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Genekriti originates from two words "Genesis" which means creation and "Prakriti" which means nature. Genekriti is a web app integrated with Ollama machine learning model to empower every action towards a greener future.

Genekriti is a platform where we the people can contribute to our environment and earn rewards and points for each sustainable practice. We want YOU to be the leaders of the next big change. The change that matters the most. Genekriti is a catalyst empowering individuals and organizations to promote and educate others towards making a greener future through educational videos, marketplace of eco-friendly products, quizzes and various event.


  1. Rekriti : Do you want to apply Reduce, Recyle and Reuses principle in your daily life but you don't have any idea how to start? We have got your back! Our AI model acts as the bridge between you creating the next big eco-friendly product. All you have to do is to attach an image give it some details and you will be provided with amazing ideas which are super easy to implement.

  2. Videos : You can upload educational videos which spread awareness amongst others. YOU get the opportunity to educate others and lead them towards a green earth.

  3. Marketplace : Are you in search of a marketplace to sell/purchase eco-friendly products? Don't worry we have got you! We provide you a marketplace to monetize your eco-friendly products and purchase other eco-friendly products.

  4. Quizes : Are you bored of reading textbooks? Don't you worry, at Genekriti you can learn and test your knowledge through fun and interactive quizzes and earn rewards at the same time.

  5. Events : If you are an organization and you are looking for a platform to promote your upcoming events? Genekriti is just the right place, you can create events, track registrants and attendees and target the right audience!

The Team

  1. Anushree Jaiswal - Team Lead, Frontend developer
  2. Mahendra Dani - Backend developer
  3. Shreya Tripathi - Machine Learning
  4. N Kushal Rao - Machine Learning

Entitiy Relationship Diagram

ER diagram

Click here to inspect the ER diagram on Lucid.

App layout and user flow diagram

App layout

Tech Stack

Web app

  1. Nextjs
  2. Shadcn ui
  3. Tailwind CSS

ML model

  1. Yolo v8
  2. Roboflow