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Releases: teakivy/teaks-tweaks

Beta 1.6.2 [HOTFIX]

01 Dec 04:14
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Beta 1.6.2 [HOTFIX] Pre-release

Beta 1.6.2 [HOTFIX]

  • Fixed Config not updating when upgrading to v1.6.1-beta

Beta 1.6.1

01 Dec 03:44
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Beta 1.6.1 Pre-release

Beta 1.6.1

  • Added 1.18 Support
    • Still experimental, and not everything has been properly tested, so please report any issues
  • Added ChatColors Pack
  • Added Editable Signs Pack
    • Shift Click a sign to edit it
    • Optional Owner only mode
  • Added Lectern Reset Pack
    • Reset a Lecturn to page 1 when all players leave its inventory
  • Added Sudoku Pack
    • /sudoku to commit sudoku
  • Added Stair Chairs Pack
    • Right click a stair with a saddle to make it a chair
    • Right click a chair to sit on it
    • Break the chair to get the saddle back

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed an issue where clicking graves faster than the server could register would result in duplicated items
  • Fixed Multiplayer Sleep not unregistering upon reloading the plugin config


  • Development is now being done on Paper 1.18
  • Now Compiling using the Eclipse Maven Compiler

Beta 1.6.0

03 Nov 02:19
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Beta 1.6.0 Pre-release

Beta 1.6.0

  • Renamed Plugin to "Teak's Tweaks"
    • Slowly replacing all references of Vanilla Tweaks with Teak's Tweaks
    • All Permissions are still under vanillatweaks.*, will be moved by Release 1.0
    • If you see anything left, create a bug report!
  • Added 1.16 Support
    • This is not officially tested, feel free to use the plugin on 1.16, however LTS may not exist
    • If you see an issue, please report it!
  • Added Keep Small Pack
    • Rename a mob "keep small" to keep it in its child form (if it has one)
    • Rename a mob "grow" to make it an adult again
  • Added ChatColors Pack
    • Use Minecraft Color formats with the '&' symbol to color Chat, Items, & Signs
  • Crafting Tweaks:
    • Added Log Chests Crafting Tweak
    • Added Craftable Small Dripleaf Crafting Tweak
    • Added Craftable Spore Blossom Crafting Tweak
  • NOTE: Development is now being done in Paper 1.17.1, some minor changes between Paper & Spigot exist, please report any inconsistencies in a bug report.

Fixed Bugs:

  • [Multiplayer Sleep] Fixed Pack not unregistering

Beta 1.5.3

27 Sep 02:02
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Beta 1.5.3 Pre-release

Beta 1.5.3

  • Multiplayer Sleep:
    • Added Boss Bar option
    • Updated weather cycle
  • Armored Elytra:
    • Now uses Base64 Encryption
    • Saves all data instead of specified data on armor/elytra
      • Means custom items can be combined
    • Old Elytras will no longer be able to be grinded after release 1.0
  • Silence Mobs:
    • Added the ability to silence minecarts
    • Toggleable in config.yml
  • Wandering Trades:
    • Added custom section in data.yml
      • Change the item for trading, amounts, trade #'s, etc.
      • Head & Block trades are seperate
  • Java:
    • Updated to Java 16 Syntax
    • Requires server to be running Java 16+ (already was a soft requirement with Minecraft 1.17, now a hard requirement)

Fixed Bugs:

  • [Multiplayer Sleep] Sleeping & leaving the bed no longer skips the night anyways
  • [Multiplayer Sleep] Fixed setting display-type to bossbar doing nothing

Beta 1.5.2

02 Sep 01:14
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Beta 1.5.2 Pre-release

Beta 1.5.2

  • Coords Hud:
  • Added Descriptions to config sections missing one
  • Permissions:
    • First wave of permissions have been added
    • All commands have permissions, no documentation exists (yet)
    • All permissions are by default the same as previous versions op vs no op
    • All packs will later receive permissions added to them soon!
    • Use a plugin such as Luck Perms to use the permissions
    • If you are interested in what permissions do, and can understand it, click here
  • Rotation Wrench:
    • Added the Resource pack for Rotation Wrench Pack
    • Enable it by setting suggest-pack: true in the rotation wrench section.
    • Disabled by default

Fixed Bugs:

  • More Bark Tweak gives 12 logs instead of 4 (oops...)
  • Confetti creepers do reduced damage when damage-reduction is set to 0
  • Conduit power command uses messages from back command
  • /itemaverage remove isn't standard (renamed to /itemaverage uninstall)
  • unnamed rabbits have a 100% chance of dropping their heads no matter the value

