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Wesley Tsai edited this page Aug 6, 2015 · 1 revision



Online memorial board


Easy way to share memories of lost loved ones with the ones who matter


A private gathering of friends and family to celebrate the life of the departed


  • Current solutions are tedious and emotionally detatched
  • Social media can be too public or inappropriate


  • Easy way to share memories via video/photos/messages on a dedicated web page
  • The web pages can be private for invited loved ones only

Quote from You

"We just really wanted to create a space for people to remain close, even when they are far away." - L. Savage

How to Get Started

Sign up. Create memorial. Share link.

Customer Quote

"I was able to celebrate the life of Chuck with friends and family who are far away."

Closing and Call to Action

Create a memorial for your loved one here to share memories with friends and family today.