitelists is merged into one anyway. Default: empty
  • enabled - a boolean flag that toggles masking functionality. If set to false, none of the fields will be masked. Might be useful for debug purposes. Default: true


A whitelist can be defined as:

  • An array of values: ['field1', 'field2']
  • A string of comma separated values: 'field1, field2'. Whitespaces between values are optional and ignored.

A field in a whitelist can be difined by:

  • name (case-insensitive), e.g. myField
  • json-path, e.g. $.myFieldParent.myField. For more details see json-path documentation


const mask = masker({
  whitelist: [
    /* by field name: */
    /* by json-path: */
  enabled: false
const mask = masker({
  // as a string of comma separated values
  whitelist: 'field1, field2, $..myField'
const mask = masker({
  // multiple logical whitelists
  whitelists: [
    'content-type, content-length, user-agent'
    'country, state, province'

Masking strategy

Example of input:

  "firstName": "Noëlla",
  "lastName": "Maïté",
  "age": 26,
  "gender": "Female",
  "contacts": {
    "email": "",
    "phone": "62-(819)562-8538",
    "address": "12 Northview Way"
  "employments": [
      "companyName": "Reynolds-Denesik",
      "startDate": "12/7/2016",
      "salary": "$150"
  "ipAddress": ""


  "firstName": "Xxxxxx",
  "lastName": "Xxxxx",
  "age": "**",
  "gender": "Xxxxxx",
  "contacts": {
    "email": "xxxxxxxx*",
    "phone": "**-(***)***-****",
    "address": "** Xxxxxxxxx Xxx"
  "employments": [
      "companyName": "Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx",
      "startDate": "**/*/****",
      "salary": "$***"
  "ipAddress": "***.***.***.***"


  1. strings
    • whitespaces remain unchanged
    • punctuation marks (non-alphanumeric characters of latin-1) remain unchanged
    • latin-1 characters 1-9 become *
    • latin-1 characters A-Z become X
    • all other UTF-8 characters become x
  2. numbers are converted to strings where each 1-9 character is replaced with * (e.g. 125 becomes "***" or 3.95 becomes "*.**")
  3. booleans: remain unchanged
  4. nulls: remain unchanged