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Release Notes

Kate Webbink edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Expert Review 2022

Changes and Updates

  • Created label “UpdateReview1stPhase” (JuB)
  • Changed Identifier.identifier to Identifier.identifierValue: updated in issues/129) and Collection Description Class Index spreadsheet - tabs “1st draft properties worksheet”, “CD classes and properties”, “Final R&R review” “Institution registry mapping”, “GBIF Collection registry mapping”, “GBIF Tables” and “Sheet25”. Updated title of issue #129 to “Property:identifierValue”. (JuB)
  • 20220811 JuB: Updated Identifier.identifier to Identifier.identifierValue on Wiki page 2.2 “Latimer Core schemes”, code block Step 2.
  • 20220822 JuB: Wiki section 2.4 Table 1: removed “SpecimenIdentifierSystem” from range of “Person”, added “ChronometricAge”, “GeologicalContext”, “GeographicContext”
  • 20220822 JuB: Wiki section 2.4 fig. 5, 6 & 7 - updated Identifier.identifier to Identifier.identifierValue
  • 20220822 JuB: Wiki section 2.6 - updated Identifier.identifier to Identifier.identifierValue throughout examples
  • 20220822 JuB: Wiki section 3 - added extension to text before Table 2 as an explanation why this table differs from the table in the normative part (“, including also sources that informed the development of LtC and are the origin of informally derived terms”)

Future components/discussions

In addition to the version of Latimer Core explained in the wiki, the Latimer Core Task Group discussed other classes and terms to provide users with ways to describe other aspects of collections in more detail when relevant or possible. These other classes were excluded from the initially proposed version of the standard because they were either not found to be critically necessary for the known needs and use cases, or needed further investigation and definition. If such needs or use cases arise in the future, though, relevant notes are highlighted here.

Activity and PersonActivity

  • Activity and PersonActivity
  • Class Name
  • Range (i.e., other classes to which this class can be attached)
  • Activity
  • Event, ObjectGroup
  • PersonActivity
  • Activity, Event, MeasurementOrFact, ObjectGroup, OrganisationalUnit, RecordLevel
  • Class Name
  • Class-level Properties
  • Activity
  • Identifier, PersonActivity
  • PersonActivity
  • Address, ContactDetail, Identifier, Person, Reference, TemporalCoverage

Connection between Latimer Core (ltc) and Audiovisual Core (ac)