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767 lines (590 loc) Β· 21.3 KB

File metadata and controls

767 lines (590 loc) Β· 21.3 KB
title tags keywords desc update
markdown syntax
teedoc, markdown, syntax
teedoc, markdown, syntax
teedoc's markdown syntax introduction and examples
date version author content
Plugin v2.10.3
Metadata fully support yaml format
Support <code>update</code> meta key to generate update history table
Support customize header ID with <code>{#id}</code> syntax
Support <code>tabset</code> syntax
Support <code>details</code> syntax
Support subscript and superscript syntax

This article is a document written using Markdown, using the page effect generated by teedoc, the source code of Markdown file can be found here

Markdown using brief

The file placed under the document directory, if it is a recognized file, such as *.md, it will be converted to *.html, if it is not recognized, such as *.jpg, it will be copied intact into the output folder (out).

The default Markdown parsing is done by the plugin teedoc-plugin-markdown-parser, which is used by default in the template project.

If you need to link the documentation to the left directory, configure it in sidebar.json or sidebar.yaml.

If you have used Markdown, it is also highly recommended to spend 2 minutes browsing it!

Markdown basic content format

You need to confirm that a markdown parser plugin is enabled in site_config.json, such as teedoc-plugin-markdown-parser.

Create a folder or file in the directory corresponding to config.json, such as get_started/zh/syntax/ ( will eventually generate index.html), pay attention to use UTF- 8 file encoding (do not use Windows default Notepad), it is recommended to use vscode + Markdown Preview Enhanced plugin, the default file will be UTF-8 Encoding, if not, you can also click the encoding in the lower right corner and click the pop-up option Save with encoding and select UTF-8 to change the encoding. vscode_status_bar

Markdown metadata header

Each md file can add a header, also called metadata (metadata in Chinese). The article information is set through these key values, and the format is yaml format. Of course, this file header is optional, or you can Do not write

title: markdown syntax
tags: teedoc, markdown, syntax
keywords: teedoc, markdown, syntax
desc: teedoc's markdown syntax introduction and examples
id: zh_readme
class: zh_readme
draft: false
# Start with a # sign to indicate a comment
  • title: the title of the article, can be used if there is no metadata header
# Article title


article title
  • keywords: Keywords, multiple keywords separated by commas , will be added to the html header, which is convenient for search engines to crawl, and will not be displayed on the page. Can also be written in yaml list format
  - teedoc
  - markdown
  - grammar
  • desc: The page description will be added to the html header and will not be displayed on the page, which is convenient for search engines to crawl
  • tags: article tags, which will be displayed on the page. Multiple tags are separated by commas ,, or they can be written in the format of yaml list, same as keywords
  • id: The id of the page, which will be added to the html tag, such as <html id="zh_readme">...</html>, usually not needed, usually in a single page for a certain page It may be used when customizing css alone, it will override the settings in config.json
  • class: page class, separated by commas ,, can not be set, it will override the settings in config.json. For example, you can set the css style of a specific page by setting this value. For specific supported styles, see theme plugin documentation
  • layout: The layout template used by the page. By default, the configuration in the theme plugin will be used. If you need to customize the layout of this page, you can set this parameter. The path is relative to the path set by layout_root_dir in site_config, layout_root_dir defaults to layout, so to use layout/special_layout.html just fill in special_layout.html. For layout template syntax see layout documentation
  • date: the last update date, the format is 2022-09-15
    • If not set: The last modification time of the file will be used by default. If it is a git repository, it will automatically get the time of the last commit of the page from git. The system reads the last modified time (this is most likely inaccurate). In addition, if update is filled with a value, the latest modification date in update will be used
    • If you don't want to show the last modified date, disable it by setting the value to false
    • If the update value is set, the value in date will still be used first
  • update: update history, an update history table will be generated at the beginning of the article, format:
  - date: 2022-09-15
    author: author1
    version: 1.1.0
    content: updated xxx
  - date: 2022-08-05
    author: author2
    version: 1.0.0
    content: updated xxx
  • update_open: display update history or not, default true, set to false will collapse update history(supported by theme plugin)
  • draft: Whether it is a draft, the default is false. If set to true, this file will be ignored when generating the page.

Markdown content

The content is written in Markdown syntax, because the main title will be converted into a <h1> tag, so it is recommended to start with the second-level title in the content. Such a page has only one <h1> tag, which is convenient for search engines to crawl take, such as

title: teedoc

## Title one

content. . .

## title two

content. . .


