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This module adds the Theia Structure from Motion library to tp_pipeline. To use this you will need to build and install the Theia libraries.

Building Theia Fedora


dnf update -y
dnf install -y eigen3-devel \
               ceres-solver-devel \
               OpenImageIO-devel \
               gflags-devel \
               blas-devel \
               lapack-devel \
               suitesparse-devel \
               libjpeg-turbo-devel \
               hdf5-devel \
               gtest-devel \
               freeglut-devel \
               OpenEXR-devel \
               rapidjson-devel \

Run the following script in the directory where you want to perform the build.

mkdir theia
cd theia
git clone

Building Theia iOS

Run the following script in the directory where you want to perform the build.

brew install wget coreutils

mkdir theia
cd theia
git clone