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Mongothon is a MongoDB object-document mapping API for Python, loosely based on the awesome mongoose.js library.

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Install via easy_install:

easy_install mongothon

Or, via pip:

pip install mongothon

Getting Started

Mongothon allows you to declaratively express the structure and contraints of your Mongo document in a reusable Schema using Python dicts. Schemas can then be used to generate reusable Model classes which can be used in your application to perform IO with your associated Mongo collection.


Define the Mongo document structure and constraints in a Schema:

car_schema = Schema({
    "make":         {"type": basestring, "required": True},
    "model":        {"type": basestring, "required": True},
    "num_wheels":   {"type": int,        "default": 4, "validates": gte(0)}
    "color":        {"type": basestring, "validates": one_of("red", "green", "blue")}

Generate a reusable model class from the Schema and pymongo collection:

Car = create_model(car_schema, db['car'])

Find, modify and save a document:

car = Car.find_by_id(some_id)
car['color'] = "green"

Create a new document:

car = new Car({
    "make":     "Ford",
    "model":    "F-150",
    "color":    "red"

Remove a document


Validate a document

car = new Car({
    "make":         "Ford",
    "model":        "F-150",
    "num_wheels":   -1
    "color":        "red"

except ValidationException:
    # num_wheels should be >= 0

API Reference



Each field in a Mongothon schema must be given a type by adding a "type" key to the field spec dict. For example, this schema declares a single "name" field with a type of basestring:

schema = Schema({"name": {"type": basestring}})

Supported field types are: basestring, int, float, datetime, long, bool, Schema (see Nested schemas below) and Mixed.

The "Mixed" type

The Mixed type allows you to indicate that a field supports values of multiple types. Use of this type is generally not encouraged (consistent field typing makes life easier) but is sometimes necessary. Mixed can be provided as a class to indicate a value of any supported type may be used in a given field:

schema = Schema({"misc": {"type": Mixed}})  # all types are valid in this field

You can also instantiate Mixed with a list of sub-types to indicate that a value of one of a subset of supported types may be used in the field:

schema = Schema({"external_id": {"type": Mixed(basestring, int, ObjectId)}})  # only basestring, int and ObjectId are supported

If you attempt to save a model containing a value of the wrong type for a given a field a ValidationException will be thrown.

Mandatory fields

You can require a field to be present in a document by adding "required": True to the Schema:

schema = Schema({"name": {"type": basestring, "required": True}})

By default all fields are not required. If save() is called on model which does not contain a value for a required field then the model will raise a ValidationException.


Schemas allow you to specify default values for fields which are used in the event a value is not provided in a given document. A default can either be specified as literal:

schema = Schema({"num_wheels": {"type": int, "default": 4}})

or as a reference to parameterless function which will be called at the point the document is saved:

import datetime
schema = Schema({"created_date": {"type": datetime, "default":}})


Mongothon allows you to specify validation for a field using the "validates" key in the field spec. You can specify a single validator:

schema = Schema({"color": {"type": basestring, "validates": one_of("red", "green", "blue")}})

or multiple validators:

schema = Schema({"num_wheels": {"type": int, "validates": [gte(0), lte(6)]}})

Provided validators

Mongothon provides the following validators out-of-the-box:

# Validator                         # Validates that the field...
gte(value)                          # is greater than or equal to the given value
lte(value)                          # is less than or equal to the given value
gt(value)                           # is greater than the given value
lt(value)                           # is less than the given value
between(min_value, max_value)       # is between the given min and max values
length(min_length, [max_length])    # is at least the given min length and (optionally) at most the given max length
match(pattern)                      # matches the given regex pattern
one_of(values...)                   # is equal to one of the given values
is_url()                            # is a valid URL
is_email()                          # is a valid email address

Creating custom validators

In addition to the provided validators it's easy to create your own custom validators. To create a custom validator:

  • declare a function which accepts any arguments you want to provide to the validation algorithm
  • the function should itself return a function which will ultimately be called by Mongothon when validating a field value. The function should:
    • accept a single argument - the field value being validated
    • return nothing if the given value is valid
    • return a string describing the validation error if the value is invalid

Here's the declaration of an example custom validator:

def startswith(prefix):
    def validate(value):
        if not value.startswith(prefix):
            return "String must start with %s" % prefix

# Usage:
schema = Schema({"full_name": {"type": basestring, "validates": startswith("Mr")}})

Nested schemas

Schemas may be nested within one another in order to describe the structure of documents containing deep graphs.

Nested can either be declared inline:

blog_post_schema = Schema({
    "author":   {"type": Schema({"first_name": {"type": basestring}, "last_name": {"type": basestring}})},
    "title":    {"type": basestring},
    "content":  {"type": basestring}

or declared in isolation and then referenced (and potentially reused between multiple parent schemas):

name_schema = Schema({
    "first_name":   {"type": basestring},
    "last_name":    {"type": basestring}

blog_post_schema = Schema({
    "author":   {"type": name_schema},
    "title":    {"type": basestring},
    "content":  {"type": basestring}

comment_schema = Schema({
    "author":   {"type": name_schema, "required":True},
    "comment":  {"type": base_string}

In each case the nested schema is provided as the type parameter in the parent field's spec and can be declared as "required"=True if so desired. Any validation present within the nested schema is applied wherever the schema is used.

