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hava CLI

hava is a Go CLI tool to interact with platform.


This tool is a CLI driven binary to interface with the Hava API/SaaS platform. This will allow practitioners to download a single binary that can be and used as part of CI/CD pipelines in tools like Github Actions, Gitlab CICD and Azure Devops, as well as part of local users commands or scripts.

This tool utilises Hava's Go SDK current avaialable endpoints and with ongoing develop will support more features available via the Hava UI.

Check out our current roadmap and drivers for Hava CLI.


Binaries are created as part of a release, check out the Release Page for the latest version.

MacOs Installation Homebrew

brew tap teamhava/hava
brew install hava

Linux Installation

curl -L -o "${version}/hava_Linux_${arch}.zip"

Specific OS (Linux|OSX|Windows|Docker) installation here.


Print hava CLI help

print help

hava -h

A CLI to interface with the Hava platform.

Hava CLI empowers engineers the ability to automate and interact
with the Hava platform.

  hava [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  source      Create/List/Delete/Update sources to Hava

      --autoapprove   Auto approve the hava command. --autoapprove, false by default
  -h, --help          help for hava
  -v, --version       version for hava

Use "hava [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create and List Sources


More Usage examples.


Environment Variable

HAVA_TOKEN (Required) and HAVA_ENDPOINT (Optional) to be set as an environment variable. This is the preferred method when working with the hava cli tool.

Configuration File

The following default file paths $HOME/.hava.yaml, ./.hava.yaml are yaml config files that can be set as follows:

hava_token: <token from hava website> ## Required from<account>/tokens
hava_endpoint: ## Optional if using self hosted Hava platform, default

hava CLI by default will look in the default file paths for the configuration file. The config file can also be specified by using the --config <filename> flag as follows:

hava --config <location-to-config-file> source list

If no environment variable or config file found AND not running in automation, user will be met with an interactive configuration file setup. setup.


hava CLI will use the following precedence when determining which variables to utilise:

  • environment variable
  • config file
  • default

Running in Automation/CICD

When running hava CLI in automation or a CICD pipeline, we recommend export/setting AUTOMATION=1 as an environment variable or automation: 1 in the config file.

Some commands do require human inputs or can be bypassed with a flag (eg --autoapprove).

Checkout our Github CLI Test workflow and other CICD examples for other platforms like Gitlab-CI and Azure DevOps.

Output Formats

Table is the default format, however there are output formats of JSON (--json), CSV (--csv) , Markdown (--markdown) and HTML (--html) See output formats for more information.

Table Output

A table is the default format when outputting information about hava sources

hava source list                                                                                     
│   │ DISPLAYNAME   │ ID                                   │ INFO                 │ NAME          │ STATE  │ TYPE                                    │
│ 1 │ dev           │ 4f14c115-3b0d-40ea-b075-6df9b2fb81c9 │ AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE │ dev           │ active │ Sources::AWS::Keys                      │
│ 2 │ GCPDevChange3 │ f2a26440-10bf-43d1-9742-8361de30590f │ credentials.json     │ GCPDevChange3 │ active │ Sources::GCP::ServiceAccountCredentials │

Json Output

hava source list --json | jq 
    "DisplayName": "dev",
    "Id": "4f14c115-3b0d-40ea-b075-6df9b2fb81c9",
    "Name": "dev",
    "State": "active",
    "Type": "Sources::AWS::Keys"
    "DisplayName": "GCPDevChange3",
    "Id": "f2a26440-10bf-43d1-9742-8361de30590f",
    "Info": "credentials.json",
    "Name": "GCPDevChange3",
    "State": "active",
    "Type": "Sources::GCP::ServiceAccountCredentials"

Source Commands

hava source -h

Create/List/Delete/Update sources to Hava for different providers (AWS/Azure/Google Cloud)

  hava source [flags]
  hava source [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create sources to Hava
  delete      Delete sources to Hava
  list        List sources of Hava
  sync        Sync sources to Hava
  update      Update sources to Hava

      --all               hava source --all
  -h, --help              help for source
      --sourceId string   sourceId of AWS|Azure|GCP source

Source List all

hava source list

│   │ DISPLAYNAME │ ID                                   │ INFO                 │ NAME       │ STATE  │ TYPE               │
│ 1 │ devTestAWS  │ 8eb192e2-9beb-466b-ae14-c05fc8403cf4 │ AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE │ devTestAWS │ active │ Sources::AWS::Keys │

Source Create AWS (Using Access Keys)

hava source create aws --name dev --access-key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

[INFO]   Created AWS Source for the following source:

│   │ DISPLAYNAME │ ID                                   │ INFO                 │ NAME       │ STATE  │ TYPE               │
│ 1 │ devTestAWS  │ 040d5b5e-03b9-4343-9393-8ad0794512f4 │ AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE │ devTestAWS │ queued │ Sources::AWS::Keys │

More hava source commands found here.

Build Local Binary

make local-build will build a local binary

Testing Locally

go run main.go source list
│   │ DISPLAYNAME   │ ID                                   │ INFO                 │ NAME          │ STATE  │ TYPE                                    │
│ 1 │ dev           │ 4f14c115-3b0d-40ea-b075-6df9b2fb81c9 │ AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE │ dev           │ active │ Sources::AWS::Keys                      │
│ 2 │ GCPDevChange3 │ f2a26440-10bf-43d1-9742-8361de30590f │ credentials.json     │ GCPDevChange3 │ active │ Sources::GCP::ServiceAccountCredentials │