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Http | TechJS

The TypeScript REST framework build on the TechJS core library.


This is a TypeScript module available through NPM.

$ npm install --save @techjs/http

System Dependencies


The TechJS framework aims to provide a structured input event listener pattern by enforcing the principle of separation of concerns. The result is a clearly defined routes, controllers, and services. Through the power of object oriented programming, the @techjs/core library can be extended to provide a familiar interface between HTTP events and other application-layer input protocols, like event bus messages.

Getting Started

You wil need to start by setting up a basic TypeScript project. Initialize npm. Create a tsconfig.json file and configure it as you see fit. You will also need to install the following modules:

  • @techjs/core
  • @techjs/http
  • @techjs/cors
  • @types/express
  • cors
  • express
  • tsnode-di
  • typescript

Create this basic directory structure (UNIX)

$ mkdir -p src/{services,controllers}

Once the project is setup and the directory structure is build, continue by creating a ping service

// src/services/ping-service.ts

export class PingService {
  public async ping(): Promise<string> {
    return "Pong";

Now create a ping controller

// src/controllers/ping.controller.ts

import { HttpController } from "@techjs/http";
import { Resolve } from "tsnode-di";
import { PingService } from "../services/ping-service";

export class PingController extends HttpController {
  private ping_service!: PingService;
  public async ping(): Promise<void> {
    try {
      const response: string = await;
    } catch (e) {

Add a routes file with a /ping route

// src/routes.ts

import { HttpRoute } from "@techjs/http";

// controllers

import { PingController } from "./controllers/ping.controller";

// routes

export const routes: Array<HttpRoute<any>> = [
  new HttpRoute("/ping", "get", PingController, "ping"),

And create an entry point

import { HttpRouter } from '@techjs/http';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as cors from 'cors';
import { routes } from './routes';

// create an express app
const app = express();

// add your express middleware here

// initialize a TechJS HttpRouter instance
// with your routes and pass the express
// instance
const router = new HttpRouter(routes);

// bind the express instance to a port

Your project structure should look, at a minimum, like this

├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── ping.controller.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── routes.ts
│   └── services
│       └── ping-service.ts
└── tsconfig.json

Use TypeScript to transpile this into Node, and then run it. You should have an application running on port 3000 that responds to GET requests on the /ping route with a "Pong" response.


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