Knowledge-based statistical energy based on DFIRE reference state for RNA structure evaluation.
Use cmake
# cmake stuff
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# set DFIRE_RNA_HOME in .bashrc (source it or reopen the terminal)
Use Makefile (use gcc compiler):
Note: after compilation, You can manually set environment variable DFIRE_RNA_HOME to the source directory of DFIRE-RNA so the energy files can be detected, or run the following script
# Help is displayed if run dfire_rna without parameters
# Calculate dfire_rna score for a pdb or a list of pdbs
Usage: ./bin/dfire_rna pdb
or: ./bin/dfire_rna [ options ]
pdb [ pdb2 pdb3 ...], input RNA structures in pdb format
-d directory, OPTIONAL, override default directory of energyfiles
default: dfire_rna/data/energyfiles
-norm normalize DFIRE score by RNA length (experimental)
-l pdblist, A list of absolute paths to pdb files (plain text) UTF-8 encoding
# Run in the example dir
../bin/DFIRE_RNA *.pdb
# output:
# 1a9nR.pdb -12480.188898
# 3b58ABC.pdb -53013.816472
# 5e3hBC.pdb -19451.089802
# S_000001_000.pdb -52615.344214
T. Zhang, G. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, “All-atom knowledge-based potential for RNA structure discrimination based on the distance-scaled finite ideal-gas reference state.”, J. Computational Biology, in press (2019).
More works related to DFIRE reference state can be found at: