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GitHub all releases GitHub GitHub Workflow Status PyPi Metrician is a small lightweight module that easily and automatically records performance metrics for you. Right now, Metrician is only compatible with Pytorch. There are a lot of great tools out there like Pytoch Lighting that have built in loggers. Although there is nothing wrong with these tools (in fact, I'm a big fan), I find myself writing the same few lines of code over and over and over again, just to log the same metrics. I hate redundancy, so I wrote a tool to fix that issue. You're still able to use the same libraries, but now you don't have to code as much.


import torch
from torch import nn
from metrician import MetricWriter, Defaults

# initialize data
X = torch.randn( 10, 10 ) # input size 10
Y = torch.randn( 10,4 ) # 4 classes

# initialize simple model, loss and optimizer
model = nn.Linear(10,4)
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters())
loss_fn = nn.L1Loss()

# initialize Metric Writer
mw = MetricWriter( Defaults.SimpleClf ) # initialize with basic classifier metrics

# inside your training loop
for _ in range(EPOCHS):
	y = model( X )
	# you can either pass the loss function into the metric writer to automatically
	# record the loss or do that seperately. If you pass in the loss, it will automatically
	# call your loss function for you i.e. (loss = loss_fn(yhat,y) ) and return the result
	# if you are recording every couple of steps/batches it's recommended that you do not pass
	# the loss function to the metric writer
	loss = mw(y,Y,loss_fn)

Feeling Lazy?

With Metrician you can leverage existing class methods to automatically create a config, reducing the amount of code you need.

import torch
from torch import nn
from metrician import MetricWriter, Defaults

# initialize data
X = torch.randn( 10, 10 ) # input size 10
Y = torch.randn( 10,4 ) # 4 classes

# initialize simple classification model
model = nn.Linear(10,4)
# initialize Metric Writer
mw = MetricWriter.from_model( model )
# print( mw.cfg.config_type )
# >>> classification

# or

# initialize simple regression model
model = nn.Linear(10,1)
# initialize Metric Writer
mw = MetricWriter.from_model( model )
# print( mw.cfg.config_type )
# >>> regression

Want to integrate it into another library like Pytorch Lightening?

Metrician is an easy module to integrate into any existing Pytorch library/framework.

def __init__(self):
    self.accuracy = pl.metrics.Accuracy() = MetricWriter( Defaults.SimpleCLF )
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    x, y = batch
    preds = self(x)
	# instead of normally typing
	# self.log('my_loss', loss,)
	# ...
	# self.log('my_accuracy',self.accuracy(preds, y))
	# instead type (preds, y) )


  • add histograms, embeddings and graphs
  • Tensorflow Support
  • ?????
  • profit