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ACM Website

A static website generator for TCNJ's ACM club website.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Install yarn if you don't have it.

Install the dependencies:

$ cd acm-website
$ yarn install


Build in the acm-website folder:

$ yarn start

The generated website will be in a folder named dist.

Run the following command to delete the dist folder:

$ yarn clean


Automatically recompile the website when changes are made:

$ yarn watch

Press CTRL+C to kill the process.


The layouts are written in the Handlebars templating language and each layout file in the layout folder starts with YAML Front Matter metadata which is used by the page.

Every layout in the layout/pages folder is embedded in the layout/html.hbs layout.

The layouts in the layout/pages folder are automatically added to the website navigation in alphabetical order, with the exception of the home page which is always first. This is done in the gulpfile.js.

The layout/pages/gallery.hbs layout is automatically passed an array of image basenames read from the img/gallery folder in the images metadata variable.

Add external links in the front matter metadata of layout/html.hbs.

CSS and JavaScript

CSS and JavaScript files are automatically included in the HTML based on their names.

css/all.css and js/all.js are automatically included in each HTML page if they exist.

css/<page name>.css and js/<page name>.js are also included in each page name if they exist. For example, since css/index.css exists it is automatically included in layout/pages/index.hbs.


Square PNG images of E-Board members should be placed in the img/people folder and named based on their position title in the metadata of the layout/pages/about.hbs in dash-case. For example, the Vice Presidents image filename would be img/people/vice-president.png.

Images of any type can be added to the Gallery page by adding them to the img/gallery folder.


In order to deploy the website to use tcnj-deploy.

Deploy in the acm-website folder:

$ ./tcnj-deploy dist

Enter the ACM username and password when prompted.


A static website generator for TCNJ's ACM club website.






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