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General cleanup.
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technomancy committed Jan 13, 2012
1 parent ec89737 commit b1046bc
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Showing 16 changed files with 126 additions and 295 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ user. Be sure to explain all these arguments in the docstring. Note
that all your arguments will be strings, so it's up to you to call
`read-string` on them if you want keywords, numbers, or symbols.

TODO: document subtasks and subtask help

If your task returns an integer, it will be used as the exit code for
the process. If tasks are chained together, a nonzero integer return
value will halt the chain and exit immediately. Throwing an exception
Expand Down
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions doc/
Expand Up @@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ to setting `:dependencies`. Note that Clojure is just another
dependency here. Unlike most languages, it's easy to swap out any
version of Clojure.

If you've got a simple pure-clojure project, you may be fine with the
default of depending only on Clojure, but otherwise you'll need to
list other dependencies.

## Dependencies

By default, Leiningen projects download dependencies from
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,9 +131,9 @@ in project.clj. See the

## Profiles

Sometimes you want to pull in dependencies that are really only for
your convenience while developing; they aren't strictly required for
the project to function. You can do this by adding a `:dependencies`
Sometimes you want to pull in dependencies that are really only
necessary while developing; they aren't required for the project to
function in production. You can do this by adding a `:dependencies`
entry to the `:dev` profile. These will be available by default unless
you specify another profile from the defaults, but they are not
brought along when another project depends on your project.
Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/leiningen/classpath.clj
Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,6 @@
(str/join (classpath/get-classpath project)))

(defn classpath
"Print the classpath of the current project.
Suitable for java's -classpath option.
Warning: due to a bug in ant, calling this task with :local-repo-classpath set
when the dependencies have not been fetched will result in spurious output before
the classpath. In such cases, pipe to tail -n 1."
"Print the classpath of the current project. Suitable for java's -cp option."
(println (get-classpath-string project)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/leiningen/clean.clj
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Raise an exception if any deletion fails unless silently is true."
[f & [silently]]
(System/gc) ; This sometimes helps release files for deletion on windows.
(let [f (file f)]
(if (.isDirectory f)
(when (.isDirectory f)
(doseq [child (.listFiles f)]
(delete-file-recursively child silently)))
(delete-file f silently)))
Expand Down
128 changes: 59 additions & 69 deletions src/leiningen/compile.clj
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,6 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
(:import ( PushbackReader)))

(declare compile)

(def ^:dynamic *silently* false)

(def ^:dynamic *skip-auto-compile* false)

(defn- regex? [str-or-re]
(instance? java.util.regex.Pattern str-or-re))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,57 +51,56 @@

;; .class file cleanup

(defn- has-source-package?
"Test if the class file's package exists as a directory in source-path."
[project f source-path]
(and source-path
(let [[[parent] [_ _ proxy-mod-parent]]
(->> f, (iterate #(.getParentFile %)),
(take-while identity), rest,
(split-with #(not (re-find #"^proxy\$" (.getName %)))))]
(.isDirectory (io/file (.replace (.getPath (or proxy-mod-parent parent))
(:compile-path project)

(defn- class-in-project? [project f]
(or (has-source-package? project f (:source-path project))
(has-source-package? project f (:java-source-path project))
(.exists (io/file (str (.replace (.getParent f)
(:compile-path project)
(:source-path project)) ".clj")))))

(defn- relative-path [project f]
(let [root-length (if (= \/ (last (:compile-path project)))
(count (:compile-path project))
(inc (count (:compile-path project))))]
(subs (.getAbsolutePath f) root-length)))

(defn- blacklisted-class? [project f]
;; true indicates all non-project classes are blacklisted
(or (true? (:clean-non-project-classes project))
(some #(re-find % (relative-path project f))
(:clean-non-project-classes project))))

(defn- whitelisted-class? [project f]
(or (class-in-project? project f)
(and (:class-file-whitelist project)
(re-find (:class-file-whitelist project)
(relative-path project f)))))

(defn clean-non-project-classes [project]
#_(when (:clean-non-project-classes project)
(doseq [f (file-seq (io/file (:compile-path project)))
:when (and (.isFile f)
(not (whitelisted-class? project f))
(blacklisted-class? project f))]
(.delete f))))
;; (defn- has-source-package?
;; "Test if the class file's package exists as a directory in source-path."
;; [project f source-path]
;; (and source-path
;; (let [[[parent] [_ _ proxy-mod-parent]]
;; (->> f, (iterate #(.getParentFile %)),
;; (take-while identity), rest,
;; (split-with #(not (re-find #"^proxy\$" (.getName %)))))]
;; (.isDirectory (io/file (.replace (.getPath (or proxy-mod-parent parent))
;; (:compile-path project)
;; source-path))))))

;; (defn- class-in-project? [project f]
;; (or (has-source-package? project f (:source-path project))
;; (has-source-package? project f (:java-source-path project))
;; (.exists (io/file (str (.replace (.getParent f)
;; (:compile-path project)
;; (:source-path project)) ".clj")))))

