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Releases: teakivy/teaks-tweaks

Beta 1.11.1

08 Jul 00:10
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Beta 1.11.1 Pre-release

Beta 1.11.1

  • Re-added Spigot Support
    • Just one update after it was dropped, Spigot is back!
    • Newer API's are still preferred, which Spigot does not yet support, meaning many of these had to be bundled with the plugin directly.
      • This increases the overall plugin size by just under 3x, though still under 2mb.
  • Cauldron Mud
    • This is a new pack inspired by Vanilla Tweaks.
    • Right click dirt onto a water cauldron to instantly convert it to mud.

Fixed Bugs:

  • /teakstweaks requires arguments instead of just displaying /teakstweaks info
  • Links displayed in game are not clickable

Codebase Changes:

  • Removed Paper API Dependency
  • Added Spigot Dependency
  • Added Adventure API Dependency
  • Added MiniMessage API Dependency
  • Included NMS (remapped-mojang).
  • Added ItemSerializer utility class to recreate Paper's ItemStack#SerializeAsBytes
  • Added MM utility class to utilize Adventure API's Audience standards
  • Fully updated to Java 1.21
  • Changed plugin api version to 1.21

Full Changelog: 1.11.0-beta...1.11.1-beta

Beta 1.11.0

24 Jun 01:41
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Beta 1.11.0 Pre-release

Beta 1.11.0

  • Updated to Minecraft 1.21
    • Dropped support for 1.20 - Use v1.10.6 or under
  • ⚠️ Completely dropped Spigot Support ⚠️
    • A large majority of the Teak's Tweaks plugin has been completely rewritten using more up to date standards, and newer, cleaner api's.
    • This unfortunately had the trade off of dropping spigot support (In favor of Paper), or having a more complex development system. In the end I decided upon favoring Paper.
      • If you do not already use Paper, I would highly recommend looking into it! It has a variety of performance improvements, and works with 100% of spigot plugins.
  • ⚠️ Removed Packs ⚠️
    • The following packs have been removed due to complexity, lack of usage, or just better options already available in the base game
      • Custom Villager Shops
      • Treasure Gems
      • Multiplayer Sleep
      • Craftable Skulk Sensors
  • Multi Language Support
    • It is now easier than ever to translate Teak's Tweaks for your users!
    • Every string is now editable using a new translation key system, to translate Teak's Tweaks:
      • Enter the plugin's lang folder (plugins/TeaksTweaks/lang) and copy the en.json file.
      • change the name of the file to a new language code (such as de.json for German)
      • Change the option at the top from "meta.modified": false, to "meta.modified": true, (This is to keep the plugin from trying to update the file)
      • Change any messages you would like! Everything is separated into sections for ease of use.
        • Note: Be sure to leave anything inside angle brackets (such as <gold>) as this is for formatting
      • Feel free to share your language files, and they may be included in future versions by default!
  • Permissions
    • Several new permission nodes have been added (Thanks @MCCasper)
  • Data Files
    • The data.yml file has been removed and replaced with various json files located in a data folder
    • It was deemed a complex task to automatically transition these values to the new system, if you previously modified anything in this file, please check the respective file the data folder to update these values.
  • Spawn Pack
    • The world used for /spawn can now be set using the config option world: <folder name> (Default: world)
  • Armored Elytra
    • Transitioned from Base64 Serialization to Itemstack Bytes.
    • This is for support of other Armored Elytra plugins.
    • This should not break any Elytra currently in use, however I would recommend separating and rejoining your armor pieces as backwards compatibility will be removed in a future version.

Fixed Bugs:

  • #91 /spawn does not work on servers without a world named 'world'
  • #90 Several grave issues
  • #86 data.yml changes aren't saved and/or get reset
  • #85 Armored Elytra Storage Format
  • TPA Requests display as expired after being accepted
  • If no drop chance is provided for more mob heads, an error occurs
  • Graves are not created if a player head is present in the player's inventory
  • Several spelling issues
  • Miscellaneous error messages in console

Codebase Changes:

  • Transitioned from Spigot methods to Paper methods
  • All strings are now found in language files instead of a messy mixture of data.yml and in-baked.
  • Transitioned all messages to use MiniMessage format from Adventure API
  • Updates are no longer called from Spigot, rather Modrinth's Labrinth API is now used
  • Rewrote commands to use a new Abstract Command System
  • Metrics are now registered dynamically on enable
  • Rewrote and cleaned up several packs