Beta 1.5.1

22 Aug 01:11
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Beta 1.5.1 Pre-release

Beta 1.5.1

  • Player Heads
    • Added a drop chance modifiers in data.yml similar to more mob heads
  • Improved performance with Unlock All Recipes Pack by 300%

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed homes not saving properly
  • Fixed a null error with homes pack
  • Fixed AFK Display sometimes displaying multiple AFK messages

Beta 1.5.0

17 Aug 15:28
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Beta 1.5.0 Pre-release

Beta 1.5.0

  • All messages are now completely customizable inside data.yml
  • All Commands are now completely customizable inside data.yml
    • Change Commands, Aliases, Descriptions, Usage, and Messages
  • More Mob Heads drop chances are customizable in data.yml
  • data.yml now reloads on server shutdown & startup

Fixed Bugs:

  • Homes pack uses Spawn timings config
  • Enabling Crabtable Enchanted Golden Apples & Craftable Name Tags caused the plugin to crash
  • When going AFK the console message has improper spacing

NOTE: Many more changes occured that are not directly noticeable, if you find any strange inconsistencies between v1.5.0-beta & 1.4.2-beta, please create a GitHub Issue.

Beta 1.4.2

08 Aug 17:55
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Beta 1.4.2 Pre-release

Beta 1.4.2

  • Added Custom Villager Shops Pack
    • Place a chest below a villager, fill it with trades, and Sneak!
  • Added Gem Villagers Pack
    • Enabled under packs.treasure-gems
    • Summon a villager with /gem villager <type>
  • Added Spawning Spheres Pack
    • Spawn up to 3 spheres on a server
    • /sphere create
    • /sphere remove
    • /sphere tp
  • Added /gem command
    • Summon Gem Villagers & Give yourself gems!
    • Requires OP
  • Graves Pack:
    • Fixed items in graves not containing their data
    • Items are now serialized in Base64
    • Support for graves generated before Base64 Serialization will remain until Release 1.0
    • Graves will now actually spawn above the void, if players die below min world height
  • Gems:
    • Now use colored names
    • Gem Villagers are NOT compatible with older gems
    • Added /gem give [amount]
  • Coords HUD:
    • Now uses TaskTimers instead of Recursion
    • No longer floors all values
    • Other performance improvements
  • Commands
    • Now initializes as AbstractCommand(s)
    • Changed shortened commands to long form (kept shortened as aliases)
    • Renamed Config variables (may require re-disabling certain commands)
    • Now Fully disables a command when commands.<command> is disabled
  • Fixed Bugs:
    • Fixed commands not fully disabling
    • Fixed items removing their data when in a grave
    • Fixed disabling has-player-heads in wandering trader not stopping heads from spawning
    • Plugin now uses PluginLogger as opposed to System.out in order to apply with Paper Build #146

Beta 1.4.1

02 Aug 06:10
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Beta 1.4.1 Pre-release

Beta 1.4.1

  • Coords HUD:
    • Added force-enable option to force users to use Coords Hud
    • Added auto-enable option to automatically enable Coords Hud for users who first join (after installing)
  • Fixed Bugs:
    • Graves don't attempt to generate if you die below the world
    • Graves pack was enabled by default (oops)
    • Config didn't update when going between v1.3.2, and 1.4.0 unless dev-mode was enabled
    • Fixed Bottling XP not taking proper amount of XP when sneaking

Beta 1.4.0

01 Aug 17:11
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Beta 1.4.0 Pre-release

Beta 1.4.0

  • Added Custom Nether Portals Pack
    • Allow Crying obsidian in portal creation
    • Change the min/max portal sizes
  • Added Item Averages Pack
  • Added Track Statistics Pack
    • Adds scoreboard statistics that are processed before-hand. E.g. Km swam, Km flown, etc.
  • Added Track Raw Statistics Pack
    • Adds 100+ scoreboards that track many different statistics. Especially useful for multiplayer.
  • Added Graves Pack
    • Places a Grave down where you died
    • Configurable grave robbing
    • Locate your grave (if enabled) with /grave locate
    • Get an Admin Grave Key with /grave key
  • Added Pearlescent Moon & Gemini Tay to the Wandering trader head defaults
  • Coords Hud
    • Now only gets the time from world[0] (overworld)
    • Now only runs when enabled (Performance Improvement)
  • Added sneak-to-convert-all option to XP Management pack
  • Now generates credits.txt to properly align with Vanilla Tweaks usage terms
  • Fixed Bugs:
    • Rotation Wrench recipe creates an error when reloading
    • Fixed XP Management duplicating bottles
    • Fixed random Error message when using Silence Mobs pack
    • Fixed Larger phantoms trying to compare locations from multiple worlds
    • Fixed AFK Display marking a player as AFK on join