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Security: teamxongroh/xongroh

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported
  • 0.1.0-alpha.1: This version is currently supported and receives security updates.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Use this section to provide users with information on how to report security vulnerabilities they may discover in your project. Be clear about the process and expectations regarding vulnerability reports.

To report a security vulnerability in this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact: Send a text message on WhatsApp with details of the vulnerability. Include a detailed description, steps to reproduce, and any supporting materials.

  2. Response: You can expect an initial response to acknowledge the receipt of your report within [timeframe]. The development team will investigate the reported vulnerability.

  3. Assessment: The development team will assess the vulnerability, its severity, and potential impact on the project.

  4. Fix: If the vulnerability is accepted and verified, the development team will work on a fix. Security patches will be developed and tested.

  5. Disclosure: A coordinated disclosure will be planned, taking into consideration responsible disclosure practices. The security issue will not be disclosed publicly until the fix is ready.

  6. Release: Once the security patch is ready, it will be released in a new version. Users will be encouraged to update their projects to the latest secure version.

Please note that the project maintainers take security seriously, and your cooperation in responsible disclosure is highly appreciated. Thank you for helping us keep this project secure.

There aren’t any published security advisories