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Javascript sensor abstraction layer that focusses on extensibility and usability. Supports bluetooth (via cordava) and remote sensors (via webrtc)


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Code Climate SensorAPI.js

The API provides an easy and consistent way to handle devices with sensors.


Include this into the HTML-header:

<script src="SensorAPI.js"></script>

#First steps

  • We will now create our SensorAPI-object and load a driver:
// Creating our scan-object
var app = new SensorAPI();

//Now loading a driver to get the sensor of the smartphone where the app is running

// You can add multiple driver
// e.g. app.loadDriver("driver/webrtc.js");
  • New devices found: To get notified when new devices were found, just pass a callback to 'onDeviceAdded'.

  • Everytime a driver finds new devices, the SensorAPI - interface 'onDeviceAdded' will invoke the callback passing the device from the driver.

    app.onDeviceAdded(function(device) {
        //Your code here.  
  • Device not reachable anymore: To get notified when a device is not available anymore.

    app.onDeviceRemoved(function(device) {
        //Your code here.  


Note: For more informaton about drivers, READMEs and the driver can
be found in this project under '/driver' or on other sources/sites.

#Complete Example(s)

  • Displays found devices, when the driver is loaded
  • Configured (filter) to look for devices with accelerometer sensor.
  • Two buttons:
    • Display accelerometer x value
    • Unloading driver
      • onDeviceRemoved will notifiy that the device is no longer available
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Scanning App</title>
    <script src="SensorAPI.js"></script>
    Listing of devices:
    <div id='device_list'></div>
    <span>Current X value: <div id='accelerometerValue'></div></span>
    <button onclick='unloadDriver()'>Unloading driver</button>
    Device removed: <div id='deviceRemoved'></div>
      //Creating our scanner object
      var app = new SensorAPI();

      //Filter device for accelerometer sensor

      //Adding browsers' own device orientation to get access to like the acceleration

      //Listening when the device are found
      app.onDeviceAdded(function(device) {

      // Handler for removed devices
      app.onDeviceRemoved(function(device) {

      function displayAccelerometerValue(device) {
        device.sensors.accelerometer.subscribe(function(data) {

      function unloadDriver() {



#SensorAPI.js Interfaces

API Description
loadDriver(pathToDriver) Loading a driver with a path to driver
unloadDriver(pathToDriver) Removing a driver with a path to driver
drivers[pathToDriver] Contains all driver objects
devices Contains an array with all devices which are currently available
deviceHistory Returns an array containing all devices ever found
setFilter(array) Filter for devices according to the criteria.
getFilter() Returns the set filter criteria.
onDeviceAdded(callback) When device is detected for the first time.
onDeviceRemoved(callback) Will invoke when a device does not signal that is still. Must be supported by the driver.

Overview how to use

  var app = new SensorAPI();
  // loadDriver(pathToDriver)

  // unloadDriver(pathToDriver)

  // drivers(pathToDriver)
  // To get access to driver specific methods e.g. starting scanning of BLE-devices

  // devices and everFoundDevices
  app.devices[deviceID].name; // --> e.g. "Heart Rate Monitor"

  // setFilter()
  app.setFilter(["infrared", "light"]);

  // getFilter()
  var retrievedFilter = app.getFilter(); //--> output ["infrared", "light"]

  // onDeviceAdded and onDeviceRemoved


This section describes the neccessary interfaces of a driver, device and a sensor.

Driver Interface

  • Mandantory driver interfaces:
Name Type Description
ID string Unique identifier
onDeviceAdded(callback) function The devices will be passed to the callback
onDeviceRemoved(callback) function To be removed devices will be passed to the callback
  • Optional interfaces:
Name Type Description
initialize function Starts driver specific tasks
finalize function Ends driver specific tasks. Will be invoked when the driver is unloaded

Device Interface

  • Mandantory device interfaces:
Name Type Description
ID string Unique identifier
description string Device description
sensors object/array Contains all the sensors the device provides

Sensor Interface

  • Recommended sensors interfaces. Each sensor of the device sensors mentioned above should be designed according to this:
Name Type Description
name string Name of the sensor
subscribe(callback) function Sensors values will be passed to the callback.
unsubscribe function Stops the subscription

Guidelines: Writing a driver

  • When the driver is loaded (by loadDriver()). It should return an object with these interfaces.

Example of a driver

  // Holds the callback when a device is added or removed
  var addDevice;
  var removeDevice;
  driver = {};

  // Mandantory interfaces
  driver.ID = "Identifier";
  driver.onDeviceAdded = function(callbackForAddingDevice) {
    // Stores the callback for later use, when a device is added
    addDevice = callbackForRemovingDevice;
  driver.onDeviceRemoved = function(callbackForRemovingDevice) {
    // Stores the callback for later use, when a device is removed
    removeDevice = callbackForRemovingDevice;

  //Optional interfaces
  driver.initialize = function() {
    // Starts some driver specific tasks. E.g. finding device and passed it to the stored callback 'addDevice'
  driver.finalize = function() {
    // Ends driver specific tasks. E.g. signaling the SensorAPI that the devices are no longer available

  return driver;

Example of a device and sensor


  device = {
    ID : "SensorDevice",
    description: "Desciption of the device",
    sensors : [
        ID: "Identifier",
        name: "humidity",
        subscribe: function(callback) {
                      // Pass the sensor values to the callback
        unsubscribe: function() {
          //Stops subscribing


Complete Example of a driver

This is a complete simple driver with virtual devices and sensors.

  // Holds the callback when a device is added or removed
  var addDevice;
  var removeDevice;
  driver = {};

  // Defining a virtual device
  device = {
    ID : "SensorDevice",
    description: "Desciption of the device",
    sensors : [
        ID: "Identifier",
        name: "humidity",
        subscribe: function(callback) {
                      // Pass the sensor values to the callback
        unsubscribe: function() {
          //Stops subscribing

  // Mandantory interfaces
  driver.ID = "Identifier";
  driver.onDeviceAdded = function(callbackForAddingDevice) {
    // Stores the callback for later use, when a device is added
  driver.onDeviceRemoved = function(callbackForRemovingDevice) {
    // Stores the callback for later use, when a device is removed

  //Optional interfaces
  driver.initialize = function() {
    // Starts some driver specific tasks. E.g. finding device and passed it to the stored callback 'addDevice'
  driver.finalize = function() {
    // Ends driver specific tasks. E.g. signaling the SensorAPI that the devices are no longer available

  return driver;


The work was supported by funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 610510. Visit GPII Developerspace to find more useful accessibility resources.


Javascript sensor abstraction layer that focusses on extensibility and usability. Supports bluetooth (via cordava) and remote sensors (via webrtc)







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