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soumyaraja edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 21 revisions


KubeStolz is a open-source multicloud hybrid kubernetes cluster fully lifecycle management framework, it has been designed in the view of following layers and can be tailored using organisation specific requirments

  • Infrastructure as a code that using terraform include file/object storage selection of cluster creation tool kubeadm,kubespray and kops(only applicable for public cloud infrastructure)
  • Application development and log management using helm chart
  • Management layer that include promethus and grafana as a management dashboard
  • password and security management can be also be integrated and can be stored cloud specific or on-prem secrets and certificates

Fig 1 KubeStloz frmaework


It has been designed to provide the view of multicloud or hybrid cloud environment -control-plane/controller can be fully managed by organization specific private cloud or bare-metal kubenetes installation

Fig 2 Hybrid kubernetes cluster concept

Use case(s) that applicable for multicloud hybrid kubenetes cluster

  • Organization is using cloud specific databases and application that requires access to the same - can be opt for cluster worker
  • Organization is using cloud virtual machine for specific needs and application that requires access to the same - can be opt for cluster worker
  • Organization is using cloud specific data-warehouse and application that requires access to the same - can be opt for cluster worker
  • cost-effective solution
  • organization requires to control the multi cloud provider/single cloud provider specific virtual machine and specific service under single umbrella - with the help of kubernetes control plane/controller in private cloud/oranization controlled data center


Fig 3 Information system view


  • Network canavas engine - for drawing production grade network design for the multicloud cluster, it shall generate json files and can be converted hcl for terraform specific configuration file
  • Restful Service for CRUD operation of cluster - output will be converted to hcl for terraform execution
  • BMP engine for approval and process specific workflow for network design
  • Terraform to execute user specific kubernetes tool selection -that include kubeadm,kops or kubesray
  • Terraform to execute helm specific charts for application development,log and management dashboard
  • Openid/corporate idm integration with netowrk canvas/restful service authentication and authorization


Fig 4 gcp-aws multicloud cluster creation using terraform

Improvement Area

  • Network canvas engine
  • Restful service
  • Open source bpm integration
  • Openid/corporate idm integration