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🚧 🚧 🚧 This document is a work in progress 🚧 🚧 🚧

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Bare Minimum
  3. Design for happiness
  4. Performance tips
  5. Testing principles

Note: As I was writing this, I realized that it was actually difficult for me to separate my thoughts into the design, performance, and testing. I noticed that a lot of designs aimed for maintainability also makes your application faster. How cool is that?

I noticed that most of the techniques are variations of basic refactoring methods, SOLID principles, and programming ideas, just applied to React specifically.


react-philosophies is:

  • things I think about before I write React code.
  • at the back of my mind whenever I review someone else's code or my own
  • just guidelines and NOT rigid rules
  • a living document and will evolve overtime as I my experience grows

A lot of these things may feel like very basic and common sense but I've worked with many large complex applications that seem to... well, not care.

react-philosophies is inspired by various places I've stumbled upon at different points of my coding journey.

Most notably:

If there's something that you think should be part of my reading list, or if you have great ideas that you think I should include here, don't hesitate to submit a PR or an issue; I'll check it out.

The Bare Minimum

This might sound crazy but a lot of times, the computer is smarter than you

  1. Use ESLint including rule-of-hooks and exhaustive-deps
  2. Do NOT ignore exhaustive-deps warnings / errors for useMemo, useCallback and useEffect
  3. Remember to add keys whenever you use map to display components
  4. Do NOT ignore the warning "Can't perform state update on unmounted component."
  5. If you see a warning or error in the console, Do not ignore it.
  6. Use Prettier to automatically format your code
  7. Use Code Climate (or similar) to detect code smells

Code is just a necessary evil

The best code is no code at all Every new line of code you willingly bring into the world is code that has to be debugged, code that has to be read and understood, code that has to be supported." - Jeff Atwood

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code." - Eric S. Raymond

"If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written a Shorter Letter" - Attributed to Blaise Pascal, Mark Twain, among others..

See also:


  1. Think first before adding another dependency (loadash, fetching libraries, redux)
  2. Use map, filter if you can
  3. Simplify complex conditionals
  4. πŸ’– You're probably NOT gonna need it.
  5. Avoid premature generalization
  6. Think about the expensive setup

Design for happiness

β€œAny fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” - Martin Fowler β€œIndeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code. So if you want to go fast, if you want to get done quickly, if you want your code to be easy to write, make it easy to read” ― Robert C. Martin


  1. Derive states to avoid state management complexity
  2. Pass the banana, not the gorilla and the entire jungle
  3. Separate concerns with the single responsibility principle
  4. logical and presentational components
  5. Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction
  6. Avoid prop drilling by using composition
  7. Prefer passing primitives as props
  8. Breakdown useEffects
  9. Extract logic to hooks and helper functions
  10. Prefer having mostly primitives as dependencies to useCallback, useMemo and useEffect
  11. Do not put too many dependencies in useCallback, useMemo and useEffect
  12. Context is not the solution for every state sharing problem

Deriving states to avoid state management complexity

Example 1

Suppose you fetch a list of two numbers {a: number, b: number}[]. The two numbers represent the two shorter sides of a right triangle. The length of the three sides, the perimeter, and the area of each triangle should be displayed

❌ Bad Solution
const TriangleInfo = () => {
  const [triangleInfo, setTriangleInfo] = useTriangles<{a: number, b: number}>([])
  const [hypotenuses, setHypotenuses] = useState<number[]>([])
  const [perimeters, setPerimeters] = useState<number[]>([])
  const [areas, setAreas] = useState<number[]>([])

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchTriangles().then(r => { 
      setHypotenuses( => computeHypotenuse(t.a, t.b))  
      setArea( => computeArea(t.a, t.b))  
  }, [])

  useEffect(() => {
      setHypotenuses( => computeHypotenuse(t.a, t.b))  
      setArea( => computeArea(t.a, t.b))  
  }, [triangleInfo])

  useEffect(() => {
    const p = triangleInfo((t, i) => {
      return computePerimeter(t.a, t.b, hypotenuse[i])
  }, [triangleInfo, hypotenuses])

  /*** show here info here ****/
βœ… Better Solution
const TriangleInfo = () => {
  const [triangleInfo, setTriangleInfo] = useTriangles<{a: number, b: number}>([])

