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File metadata and controls

76 lines (55 loc) · 2.04 KB

======== Overview

This bundle allows you to use AMF with the Symfony2 Framework. Main features include:

  • handle incoming AMF requests and routing it to the configured services.
  • serializer to convert classes to virtual objects with the JMSSerializerBundle


Checkout a copy of the code::

git submodule add src/Tecbot/AMFBundle

Then register the bundle with your kernel:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new JMS\AMFBundle\TecbotAMFBundle(),
    // ...

Make sure that you also register the namespaces with the autoloader:

// app/autoload.php
    // ...
    'Tecbot'              => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
    // ...

Note: The serializer needs the JMSSerializerBundle.


Below is the default configuration, you don't need to change it unless it doesn't suit your needs:

    use_serialization: false


  • All mapped services must be added to the folder "Amf" in your bundle (e.g Foo\BarBundle\Amf\FooService).
  • All public methods wich you want to access from Amf needs the "Action" suffix like controllers.

Configuring services and class mappings

    services: # Services
        FooService: FooBarBundle:Foo # Map FooService (Actionscript alias) to Foo\BarBundle\Amf\Foo class
    mapping: # Class mapping. Map FooClassVO (Actionscript alias) to Foo\BarBundle\VO\FooClassVO
        FooClassVO: Foo\BarBundle\VO\FooClassVO

Add routing to the gateway controller

# path is "/gateway"
    resource: "@TecbotAMFBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

# or when you want a another path
    pattern: /amf
    defaults: { _controller: tecbot_amf.controller.gateway:gatewayAction }

Example App

See AMFBundle-sandbox