;; (defn- relative-path [project f]
;; (let [root-length (if (= \/ (last (:compile-path project)))
;; (count (:compile-path project))
;; (inc (count (:compile-path project))))]
;; (subs (.getAbsolutePath f) root-length)))

;; (defn- blacklisted-class? [project f]
;; ;; true indicates all non-project classes are blacklisted
;; (or (true? (:clean-non-project-classes project))
;; (some #(re-find % (relative-path project f))
;; (:clean-non-project-classes project))))

;; (defn- whitelisted-class? [project f]
;; (or (class-in-project? project f)
;; (and (:class-file-whitelist project)
;; (re-find (:class-file-whitelist project)
;; (relative-path project f)))))

;; (defn clean-non-project-classes [project]
;; (when (:clean-non-project-classes project)
;; (doseq [f (file-seq (io/file (:compile-path project)))
;; :when (and (.isFile f)
;; (not (whitelisted-class? project f))
;; (blacklisted-class? project f))]
;; (.delete f))))

;; actual task

(defn- status [code msg]
(when-not *silently* ; TODO: should silently only affect success?
(binding [*out* (if (zero? code) *out* *err*)]
(println msg)))
(binding [*out* (if (zero? code) *out* *err*)]
(println msg))

(def ^:private success (partial status 0))
Expand All @@ -123,22 +116,19 @@ as command-line arguments."
;; (javac/javac project))
(if (seq (compilable-namespaces project))
(if-let [namespaces (seq (stale-namespaces project))]
(binding [*skip-auto-compile* true]
(let [form `(doseq [namespace# '~namespaces]
(when-not ~*silently*
(println "Compiling" namespace#))
(clojure.core/compile namespace#))]
;; TODO: should eval-in-project be allowed to return
;; non-integers?
(if (zero? (eval/eval-in-project project form))
(success "Compilation succeeded.")
(failure "Compilation failed.")))
(finally (clean-non-project-classes project))))
(let [form `(doseq [namespace# '~namespaces]
(println "Compiling" namespace#)
(clojure.core/compile namespace#))]
;; TODO: should eval-in-project be allowed to return
;; non-integers?
(if (zero? (eval/eval-in-project project form))
(success "Compilation succeeded.")
(failure "Compilation failed.")))
#_(finally (clean-non-project-classes project)))
(success "All namespaces already :aot compiled."))
(success "No namespaces to :aot compile listed in project.clj.")))
([project & namespaces]
(compile (assoc project
:aot (if (= namespaces [":all"])
(map symbol namespaces))))))
(compile (assoc project :aot (if (= namespaces [":all"])
(map symbol namespaces))))))
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions src/leiningen/deploy.clj
Expand Up @@ -6,19 +6,6 @@
[leiningen.pom :only [pom snapshot?]]
[ :only [file]]))

(declare make-model make-artifact)

(defn- make-maven-project [project]

(defn- get-repository [project repository-name]
(let [deploy-repositories (repositories-for project :kind :deploy-repositories)
repositories (repositories-for project)
repository (or (deploy-repositories repository-name)
(repositories repository-name)
{:url repository-name})]
#_(make-repository [repository-name repository])))

(defn deploy
"Build jar and deploy to remote repository.
Expand Down
60 changes: 3 additions & 57 deletions src/leiningen/deps.clj
@@ -1,62 +1,8 @@
(ns leiningen.deps
"Download all dependencies."
(:require [ :as io]
[leiningen.clean :as clean]
[leiningen.core.classpath :as classpath]
[leiningen.core.user :as user])
(:import ( MessageDigest)
(java.util.jar JarFile)))

(defn- sha1-digest [content]
(.toString (BigInteger. 1 (-> (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA1")
(.digest (.getBytes content)))) 16))

(defn- deps-checksum [project]
(sha1-digest (pr-str (:dependencies project))))

(defn- new-deps-checksum-file [project]
(io/file (:target-path project) ".lein-deps-sum"))

(defn- has-dependencies? [project]
(some (comp seq project) [:dependencies :dev-dependencies]))

;; TODO: is this necessary with keeping everything in ~/.m2?
(defn fetch-deps?
"Should we even bother fetching dependencies?"
(let [deps-checksum-file (new-deps-checksum-file project)]
(and (has-dependencies? project)
;; There's got to be a better way to detect direct invocation?
(or ;; (= "deps" *current-task*)
(not (:checksum-deps project (:checksum-deps (user/settings) true)))
(not (.exists deps-checksum-file))
(not= (slurp deps-checksum-file) (deps-checksum project))))))

(defn- jar-files [files]
(for [file files
:when (.endsWith (.getName file) ".jar")]
(JarFile. file)))

(defn extract-native-deps [project files]
(doseq [jar (jar-files files)
entry (enumeration-seq (.entries jar))
:when (.startsWith (.getName entry) "native/")]
(let [f (io/file (:native-path project)
(subs (.getName entry) (count "native/")))]
(if (.isDirectory entry)
(.mkdirs f)
(io/copy (.getInputStream jar entry) f)))))
(:require [leiningen.core.classpath :as classpath]))