Level 3 heading

Level 4 heading

Level 4 Heading 2

Level 4 Heading 3

Level 5 heading
Level 6 heading

Title custom id {#custom-id}

Here the custom id is custom-id

Up to level 6 headings

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown ### Level 3 heading

#### Level 4 heading

#### Level 4 Heading 2

#### Level 4 Heading 3

##### Level 5 heading

###### Level 6 heading

### Title custom id {#custom-id}
Here the custom `id` is `custom-id`

emphasis, italics, strikethrough

We only know that Earth has the environment for humans to live, and Mars, and maybe other planets.

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown We only know that **Earth** has the environment for humans to live, and ~~Mars~~, and maybe *other planets*.





relative path, file: ../, will be automatically converted to index.html relative path, md file: ./, will be converted to a link at the end of .html of the document absolute path, http file: https://. . . /beginner.ipynb, the original link, will not be modified relative path, ipynb file: ./syntax_jupyter.ipynb, will be converted to a link at the end of .html of the document

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand

[relative path, file](../
[relative path, md file](./
[absolute path, http file](
[relative path, ipynb file](./syntax_jupyter.ipynb)


List item:

  • steamed stuffed bun

  • Steamed bun

  • Tea eggs

  • aaaaaaa

    • Secondary list
    • Secondary list
    • Secondary list
      • Three-level list
      • Three-level list *bbbbbb

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown List item: * steamed stuffed bun * Steamed bun * Tea eggs

* aaaaaaa
  * Secondary list
  * Secondary list
  * Secondary list
    * Three-level list
    * Three-level list

code snippet

This is an inline code print("hello"), or emphasis teedoc


#include "stdio.h"

int main()
    printf("hello world");

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand

     This is an inline code `print("hello")`, or emphasis `teedoc`


       #include "stdio.h"

       int main()
           printf("hello world");

Comment (quote block)

Below is a note

Here is a comment (<blockquote></blockquote>) this is the second line of the comment

# Here is the code snippet in the comment

Notes comment nesting comment nesting

Use markdown syntax in block quotes

The quarterly results look great!

  • Revenue was off the chart.
  • Profits were higher than ever.

Everything is going according to plan.


.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand

     Below is a note
     > Here is a comment (`<blockquote></blockquote>`)
     > this is the second line of the comment
     # Here is the code snippet in the comment
     > Notes
     > comment nesting
     > comment nesting

     Use markdown syntax in block quotes

     > #### The quarterly results look great!
     > - Revenue was off the chart.
     > - Profits were higher than ever.
     > *Everything* is going according to **plan**.
     > ```c
     > printf("hello");
     > ```


The following is a warning message

! This is a warning message (<blockquote class="spoiler"></blockquote>)

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown >! This is a warning message (`<blockquote class="spoiler"></blockquote>`)


The emoji syntax is not currently supported, but you can directly copy the emoji from the emoji to the document, for example: 🍊 πŸ‡ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜… πŸ˜‡


H2O, y = x^2^

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown H~2~O, y = x^2^


Resource files will be copied to the output folder (out), so the most important thing is how to reference them in the documentation

  • The easiest and recommended method Use relative paths: Resource files can be placed in the corresponding directory of the document, such as document docs/get_started/zh, you can create docs/get_started/zh/assets/images/logo.png, Then use relative path references in docs/get_started/en/, i.e. ![](assets/images/logo.png)
  • Advanced method This situation is suitable for multiple documents referencing resources in the same folder (url), which is convenient for maintaining multiple documents, such as multilingual translation, or reducing CDN traffic consumption. Use resources outside the document path, configured in site_config.json
        "route": {
            "docs": {
                "/get_started/en/": "docs/get_started/en",
            "assets": {
                "/get_started/assets/": "docs/get_started/assets"
    This setting will copy the entire directory of docs/get_started/assets to /get_started/assets So just use relative path references in docs/get_started/en/, i.e. ![](../assets/images/logo.png)

To display this image, you need to set the route key in site_config.json

This is an image This is an image

This is an imageThis is an image

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown This is an image This is an image

![This is an image](../../assets/images/logo.png)![This is an image](../assets/images/logo.png)


Use the HTML video tag directly:

<video src="https://****.com/***.mp4" controls="controls" preload="auto">your brower not support play video</video>

There is no video here, so it is blank, put in the correct video and it can be played

iframe embedded web page

The code shared by the general video platform can be used directly, you can set the width and height slightly

<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen=" true" style="width:43vw;height:34vw;min-width: 85%;"> </iframe>

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand html <iframe src="//" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0" allowfullscreen=" true" style="width:43vw;height:34vw;min-width: 85%;"> </iframe>

quote mark

I can cook I am proud. [^ dry rice man]

