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note: work in progress, beware of the dragons 🐉

This repository is maintained by: @martijndoornik

API Kindpakket Ethereum service

This service implements the Ethereum part of Kindpakket Zuidhorn.

Running this image on docker

Building: docker build --rm -f api\Dockerfile -t ethereum-api:latest api

Running: docker run --name <NAME> --rm -p <PORT>:80 -d ethereum-api (e.g. docker run --name ethereum-api --rm -p 3000:80 -d ethereum-api)


The app requires a config.json. An example is found in config.json.example, although it misses certain data.


The address of the coinbase (which has the Ether to make transactions)


Used to unlock the coinbase account.


The string with URL and port number to connect to an Ethereum node


The address of the Kindpakket Token contract.


This PoC uses a HTTP connection to interact.

GET /api/v1/balance/:token/:account

Get the balance of an address. :token refers to the address of the token, :account refers to the address of the user.

Expected results: JSON response with "balance" integer value and/or "success" boolean value, representing whether the call was successful or not. If the call was not successful, the "balance" is absent or not reliable.

PUT /api/v1/token

Create a new token with a given fund size. Requires a JSON body with an "owner" address value and an "fundSize" unsigned integer.

Expected results: JSON response with "success" boolean value and either an "address" address value of the new token or a "message" string value with the error.

POST /api/v1/transfer

Make a transaction. Requires a JSON body with "token" address string, "from" address string, "to" address string, "amount" integer and "requester" identifier.

Expected results: JSON result with "success" with a value of true or false if the code ran successfully and an optional "message" response with human-readable response.

Note that "success" can be true, but that does not mean that the transaction in the smart contract was successful.

PUT /api/v1/user

Create a new user.

Expected results: JSON response with "address" address value with the address of the new user.


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