(defn deps
"Download :dependencies and put them in :library-path."
"Download all dependencies. You should never need to invoke this manually."
(when (fetch-deps? project)
(when-not (or (:disable-deps-clean project)
(:disable-implicit-clean project))
(clean/clean project))
(let [files (classpath/resolve-dependencies project)]
(extract-native-deps project files)
(let [checksum-file (new-deps-checksum-file project)]
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile checksum-file))
(spit checksum-file (deps-checksum project)))
(classpath/resolve-dependencies project))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/leiningen/help.clj
Expand Up @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@
(defn help
"Display a list of tasks or help for a given task.
Also provides readme, tutorial, news, sample, deploying and copying documentation."
Also provides readme, tutorial, news, sample, deploying and copying info."
([_ task] (println (or (static-help task) (help-for task))))
([_ ]
(println "Leiningen is a tool for working with Clojure projects.\n")
(println "Several tasks are available:")
(doseq [task-ns tasks]
(println (help-summary-for task-ns)))
(println "\nRun lein help $TASK for details.")
(println "See also: readme, tutorial, copying, sample, deploying and news.")))
(println "See also: readme, tutorial, news, sample, deploying and copying.")))
65 changes: 33 additions & 32 deletions src/leiningen/install.clj
Expand Up @@ -13,28 +13,28 @@
make-artifact add-metadata tmp-dir
get-os leiningen-home)

(defn bin-path []
(doto (file (leiningen-home) "bin") .mkdirs))
;; (defn bin-path []
;; (doto (file (leiningen-home) "bin") .mkdirs))

(defn install-shell-wrappers [jarfile]
(when-let [bin-name ((manifest-map (.getManifest jarfile))
(let [entry-paths (if (= :windows (get-os))
[bin-name (format "%s.bat" bin-name)]
(doseq [entry-path entry-paths]
(let [bin-file (file (bin-path) (last (.split entry-path "/")))]
(when-let [zip-entry (.getEntry jarfile entry-path)]
(.mkdirs (.getParentFile bin-file))
(println "Installing shell wrapper to" (.getAbsolutePath bin-file))
(copy (.getInputStream jarfile zip-entry) bin-file)
(.setExecutable bin-file true)))))))
;; (defn install-shell-wrappers [jarfile]
;; (when-let [bin-name ((manifest-map (.getManifest jarfile))
;; "Leiningen-shell-wrapper")]
;; (let [entry-paths (if (= :windows (get-os))
;; [bin-name (format "%s.bat" bin-name)]
;; [bin-name])]
;; (doseq [entry-path entry-paths]
;; (let [bin-file (file (bin-path) (last (.split entry-path "/")))]
;; (when-let [zip-entry (.getEntry jarfile entry-path)]
;; (.mkdirs (.getParentFile bin-file))
;; (println "Installing shell wrapper to" (.getAbsolutePath bin-file))
;; (copy (.getInputStream jarfile zip-entry) bin-file)
;; (.setExecutable bin-file true)))))))

(defn standalone-download [name group version]
#_(.resolveAlways (.lookup container ArtifactResolver/ROLE)
(make-remote-artifact name group version)
(map make-remote-repo default-repos)
;; (defn standalone-download [name group version]
;; (.resolveAlways (.lookup container ArtifactResolver/ROLE)
;; (make-remote-artifact name group version)
;; (map make-remote-repo default-repos)
;; (make-local-repo)))

(defn install
"Install current project or download specified project.
Expand All @@ -56,24 +56,25 @@ shell wrappers in ~/.lein/bin when provided."
(if (number? jarfile)
;; if we failed to create the jar, return the status code for exit
(do (install-shell-wrappers (JarFile. jarfile))
(do ;; (install-shell-wrappers (JarFile. jarfile))
(.install installer (file jarfile) artifact local-repo)
([project-name version]
(let [[name group] ((juxt name namespace) (symbol project-name))
_ (standalone-download name (or group name) version)
;; _ (standalone-download name (or group name) version)
temp-project (format "%s/lein-%s" tmp-dir (UUID/randomUUID))
jarfile (local-repo-path (or group name) name version)]
(install-shell-wrappers (JarFile. jarfile))
;; (install-shell-wrappers (JarFile. jarfile))
;; TODO: reach in and pull out project.clj rather than
;; extracting it all
(try ;; (extract-jar (file jarfile) temp-project)
(when-let [p (read-project (str temp-project "/project.clj"))]
(deps (dissoc p :dev-dependencies :native-dependencies)))
#_(delete-file-recursively temp-project :silently))))))
;; (try (extract-jar (file jarfile) temp-project)
;; (when-let [p (read-project (str temp-project "/project.clj"))]
;; (deps (dissoc p :dev-dependencies :native-dependencies)))
;; (finally
;; (delete-file-recursively temp-project :silently)))

(defn get-jar-entry [jar-file entry-name]
(let [jar (JarFile. jar-file true)
entry (.getJarEntry jar entry-name)]
(.getInputStream jar entry)))
;; (defn get-jar-entry [jar-file entry-name]
;; (let [jar (JarFile. jar-file true)
;; entry (.getJarEntry jar entry-name)]
;; (.getInputStream jar entry)))

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