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tdunning committed Mar 21, 2014
0 parents commit d615c3f
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Showing 28 changed files with 4,493 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
This project provides implementations of common sparse coding algorithms.

The best illustration of the code so far is an anomaly detection demo. The idea is to use sub-sequence clustering
of an EKG signal to reconstruct the EKG. The difference between the original and the reconstruction can be used
to find anomalies in the original signal.

The data for this demo are taken from physionet. See

The particular data used for this demo is the Apnea ECG database which can be found at

To run the demo, note that there is a data file included in the resources of this software (see src/main/resources/a02.dat).
You can find original version of this file at

This file is 6.1MB in size and contains several hours of recorded EKG data from a patient in a sleep apnea study.

The class com.tdunning.sparse.Learn goes through the steps required to read and process this data to produce a simple
anomaly detector.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions pom.xml
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278 changes: 278 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/com/tdunning/lasso/
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package com.tdunning.lasso;

import org.apache.mahout.math.*;
import org.apache.mahout.math.function.DoubleDoubleFunction;
import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions;
import org.apache.mahout.math.function.VectorFunction;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

* Solves in-memory linear systems using L1 and L2 regularization.
* <p/>
* Typical usage will have observations in rows of Matrix x and target values in Vector y. Given
* a value of alpha (0 gives L2 regularization, 1 gives L1, 0.999 is common), solutions can be had
* by doing this:
* <pre>
* for (Fit r : new Lasso(x, alpha).solve(y)) {
* // use r.predict(Vector newX) here,
* // or r.mse()
* // or get the actual coefficients with r.beta() and r.beta0()
* }
* </pre>
* <p/>
* The approach is taken from
public class Lasso {
private final Matrix x;
private final Matrix xt;
private final Vector scale;
private final Vector mean;
private final Set<Integer> skippedColumns;

private final double alpha;

public Lasso(Matrix x, Vector y, double alpha) {
this.alpha = alpha;
this.x = x;

// standardize a
mean = x.aggregateColumns(new VectorFunction() {
public double apply(Vector f) {
return f.zSum() / f.size();

skippedColumns = Sets.newHashSet();

// xt is a sparse matrix which contains a partially standardized x.transpose()
// the point is to allow fast iteration through scaled columns of x which may
// be sparse
scale = new DenseVector(x.columnSize());
if (x.viewRow(0).isDense()) {
xt = x.transpose();
} else {
xt = new SparseRowMatrix(x.columnSize(), x.rowSize());
for (int column = 0; column < x.columnSize(); column++) {
Vector f = x.viewColumn(column);
double norm = 0;
double m = mean.get(column);
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
double z = f.get(i) - m;
norm += z * z;
norm = Math.sqrt(norm);

if (norm < 1e-12) {
scale.set(column, 1);
} else {
scale.set(column, norm);
mean.set(column, mean.get(column) / norm);
for (int i = 0; i < x.rowSize(); i++) {
if (Math.abs(x.get(i, column) / norm) > 1e-12) {
xt.set(column, i, x.get(i, column) / norm);

// verify that the means of xt are correct
assert mean.minus(xt.aggregateRows(new VectorFunction() {
public double apply(Vector f) {
return f.zSum() / f.size();
})).norm(1) < 1e-12;

// validate that xt is standardized if you subtract the column means
assert xt.aggregateRows(new VectorFunction() {
int j = 0;

public double apply(Vector f) {
Vector v =;
}).plus(-1).norm(1) < 1e-10;

// validate that x can be reconstructed from xt using scale
assert x.minus(xt.transpose().times(new DiagonalMatrix(scale))).aggregate(Functions.PLUS, Functions.ABS) < 1e-12;

private double maxLambda(Matrix x, Vector y, double alpha) {
// lambda starts at a value guaranteed to force beta to zero
double maxLambda = 0;
for (int column = 0; column < x.columnSize(); column++) {
double z = Math.abs((xt.viewRow(column).dot(y) - mean.get(column) * y.zSum()) / x.rowSize() / alpha);
if (maxLambda < z) {
maxLambda = z;
return maxLambda;