Full Changelog: 1.10.6-beta...1.11.0-beta

Beta 1.10.6

18 Dec 23:42
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Beta 1.10.6 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.6

Fixed Bugs:

  • #71 More Mob Heads Error when breaking heads
  • #76 "Inconsistent skull meta" warning when mob head drops
  • #79 "Chair" block remains when destroyed by non-player

Beta 1.10.5

26 Sep 22:42
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Beta 1.10.5 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.5

  • Update Checker
    • Added settings.disable-update-checker config option to disable the update checker entirely
      • false by default
      • Useful for slow/no internet connection
  • Coordinates Hud
    • Removed message config option and all replacement methods
    • As far as I am aware, this feature is not used by anyone and is purely a strain on servers computing many placeholders for every player every tick.

Fixed Bugs:

  • /tpa roles are reversed
  • /spawn teleports the player to the current world spawn, not server spawn
  • Goat heads are improperly textured #56
  • Keep small doesn't work on frogs/tadpoles #57
  • /teakstweaks update tries to run a non-existant command
  • Coordinates Hud prefers North/South in parts of East/West range

Codebase Changes:

  • Cleaned up data.yml references (data will soon be split, how is yet to be decided)
  • Replaced all remaining references to System.out with Java Logger

Full Changelog: 1.10.4-beta...1.10.5-beta

Beta 1.10.4

25 Jul 04:43
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Beta 1.10.4 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.4

  • Reverted api-version change back to 1.17

Full Changelog: 1.10.3-beta...1.10.4-beta

Beta 1.10.3

15 Jul 17:37
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Beta 1.10.3 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.3

  • Auto Updater:
    • Completely Removed all automatic updating functionality
    • Any attempt from older versions to update will instead just download a blank jar file
  • Updated plugin api-version to 1.20

Full Changelog: 1.10.2-beta...1.10.3-beta

Beta 1.10.2

24 Jun 13:58
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Beta 1.10.2 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.2

  • Added new packs to custom metrics

Fixed Bugs:

  • Breaking an old mob head results in the skull dissapearing

Full Changelog: 1.10.1-beta...1.10.2-beta

Beta 1.10.1

24 Jun 05:20
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Beta 1.10.1 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.1

  • Added Spectator Alts Pack
    • New pack!
    • Allows players to add their own alt accounts as spectators
    • When an alt account is added, it is added to the whitelist, and set into the specified game mode upon joining the server
    • You cannot add an account as an alt if it is already whitelisted
      • Existing servers: I would recommend you remove existing alts from your whitelist, and instead get players to add them on their own.
    • Removing an alt removes it from the whitelist
    • Options:
      • gamemode
        • Which gamemode to put alts in when they join
        • Options: spectator, creative, survival, or adventure
        • Default: spectator
      • force-gamemode
        • Whether or not to force alts to stay in the specified game mode
        • Default: true
      • max-alts
        • Maximum amount of alts a player can have
        • OP players have no limit
        • Set to 0 to only allow OP players to set alts
        • Set to -1 to allow all players to set unlimited alts
        • OP players can add alts to other players by using /alts add <alt> <player>
        • Default: 1
      • allow-player-teleport
        • Whether or not to allow alts to teleport to other players
        • Alts will always be able to teleport to their main account
        • Default: true
    • Commands:
      • /alts list [player]
        • List either your own, or another player's alts
        • Only an OP can see other player's alt accounts
      • /alts add <alt> [player]
        • Add an alt to either your own account, or another player's
        • Only an OP can manage another player's alt accounts
      • /alts remove <alt> [player]
        • Removes an alt from either your own account, or another player's
        • Only an OP can manage another player's alt accounts
  • Added Quick Commands Pack
    • New pack!
    • Quickly switch game modes, and reply to messages
    • Options:
      • gamemode
        • Game mode switcher commands (/gmc, /gma, /gms, /gmsp)
        • Default: true
      • reply
        • Reply commands (/r, /reply)
        • This overrides minecraft's default message system
        • Default: true
  • Added More Sherds Crafting Tweak
    • New Crafting Tweak!
    • Craft 2 Sherds when combining a Pottery Sherd with a Brick
  • TPA Pack
    • Completely rewrote TPA system
    • You can now execute /tpa accept to auto accept the most recent teleport request
  • Homes Pack
    • Completely rewrote homes storage system
      • Instead of storing in data.yml, homes are stored inside the player file
    • You can now execute /sethome, /delhome, & /home without a home name, this will use the preferred home name of "home"
    • Added /delhome <home> as an alternative to /home delete <home>
  • More Mob Heads
    • Heads now use the vanilla noteblock system of tags, meaning heads now work with redstone
      • Heads generated before this version will need to be broken & replaced for changes to take effect
    • Changed the Warden's head noteblock sound to Warden Emerges
  • Player Head Drops
    • Player Heads will now play a hurt sound when played over a noteblock
  • Graves
    • Added more config options:
      • allow-empty-graves
        • Whether or not to allow graves to be generated when a player's inventory is empty
        • Default: true
      • creative-graves
        • Whether or not to generate a grave when a player dies in creative mode
        • Default: true
      • creative-drops
        • Whether or not creative players will drop their items on death
        • If allow-empty-graves is false, and this is false, creative players will not generate graves
        • Default: true
      • level-threshold
        • The minimum xp level a player must reach before a grave can be generated
        • If set to 0, graves will always generate
        • Example: If level-threshold is 5, and a player dies with 4 levels, the player will drop their items normally
        • If level-threshold is 5, and a player dies with 5+ levels, the player will generate a grave
        • Default: 0

