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Contains the code relevant to my Master's Thesis at the City College Of New York on Edge Device Text-Independent Speaker Recognition.

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My thesis concerns deploying a tiny text-independent speaker verification model onto an edge device, specifically the Arduino Nano 33 BLE. Arduino-Device

The models are trained using log-mel spectrograms, generated by librosa, from a tf.Dataset over the LibriSpeech, VoxCeleb1, and CommonVoice datasets. They were then validated on the test-* datasets in LibriSpeech and all of VCTK. Here, we've trained the models using tensorflow v2.3.

All of the code relevant to training and serializing the models in tensorflow can be found in the tensorflow directory.

Those models are then converted to tf.lite.micro models and deployed onto an Arduino device which uses the code in MicrocontrollerRecognizer.

Further testing of the C++ re-production of the feature engineering steps mentioned above from librosa can be found in the cpp directory.

For more discussion, you can find several PDF versions of Jupyter Notebooks in the notebooks directory discussing the work in detail. The final, submitted, thesis paper and its assets are located in thesis-paper.


In training, the models final layer is a custom defined SpeakerSimilarityMatrixLayer,

class SpeakerSimilarityMatrixLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):

    def __init__(self, n_speakers, utterances_per_speaker, embedding_length):
        super(SpeakerSimilarityMatrixLayer, self).__init__()
        self.W = tf.Variable(name='W', trainable=True, initial_value=10.)
        self.b = tf.Variable(name='b', trainable=True, initial_value=-5.)
        self.N = n_speakers
        self.M = utterances_per_speaker
        self.P = embedding_length

    def call(self, inputs):
            inputs: output from the final Dense(self.P) embedding layer, representing each
                    speakers "voiceprint" for a given utterance.
            An [NM x N] cosine similarity matrix comparing the NM utterances in each column
            to the N centroids (representing the averaged embedding for a given speaker).
        # [n_speakers x utterances x embedding_length]
        inputs = tf.math.l2_normalize(inputs, axis=1)
        utterance_embeddings = tf.reshape(inputs, shape=[self.N, self.M, self.P])

        # the averaged embeddings for each speaker: [n_speakers x embedding_length]
        centroids = tf.math.l2_normalize(
            tf.reduce_mean(utterance_embeddings, axis=1),
        # now we need every utterance_embedding's cosine similarity with those centroids
        # returning: [n_speakers * utterances x n_speakers (or n_centroids)]
        S = tf.concat(
            [tf.matmul(utterance_embeddings[i], centroids, transpose_b=True) for i in range(self.N)],
        return tf.abs(self.W) * S + self.b

which is responsible for taking all the embedding vectors which are outputs of the upstream Dense layer and generating an $[NM,N]$ cosine similarity matrix over which the loss is computed. This approach is motivated by Wan, Wang, Papir, and Lopez-Moreno (2017) Generalized End-to-End Loss. Once the model is trained, a speaker is enrolled by taking the average of several (up to you) embedding vectors, which are the Dense layer right before our SpeakerSimilarityMatrixLayer, representing utterances which belong to them.

Trained, frozen models can be found in tensorflow/frozen_models. The 4 sub-directories contain:

Subdirectory Contents
confs Configs for each serialized model's training
embedding Models which output an utterance's embedding
full Models which output the SpeakerSimilarityMatrixLayer output
tiny TensorflowLite Micro models


Deploying the models as TensorflowLite objects onto Arduino requires us to essentially re-implement the feature engineering steps which librosa provides in C/C++. For example, we defined a FeatureProvider object which can generate log-mel spectograms for a buffer representing the amplitude of our waveform:

enum FeatureStatus {
    ready = 0,
    error = 1

class FeatureProvider {


            size_t waveform_length,
            float* waveform_data,
            int win_length,
            int hop_length,
            int n_filter,
            int sr, 
            int n_fft,
            int n_frame
        )   : waveform_length(waveform_length),
            nfft_real(n_fft / 2 + 1),
            n_frame(n_frame) {

            // allocate the block for raw waveform data
            for (size_t i = 0; i < waveform_length; i++) waveform_data[i] = 0;

            // allocate the re-usable filter bank block
            fb = new float*[n_filter]; // [n_filter, nfft / 2 + 1]
            for (int i = 0; i < n_filter; i++) fb[i] = new float[nfft_real]; 
            filter_bank(fb, n_filter, sr, n_fft);
            // allocate all the temporary computation blocks
            frames = new float*[n_frame]; // [n_frame, nfft]
            for (int i = 0; i < n_frame; i++) frames[i] = new float[n_fft]; 

            stft_frames = new Complex*[n_frame]; // [n_frame, nfft / 2 + 1]
            for (int i = 0; i < n_frame; i++) stft_frames[i] = new Complex[nfft_real];
            energies = new float*[n_frame]; // [n_frame, nfft / 2 + 1]
            for (int i = 0; i < n_frame; i++) energies[i] = new float[nfft_real];
            transposed = new float*[nfft_real]; // [nfft / 2 + 1, n_frame]
            for (int i = 0; i < nfft_real; i++) transposed[i] = new float[n_frame];

        FeatureStatus waveform_to_feature(float (&feature_buffer)[N_FILTER][N_FRAME]) {
            int nfft_real = n_fft / 2 + 1;
            stft(stft_frames, frames, n_frame, n_fft);
            to_energy(energies, stft_frames, n_frame, nfft_real);

            MatrixMath::transpose(transposed, energies, n_frame, nfft_real);
            MatrixMath::dot_product(feature_buffer, fb, transposed, n_filter, nfft_real, nfft_real, n_frame);


            return FeatureStatus(0);

This, then, is instantiated in our setup() portion of our Arduino program,

setup() {
    // ...
    static feature::FeatureProvider fp(waveform_length, raw_waveform_buffer, window_length, 
                                    hop_length, n_filter, signal_rate, nfft, num_frames);
    feature_provider = &fp;

and then gets used within our main Arduino process loop(),

// assuming we have a global static buffer for our raw, collected, audio
loop() {
    if (is_buffer_full) {
        // convert Mic input to normalized waveform [-1, 1]
        feature::normalize_waveform(raw_waveform_buffer, waveform_length);
        for(int i = 0; i < n_filter; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < num_frames; j++) {
            model_input->data.f[i*n_filter + j] = feature_buffer[i][j];
        // call model to get embedding vector
        TfLiteStatus invoke_status = interpreter->Invoke();
        // get pointer to output tensor
        TfLiteTensor* output = interpreter->output(0);
        // compute cosine similarity with target embedding
        float similarity = MatrixMath::cosine_similarity(output->data.f, enrolled_embedding, embedding_len);
        // (optional) threshold to accept/reject

        raw_buffer_idx = 0;
        is_buffer_full = false;


Contains the code relevant to my Master's Thesis at the City College Of New York on Edge Device Text-Independent Speaker Recognition.







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