* Solves the entire path of solutions.
* @return An iterator of Fit structures, one for each successive value of lambda
public Iterable<Fit> solve(final Vector y) {
final double maxLambda = maxLambda(x, y, alpha);
final double minLambda = 0.001 * maxLambda;
final double lambdaStep = Math.exp(Math.log(maxLambda / minLambda) / 100);
return internalSolve(maxLambda * lambdaStep, lambdaStep, minLambda, y);

* Solves for a particular value of lambda. Note that the original paper that this class is based on
* suggests that it may be faster to following the path rather than solving in a single step.
* @param lambda The regularization constant.
* @return The Fit for this value of lambda.
public Fit solve(double lambda, Vector y) {
double maxLambda = maxLambda(x, y, alpha);
return internalSolve(maxLambda, maxLambda / lambda, lambda * 0.9999, y).iterator().next();

private Iterable<Fit> internalSolve(final double start, final double step, final double end, final Vector yValues) {
return new Iterable<Fit>() {
public Iterator<Fit> iterator() {
return new AbstractIterator<Fit>() {
Vector y = yValues;
double lambda = start;
double lambdaStep = step;
double minLambda = end;
Fit previous;

double beta0 = y.zSum() / y.size();

// initial residual is y-beta0 since beta starts as zero
previous = new Fit(y, start, beta0, new DenseVector(x.columnSize()), new DenseVector(y).plus(-beta0));

protected Fit computeNext() {
lambda /= lambdaStep;
if (lambda < minLambda) {
return endOfData();
} else {
previous = new Fit(y, lambda, previous.beta0, previous.beta, previous.residual);
return previous;

* Encapsulates a single solution.
public class Fit {
private final Vector y;
private double lambda;
private double beta0;
private final Vector beta;
private final Vector residual;

private Fit(Vector y, double lambda, double initialBeta0, Vector initialBeta, Vector initialResidual) {
this.y = y;
this.lambda = lambda;
this.beta0 = initialBeta0;
this.beta = new DenseVector(initialBeta);

residual = initialResidual;

int updates = 1;
while (updates > 0) {
updates = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < x.columnSize(); j++) {
if (!skippedColumns.contains(j)) {
assert residual().minus(residual).norm(1) < 1e-8;
// assert Math.abs((xt.viewRow(j).plus(-mean.get(j)).dot(residual)) - (xt.viewRow(j).dot(residual) - mean.get(j) * residual.zSum())) < 1e-10;

final double betaJ = beta.get(j);
final double newBeta = trim((xt.viewRow(j).dot(residual) - mean.get(j) * residual.zSum()) / x.rowSize() + betaJ, lambda * alpha) / (1 + lambda * (1 - alpha));
if (Math.abs(newBeta - betaJ) > 1e-12 && Math.abs((newBeta - betaJ) / Math.max(newBeta, betaJ)) > 1e-6) {

this.beta.set(j, newBeta);
double offset = residual.zSum() / residual.size();
this.beta0 -= offset;
residual.assign(Functions.PLUS, offset);

assert residual().minus(residual).norm(1) < 1e-8;

public double predict(Vector xi) {
double r = 0;
// unrolled this loop to avoid vector allocation
for (int i = 0; i < xi.size(); i++) {
r += xi.get(i) / scale.get(i) * beta.get(i);
return r - + beta0;

public Vector predict(Matrix x) {
Vector r = new DenseVector(x.rowSize());
for (int i = 0; i < x.rowSize(); i++) {
r.set(i, predict(x.viewRow(i)));
return r;

public double lambda() {
return lambda;

public Vector beta() {
return beta.times(scale);

public double beta0() {
return beta0 -;

public Vector residual() {
return y.minus(predict(x));

public double mse() {
return residual().norm(2);

public double regularizedMse() {
Vector b = beta();
return mse() + lambda * ((1 - alpha) * / 2 + alpha * beta.aggregate(Functions.PLUS, Functions.ABS));

private static double trim(double z, double gamma) {
if (z > gamma) {
return z - gamma;
} else if (z < -gamma) {
return z + gamma;
} else {
return 0;

// pass over each variable, perform update
// unstandardize

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