[^ Dry Rice Man]: Lao Tzu said This will be annotated at the end of the article

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown I can cook I am proud. [^ dry rice man]

[^ Dry Rice Man]: Lao Tzu said
This will be annotated at the end of the article


Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1 Cell 2 link
Cell 3 Cell 4

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown | Header 1 | *Header* 2 | | -------- | -------- | | `Cell 1` | [Cell 2]( link | | Cell 3 | **Cell 4** |

task list

  • Mission 1
  • Mission 2
  • Mission 3
  • Mission 4

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown - [x] Mission 1 - [x] Mission 2 - [ ] Mission 3 - [ ] Mission 4

Title link (in-page jump)

For example, to jump to the title [iframe embedded web page] (#iframe-embedded web page), just

[iframe embedded web page](#iframe-embedded web page)

Here spaces are replaced with a minus sign -. In addition, if the title can also customize the id, such as

## iframe embedded web page {#iframe-embed}


You can write HTML directly in the md file:


.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand Note that there are no blank lines

<div class="hello">
hello <img src="../../assets/images/logo.png"/>


Supports tex and Latex syntax, as well as MathML tags

two spellings,

  • One is inline, wrap the equation with the $ symbol, such as

The mass-energy equation $E=mc^2$ is familiar to everyone, right?

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown The mass-energy equation $E=mc^2$ is familiar to everyone, right?

  • Another, block equation, wrap the equation with $$, such as

$$ E=mc^2 $$

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown $$ E=mc^2 $$

Other examples: common:

When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ and they are $$ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}. $$

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ and they are $$ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}. $$

Divide by:

$$ \require{enclose} \begin{array}{r} 13 \[-3pt] 4 \enclose{longdiv}{52} \[-3pt] \underline{4}\phantom{2} \[-3pt] 12 \[-3pt] \underline{12}\0 \end{array}\\ $$

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown $$ \require{enclose} \begin{array}{r} 13 \\[-3pt] 4 \enclose{longdiv}{52} \\[-3pt] \underline{4}\phantom{2} \\[-3pt] 12 \\[-3pt] \underline{12}\\0 \end{array}\\ $$


$$ \bbox[#cde, 3px,border:1px solid blue]{y=x^2-1} $$

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown $$ \bbox[#cde, 3px,border:1px solid blue]{y=x^2-1} $$

mermaid support

Use mermaid to draw many types of charts. For detailed syntax and support, please see official website

  Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
  loop Healthcheck
      John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
  Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
  John-->>Alice: Great!
  John->>Bob: How about you?
  Bob-->>John: Jolly good!

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand markdown mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good! Or directly html: html <div class="mermaid"> sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good! </div>

Tab page (tabset) support

Because it is not a standard Markdown syntax, currently only supported by teedoc, so choose to use it according to your needs Of course, generalization of the format to other parsers is also welcome


.. tabset::tab title (optional) :id: tabset1

## Label one

Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
  fun main() {
      println("Hello World")

## Label two

Content 2, you can use Markdown syntax
  public class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          System.out.println("Hello World");

When selecting a tag in a page, the corresponding tag in the tag page with the same id will be automatically selected, but not if the id is different or the id is not set.

.. tabset:: :id: tabset1

## Label one

Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
  fun main() {
      println("Hello World")

## Label two

Content 2, you can use Markdown syntax
  public class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          System.out.println("Hello World");

.. tabset::

## Label one

Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
  fun main() {
      println("Hello World")

## Label two

Content 2, you can use Markdown syntax
  public class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          System.out.println("Hello World");

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown Effect: (note that a blank line is required here) .. tabset::tab title (optional) :id: tabset1 (note that it must be aligned with the above tabset or more spaces) ## Label one

    Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
      fun main() {
          println("Hello World")

    ## Label two

    Content 2, you can use Markdown syntax
      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Hello World");

Details page (details) support

Because it is not a standard Markdown syntax, currently only supported by teedoc, so choose to use it according to your needs Of course, generalization of the format to other parsers is also welcome

This is a Markdown syntax for HTML5 details tags, HTML is written like this:

  <summary>Title, click to expand</summary>
  <div class="details-content">
    <p>This is the content</p>


.. details::Title, click to expand

Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
  fun main() {
      println("Hello World")

.. details:: title, expanded by default :open:true

Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
  fun main() {
      println("Hello World")

.. details::Markdown source code, click to expand ```markdown .. details::Title, click to expand

    Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
      fun main() {
          println("Hello World")

.. details:: title, expanded by default

    Content 1, you can use Markdown syntax
      fun main() {
          println("Hello World")