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Rudimentary web-midi monome.

The Gist

  • This is a pet project for learning about web midi ( as well as to check out mobx)
  • webOme is inspired (or rips off, whichever) the monome's form factor.
  • the webOme is intended to hook up to external synthesizers via USB midi, but can also be piped into a DAW using something like Mac's virtual IAC midi.
  • The MVP of the project is a simple grid based sequencer with access to external midi devices, tempo, scale, and key.
  • Future iterations of the project hope to mimic more monome patches that lend themselves to more unique midi sequencing. Such patches include Boingg, Flin, and perhaps a Game of Life based sequencer.

Back story

  • Monome's are neat. Once upon a time a kind friend leant me one for some time. Over that time I learned (or more so, fiddled) with getting a series of different patches working with the Monome. At the time, I was not a developer, and although still relatively technically savvy, I found it to be a fascinating instrument. I also spent more time fiddling and tinkering than making music. There's nothing wrong with that of course.
  • I thought creating a mock webOme would be fun for myself, but also hopefully for others who find such methods for music making intriguing. At the very least, I wanted something open source that could take inspiration from the monome / grid movement, and make it accessible anywhere / with external hardware.


Can I contribute?

Yes. The wiki will (eventually) have contribution guidelines.

Will this have x or y feature?

Maybe. Check out the wiki, or file an issue to make any requests.

Build Instructions

  • clone this repo!
  • npm install
  • npm run start


  • This application leverages create-react-app that has been ejected
  • State management will be handled by mobX.