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchTriangles().then(r => setTriangleInfo(r))
  }, [])
  const areas = => computeArea(t.a, t.b))
  const hypotenuses = => computeHypotenuse(t.a, t.b))
  const perimeters =, i) => computePerimeters(t.a, t.b, hypotenuses[i]))
  /*** show here info here ****/

Example 2

Suppose you are assigned to make a component which fetches a list of unique points There is a button to either sort by x or y and a button to filter points that farther than a specific distance from the origin (0, 0)

❌ Bad Solution
type SortBy = 'x' | 'y'
const toggle = (current: SortBy): SortBy => current === 'x' ? : 'y' : 'x' 
const Points = () => {
  const [points, setPoints] = useState<{x: number, y: number}[]>([])
  const [filteredPoints, setFilteredPoints] = useState<{x: number, y: number}[]>([])
  const [sortedPoints, setSortedPoints] = useState<{x: number, y: number}[]>([])
  const [maxDistance, setMaxDistance] = useState<number>(Infinity)
  const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useState<SortBy>('x')
  useEffect(() => {
    fetchPoints().then(r => setPoints(r))
  }, [])
  useEffect(() => {
    setSortedPoints(sortPoints(points, sortBy))
  }, [sortBy, points])

  useEffect(() => {
    setFilteredPoints(sortedPoints.filter(p => getDistance(p.x, p.y) < maxDistance))
  }, [sortedPoints, maxDistance])

  const otherSortBy = toggle(sortBy)
  return (
      <button onClick={() => { setSortBy(otherSortBy)}}>Sort by: {otherSortBy} <button>
      <button onClick={() => { setMaxDistance(maxDistance + 5)}}>Add 5 to max distance<button>
      Showing only points that are less than {maxDistance} units away from origin `(0, 0)`
      <ol>{ => <li key={`${p.x}|{p.y}`}>({p.x}, {p.y})</li>}

βœ… Better Solution
type SortBy = 'x' | 'y'
const toggle = (current: SortBy): SortBy => current === 'x' ? : 'y' : 'x' 
const Points = () => {
  const [points, setPoints] = useState<{x: number, y: number}[]>([])
  const [maxDistance, setMaxDistance] = useState<number>(Infinity)
  const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useState<SortBy>('x')
  useEffect(() => {
    fetchPoints().then(r => setPoints(r))
  }, [])
  const otherSortBy = toggle(sortBy)
  const filteredPoints = points.filter(p => getDistance(p.x, p.y) < maxDistance)
  return (
      <button onClick={() => { setSortBy(otherSortBy)}}>Sort by: {otherSortBy} <button>
      <button onClick={() => { setMaxDistance(maxDistance + 5)}}>Add 5 to max distance<button>
      Showing only points that are less than {maxDistance} units away from origin `(0, 0)`        
      <ol>{sortPoints(filteredPoints, sortBy).map(p => <li key={`${p.x}|{p.y}`}>({p.x}, {p.y})</li>}


Prefer fewer dependencies

❌ ❌ bad ❌ ❌
const decrement = useCallback(() => setCount(count - 1), [count]) 

βœ… βœ… Better βœ… βœ… 
const decrement = useCallback(() => setCount(count => count - 1), [])

Performance tips

Premature optimization is the root of all evil


  1. Measure first with the React profiler
  2. Splitting code to bundles
  3. useMemo for expensive calculations
  4. React.memo for reducing re-renders
  5. Make sure your useCallback and useMemo is doing what you think it's doing (preventing rerendering)
  6. Window large lists (with React virtual or similar)
  7. Put Context as low as possible in your component tree. Context does not have to be global to your whole app.
  8. Context should be logically separated
  9. You can optimize context by separating the state and dispatch function
  10. Stop punching yourself everytime you blink (fixing slow rerenders before fixing rerenders)

Testing principles


  1. Your tests should resemble the way your software is used
  2. Stop testing implementation details
  3. If your tests don't make you confident that you didn't break anything, then it didn't do its (on and only) job
  4. You don't need 100% code coverage, about 70% is okay


Things I think about when I write React code






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