Fixed Bugs:

  • Cherry & Bamboo are missing from back to blocks
  • Cherry & Bamboo are missing from more stairs
  • Cherry & Bamboo are missing from more trapdoors
  • Bamboo is missing from double slabs
  • Cherry is missing from log chests
  • Cherry is missing from more bark
  • #48 Stacktraces when killing villagers
  • Zombie villager heads drop normal villager heads renamed to zombie
  • #49 Villager heads duplicate upon breaking
  • Noteblocks with mob heads dont play when activated by redstone

Codebase Changes:

  • Added MIT License
  • Rewrote Homes Pack
  • Rewrote TPA Pack
  • Added UUIDUtils utility class
  • More removal of legacy main variables
  • Changed Plugin Description to match Modrinth
  • Changed Plugin website to
  • Changed Updater message to direct to Modrinth for downloads

Full Changelog: 1.10.0-beta...1.10.1-beta

Beta 1.10.0

12 Jun 02:49
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Beta 1.10.0 Pre-release

Beta 1.10.0

  • Updated to Minecraft 1.20
    • Dropped support for 1.19 - Use v1.0.2 or under
  • Commands
    • Removed require-op for packs with commands, replaced with permissions
    • Removed /teakstweaks reload
      • Teak's Tweaks is fully compatible with /reload, if running with other plugins that are not, restart the server
  • More Mob Heads
    • Added Sniffer & Camel Heads
    • Renamed all mob heads to use vanilla name formatting
      • New heads won't stack with old heads
    • Breaking a mob head now keeps its name
    • Removed the piglin mob head in favor of the Piglin Head vanilla item
    • Placing a mob head on a noteblock, then right/left clicking the block plays the mobs respective sound
      • This works for all old mob heads except the piglin
    • Strider head is no longer random, instead detects when the strider is freezing vs warm
    • Wither now always drops it's head, as well as either a Wither Projectile, or a Blue Wither Projectile
  • Editable Signs
    • Removed in favor of vanilla 1.20's editing signs feature
  • Wandering Trades
    • Added new mini blocks: Mangrove Planks, Mangrove Log, Ochre Froglight, Verdant Froglight, Pearlescent Froglight, Mud, Packed Mud, Mud Bricks, Sculk, Bamboo Block, Bamboo Planks, Cherry Planks, Cherry Log, Cherry Leaves, Chiseled Bookshelf & Sniffer Egg
    • Added options to set how many trades & amount per trades for both mini blocks & player heads

Codebase Changes:

  • Added getField reflection Util
  • Changed to Spigot API 1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Changed to Paper API 1.20-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Added BaseMobHead factory class
  • Rewrote More Mob Heads pack

Full Changelog: 1.9.2-beta...1.10.0-beta

Beta 1.9.2

01 May 22:18
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Beta 1.9.2 Pre-release

Beta 1.9.2

  • Auto Updater
    • Now disabled by default

Fixed Bugs:

  • MinePacks backpacks are placed in graves on death
  • Missing Kyoti Adventure dependency

Full Changelog: 1.9.1-beta...1.9.2-beta