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Before you criticize ...

tchap edited this page Sep 7, 2013 · 6 revisions

... A brief history of the tuneefy source code

Back in 2011 when I started coding tuneefy I had no idea what an MVC was, nor was I aware that something called Javascript existed.

I got hands-on with coding and dedicated myself to this project so I could learn while creating a service I always thought was missing in between all the music streaming services in place at this time;

As with all beginnings I made mistakes galore, essentially with the design of the site, the languages and frameworks used, etc ...

As I was learning to program, I tried to improve the code base as much as I could, so that it was not too flawed from the start; but a lot of these bad choices remain, I'm afraid.

So .. yes, it's written in PHP. Yes, some of the stuff is hard-coded, and I still use the obsolete mysql driver. No, there are no frameworks involved so I had to reinvent the wheel a couple of times.

At the end of the day, I launched the site in January 2012, it received a warm welcome from the community (though I didn't have any lever to communicate a lot on it), and gained momentum. Today registers nearly 500 unique visitors per month, which I consider quite good.

The site never went down and never 500ed (except when I deployed drunk, of course). It's not lightning fast but it works quite well and serves its purpose with style. I'm proud of this, and I hope the service is being useful to the community somehow.

If seeing the source code of tuneefy gives you headaches, please consider this little preamble before blaming me too hard for it. This said, I'm open to pull requests, so please do not hesitate to improve the code, refactor stuff, add functionalities, etc ... I'll gladly look at them and merge if possible.

Musically yours, Cyril

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