Embedded collections

As well as nesting schemas directly under fields, Mongothon supports embedded collections within documents. To declare an embedded collection, simply declare the type of the embedded items using Python list syntax:

line_item_schema = Schema({
    "price":        {"type": int, "required": True}
    "item_name":    {"type": basestring, "required": True}

order_schema = Schema({
    "line_items":   [line_item_schema]
    "total_due":    {"type": int}

Simple primitive types can be embedded as well as full schemas:

bookmark_schema = Schema({
    "url":      {"type": basestring},
    "tags":     [basestring]


Where Schemas are used to declare the structure and constraints of a Mongo document, Models allow those Schemas to be used in interacting with the database to enforce that document structure.

Creating a model class

To create a new model class from an existing schema, use the create_model method:

Order = create_model(order_schema, db['orders'])

The second argument which must be provided to create_model is the PyMongo collection object associated with the underlying MongoDB collection to be associated with the model.

Class methods

Model classes provide a number of class methods which can be used to interact with the underlying collection as a whole.

Finding documents

Model classes can be used to find individual documents by ID:

order = Order.find_by_id(some_id)  # returns an instance of Order
                                   # or throws NotFoundException

or using a search condition:

order = Order.find_one({'total_due': {'$gte': '10'}})  # returns an instance of Order

Selections of documents can also be retrieved using search criteria:

order = Order.find({'total_due': {'$gte': '10'}})  # returns a cursor containing Order instances

Updating documents

Mongothon two mechanisms to run updates against documents.

Model.update (static method)

The static method version of update is essentially a proxy for the underlying Pymongo collection object's update method and can be called as such.

Order.update({'total_due': {'$gte': 700}}, {'$unset': {'line_items': 1}})
model.update (instance method)

The instance method version of update makes it easy to run an update statement against the current model document by defaulting the query used to {'_id': self['_id']}.

order = Order.find_by_id(some_id)
order.update({'$unset': {'line_items': 1}})

Counting items


Custom class methods

You can dynamically add custom class methods to your model by using the model's class_method decorator function. These are useful for adding custom finder methods to your model:

def find_by_author(cls, author):
    return cls.find({"author": author})

posts = BlogPost.find_by_author("Jeff Atwood")

Instance methods

Instances of models allow documents to be easily created, manipulated, save and deleted.

Creating documents

Create a new instance of a model by passing the document as a Python dict into the constructor:

order = Order({
    "line_items": [
        {"item_name": "iPhone 5", "price": 200},
        {"item_name": "Mac Mini", "price": 500}
    "total_due": 700

Saving documents

In order to persist document changes to the DB, the model can be saved:

Saving an existing, previously loaded document will cause it to be updated. Saving a new document will cause it to be inserted. In all cases, saving a document results in schema defaults being applied where appropriate and the document being validated before it is saved to the database. In the event of a validation failure save() will raise a ValidationException.

Deleting documents

A document may be removed from the underlying collection by calling the remove() method on the associated model instance:

order = Order.find_by_id(some_id)
order.remove()  # document is removed from the DB


You can easily reload a model instance from the database by calling the reload method on an instance:

order = Order.find_by_id(some_id)

Custom instance methods

Custom instance methods can be added to a model using the model's instance_method decorator. This comes in useful when you want to wrap up common operations on a document:

def add_line_item(self, name, price):
    self.line_items.append({'item_name': name, 'price': price})

order = Order.find_by_id(some_id)
order.add_line_item("iPad Mini", 300)

"Scopes" (beta)

Scopes are a dynamic way of attaching reusable sets of query options to a model which can then be chained together dynamically in order to run actual queries against the model's underlying collection.

For example:

def before(date):
    return {"created_date": {"$lt": date}}

def single_item():
    return {"items": {"$size": 1}}

# Obtains a list of orders which were created before 20120101 which have a single line item.
orders = Order.before(datetime(2012, 1, 1)).single_item().execute()

Implementing scope functions

A "scope" function is simply a function which returns up to three return values:

  • A query dict
  • A projection dict
  • An options dict, containing a list of kwargs suitable for passing to PyMongo's find method.

A scope is registered with a given model by using the model's scope decorator.

Some example scopes:

def author(name):
    """A scope which restricts the query to only blog posts by the given author"""
    return {"name": name}

def id_only():
    """Only return the ID from the query"""
    return {}, {"_id": 1}

def by_created_date():
    """Sorts the query results by created date"""
    return {}, {}, {"sort": ["created_date", 1]}

Using scopes

Scope functions, once registered to a given model, can be called on the model class to dynamically build up a query context in a chainable manner.

Once the query context has been built it can be executed as an actual query against the database by calling execute().

# Finds all BlogPosts with a given author, only returning their IDs
posts ="bob").id_only().execute()

The builder API which allows scopes to be chained together in this manner also implements a Python iterator which will call execute() behind the scenes if you attempt to index into it:

for post in"bob").id_only():
    # Do something


Models allow you to register middleware functions which will be passed flow control at various specific points in the lifecycle of a model.

Currently supported middleware events are:

before_save - called just before a document is saved after_save - called just after a document is saved before_validate - called just before a document is validated after_validate - called just after a document is validated

In each case the registered middleware function will be passed the document object.


def log_saved(doc):"Saved order {0}", doc._id)

# Register the function

There is no limit to the number of middleware functions which can be registered.

Model State

Mongothon models provide a few handy methods which let you determine the document's current persistence state:

post = BlogPost()
assert post.is_new()
assert not post.is_new()
assert post.is_persisted()

assert not post.is_new()
assert not post.is_persisted()
assert port.is_deleted()

Developing and Contributing

To run Mongothon's tests, simply run python nosetests at the command line.

All contributions submitted as GitHub pull requests are warmly received.


A lightweight Mongo object-document mapping abstraction layer over PyMongo






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